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Why does Spring Security FilterChain process @Controller and @RestController requests differently

I have a Spring OAuth2-Client with the following filterChain: SecurityFilterChain defaultSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { return http ....
user28811040's user avatar
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How to use Spring Security 6.4.0 Passkeys with RedisHttpSessionRepository?

How can I configure Spring Boot 3.4.0 to store in RedisSessionRepository? I am using Spring Boot 3.4.0, Spring Security 6.4.0, and @EnableRedisHttpSession. I get ...
Justin Cranford's user avatar
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Prevent automatic Spring OAuth2 redirect

I am trying to follow along the Spring Boot OAuth2 example, which sadly seems to be a bit outdated. The article describes a simple Spring Boot application that outsources login to an OAuth 2.0 ...
Socrates's user avatar
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Getting spring login page for all oauth2 endpoints configured in java springboot

Hi I have configured java springboot OAuth2 Authorization server with default oauth2authorization server setting using OAuth2AuthorizationConfigurer class and oidc Customizer withDefault. Still i try ...
user28725746's user avatar
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SpringBoot security standard MFA sample does not work the way it should

I am new to spring boot security and trying to get this standard sample to work: servlet/spring-boot/java/authentication/username-password/mfa but both MfaApplicationTests as the MfaApplication don´t ...
Jan's user avatar
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How to customize AuthenticationManagers returned by JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver?

I'm interested in implementing custom logging, validation, and principal representation. OAuth2ResourceServerJwtConfiguration along with SecurityFilterChain allow for these customizations. However, I'...
confusedOctopus's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why OAUTH2 in spring security need to save access_token?

According to spring security, there is a service OAuth2AuthorizationService which has many implementations one of them is JdbcOAuth2AuthorizationService. This service saves token inside my db and the ...
Mohamed Ayman's user avatar
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Spring Security with Spring Session can't correctly find the session after application restart

I'm implementing Spring Security with Spring Session for my cloud based application. Everything works correctly, the integration with Spring Session as well. But if I restart my application (For ...
Mendi S's user avatar
-1 votes
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Getting refresh_token null in springboot3.3 using oauth2 google

I am using Spring boot 3.3 with below configuration Application.yaml :----- spring: security: oauth2: client: registration: google: client-id: xxxx client-secret: xx scope: profile, email, openid ...
Alok Mishra's user avatar
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problem starting a jhipster application with a dependency on camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter

Can you help me please? Following the generation of the jhipster application, I try to insert the dependency: org.camunda.bpm.springboot camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter 7.22.0 And when it starts I ...
user28640283's user avatar
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Spring auto redirect to auth/login but l want redirect to successful.html how l fix it

I have a registration form in register.html that sends a POST request to the /auth/register endpoint. After submitting the form, I want to redirect the user to successful.html instead of /auth/login . ...
range79's user avatar
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1 answer

Springboot Oauth2 Principal object

I use springboot3 with spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server. I can receive Jwt object using @AuthenticatedPrincipal in controller and I have access to jwt data in method access-control ...
Alexander  Vlasov's user avatar
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I can not login via using Spring Security form login

I am trying to implement form login using spring security and a custom login page. But I am getting LazyInitializationException during login. 2024-12-01T22:04:46.534+03:00 WARN 18068 --- [...
Batuhan Kertmen Student's user avatar
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1 answer

Failing JWT Authentication in spring with async requests

Hello everyone I wrote an api Backend in Spring and added jwt Authentication. The problem is that I wrote everything async and now the Authentication doesnt work with the async methodes. The token is ...
Luca Roverati's user avatar
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Java Spring Security Error :401 Unauthorized for token OAuth2 end point

I am beginner to Oauth and just trying on getting access token but everytime I get this error 401 unauthorised even though client credentials are correct package com.example.springbootdemo; import ...
Avantika Nagrale's user avatar
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1 answer

Spring authorization server latest version with PKCE + Angular SPA app 403 forbidden on oauth2/token

Security configuration @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public class SecurityConfig { @Bean @Order(1) public SecurityFilterChain authorizationServerSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) ...
San Jaisy's user avatar
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Using Spring OAuth2 Client but not for authentication

I want to connect multiple social accounts to one user profile without a social login. How can I do this with Spring? I thought I could use Spring's OAuth2 Login to do the Authorization Code Flow to ...
Murtaza Vohra's user avatar
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Spring authorization server + angular app + oidc-client.ts NoResourceFoundException: No static resource oauth2/authorize 404

I have the below client and security configuration using Spring authorization server build.gradle dependencies { implementation("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-oauth2-...
San Jaisy's user avatar
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Spring post request keeps saying: "Invalid username or password"

I'm trying to make a login system with Spring. Now the users are created with the hashed passwords and a token should be generated if the login is correct. I'm testing in Postman and I see that it's ...
Simon Wyns's user avatar
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Spring OAuth2 flow with azure-ad

Current setup: Frontend (Angular) Reverse Proxy (Nginx) BFF (Spring Gateway & Spring OAuth2 Client) IDP (Azure AD) Resource Server (Spring Resource Server) I'm currently stuck with the oauth2 ...
Matthias Kopeinigg's user avatar
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Empty issuer DN not allowed in X509Certificates

I am trying to implement Spring Security against Keycloak which is deployed on a local K3D cluster, configuration for which is given below: application.yml: spring: application: name: backend ...
Varun Khatri's user avatar
-1 votes
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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported configuration attributes

I have recently upgraded Java to Java 11 and Spring and Spring Security to 5.3.19 and 5.3.0 respectively. The project is successfully compiled and built. However, when I try to run the program , I get ...
اریا فلاح's user avatar
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After sending an authentication request to Spring Security, the same form is returned due to incorrect data, although the data is correct

Authentication is done by custom fields. But the type of one of the fields (pin) matches the field type that UserDetails requires, and the other field (phoneNumber) is of type Long, not String like ...
grokde's user avatar
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Spring security web config is not working properly

My previous project had same spring security just different apis but in my new project with same pom.xml dependencies, java/spring version it doesnt work. @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity public ...
Neo java owns you's user avatar
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Validate saml2 login response inside controller using spring security

I am trying to implement spring security in our exsisting project. Currently we are using Openam for saml authentication. The current architecture is we are triggering the saml authentication requests ...
Sasirekha Kumaran's user avatar
-1 votes
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Forbidden Error when I include @Async to a method

I am relatively new to java and was working on a personal project of mine. I was successfully able to build it synchoronously. Just for learning more I wanted to start making it asynchronous. It's an ...
devan5hu's user avatar
-1 votes
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Spring Security default login page not working

I am working through Spring in Action Sixth Edition, currently on chapter 8 which deals with OAuth2 authorization. I was told to create a new Spring Boot project and access a specific URL in the ...
BeefJoerky's user avatar
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1 answer

Skip Custom JWT Filter for /api/auth/signin while Using permitAll()

I'm using Spring Security 6 with a custom JwtAuthenticationFilter to handle JWT-based authentication for my API. However, despite using .permitAll() for the /api/auth/signin endpoint, the custom ...
Bharath's user avatar
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Spring Authorization Server - Possibility for extended features

While integrating Spring Authorization Server in my system for the oauth2 basic workflow, i found myself in potential situations regarding the future extensions for this. Is any of the following ...
loredon's user avatar
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Spring Authorization Starter Server OIDC Logout endpoint issue

I have the following workflow: Authorization Server with Spring Boot Authorization Starter Gateway Client with Spring Cloud Gateway and Ouath2 Client dependencies Couple of Resource Servers Front End ...
loredon's user avatar
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Spring-security-ldap fails to authenticate non-administrative users using active directory LDAP

Good morning, in the past I have developed applications in Node.js using the activedirectory and activedirectory2 modules, and with both modules, the webapps can authenticate users using the AD LDAP. ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Upgrading from Spring Framework 5 to 6 (Spring Security 5.7.2 to 6.3.4)

I'm currently migrating my application to Spring Framework 6, which required updating the javax namespace to jakarta. While most components seem to be working, I’m facing an issue specifically with ...
Mandeep Y's user avatar
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Spring SwitchUserFilter sees no existing authentication

I’ve got the whole impersonation setup: filter, authentication, the works. This is a Vaadin application based on SpringBoot. @Bean public SwitchUserFilter switchUserFilter() { ...
tbeernot's user avatar
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Spring Security with Spring Exception Handling

Thanks for your help. I am currently working with Spring Boot and Spring Security. My issue is that a MethodArgumentNotValidException is thrown due to validation violations in the JSON of the request. ...
HJH's user avatar
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How to Use Awaitility with Authentication Context in Spring Boot Integration Tests?

I'm facing an issue with using Awaitility in my Spring Boot integration tests. My setup involves setting an authentication context in the test before executing a piece of code that I want to verify ...
user1552545's user avatar
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Spring Security: at which point/filter the URL changes to redirect URL with Oauth2 flow

I have this config: @EnableWebSecurity @Configuration @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true, securedEnabled = true, jsr250Enabled = true) public class SecurityConfig { @Bean ...
parsecer's user avatar
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2 answers

Spring Authorization Server without redirecting URLs for CURL access

This is my setup. I have a kong community server running as a gateway and all sort of different clients to access resource services via routes in the backend. To unify the authentification (that all ...
Otis Ottington's user avatar
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How to save a webauthn passkey in jdbc database?

With the latest Spring-Security version (6.4.0-RC1) it is now possible to register passkeys and log in with them. You can simply implement them by configuring the as described here....
atnt's user avatar
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OAuth2 with Discord: OAuth2AuthorizationRequestRedirectFilter and OAuth2LoginAuthenticationFilter are stuck in a loop. requiresAuthentication is false

I'm trying to use Oauth2 with Discord as a provider. I have this configuration: @EnableWebSecurity @Configuration @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true, securedEnabled = true, ...
parsecer's user avatar
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Spring Boot + Keycloak Policy Enforcer: Handling 401 for Missing Token Before 403

I'm using Spring Boot as a resource server with Keycloak for authentication and authorization. My setup includes spring-oauth2-resource-server for handling JWT tokens and keycloak-policy-enforcer for ...
Naqib Ali 's user avatar
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Spring vulnerability issue

I am using spring boot 3.2.5 and in theeadfix scan it is showing vulnerable, so I have upgraded to 3.2.11 because other versions are showing vulnerabilities. When I upgraded to 3.2.11, it is ...
venky jillella's user avatar
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Saml Logout response is not getting generated

I am trying to implement saml2 using spring-security-saml2-service-provider. I am using version 6.3.3. I only have controllers in my application. I am able to do the login properly. But when I want to ...
Sasirekha Kumaran's user avatar
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Spring Security Oauth2 Token Introspection

When I'm issued a new jwt access token from the Spring security Authorization server, its always evaluated as active false by the Spring Security /oauth2/introspect endpoint, even though when decoded ...
To O's user avatar
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Spring Security Oauth2 Access Token in ReactJS client

What would be the best way to store JWT access tokens received from the Spring Security Authorization server in a ReactJS client? I didnt find anywhere in the documentation whether its possible to ...
To O's user avatar
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Spring security - Wrong password after a couple days of uptime

I am facing a strange problem. My Spring boot 2 application always have login issues after a couple days uptime. If I restart the server then it started working, after a couple of days, it always ...
The MW's user avatar
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built-in Spring Security authorization form

I am doing registration and user login on the site in java, Spring Security, Spring boot and the problem arose is that when I log in to localhost:8080/login, the standard form from Spring Security ...
Faer Bot's user avatar
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Custom Authenticationfilter authentication successful but not logged in

I am using spring boot with hilla and I am trying to implement a custom login since the Form based login doesnt suit my goal. I've created an AuthenticationProvider, AuthenticationFilter and added ...
Sili Cat's user avatar
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Spring Security - Unrestricted Access on Unauthenticated Endpoints in Custom Role-Based Authorization

I'm trying to configure Spring Security to restrict access to endpoints based on roles defined in my application.yml file. I have specified some open paths that should be publicly accessible, while ...
Bertug's user avatar
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Still receiving 403 error after Spring Security login

I am learning spring and and I am learning traditional user / password authentication with Spring Security. Currently, I'm using my own login page. In my controller, I am able to verify the users ...
Nick's user avatar
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AuthorizationHeader is empty in Waffle after update to Spring Boot 3

We use Waffle in our Vaadin app. I have debugged the source code for Waffle. request.getHeader("Authorization"); is called on line 61 in the Waffle-class AuthorizationHeader. This returns ...
Eyvind Almqvist's user avatar

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