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How to update a label control in Spotfire with a matched data table column value when a drop-down filter control changes?

I have a Spotfire data table that looks like this: site_id site_name ABC123 Site Name 1 DEF456 Site Name 2 GHI789 Site Name 3 ... ... There are about 1,500 rows in this data table. I also have a ...
Captain27's user avatar
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Spotfire Counter for values in visualisation >0

I am building a Spotfire page which displays averages over a large dataset, but when pulling in a large amount of data there are some values which are 0. this is not the issue as the dataset is based ...
iain's user avatar
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Replace double quotes with blank space in Tibco Spotfire

I am trying to remove the double quote in a column and replace with blank space in spotfire calculated column using below formula `` RXReplace([mycolumn], "\"", "") `` I am ...
ParthaSarathi's user avatar
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Earlier and Latest date of two columns

I am analyzing some data that has two DateTime columns indicating the date of starting production of different products for a facility. So the data looks like this: FacilityID, DateStart Product1, ...
Luis Garcia's user avatar
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How to assign different filters to each chart on a single dashboard in Spotfire Analyst

I'm using Spotfire analyst 14.0.2 HF-008. I have a single dashboard with different charts created. I want to use a different filtering scheme for each chart. How do I do this?
RightmireM's user avatar
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Remove titles from spotfire legend

Using Spotfire Analyst 14. I have a chart onto which I've added some lines (Avg, Std Deviations, trend.) I have those lines showing on the legend, but each is prefixed with a title, or header. I.e. ...
RightmireM's user avatar
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Why is there so much useless space on Spotfire's X-axis labels?

Using Spotfire analyst 14 I have two charts, both with the Y-axis being numeric, the X-axis is datetime. Both charts use the same data columns and stack on top of one another. The top chart is a line ...
RightmireM's user avatar
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Spotfire's "~=" not matching wildcard characters

Using Spotfire Alanyst 14.0.3 I'm in the Data Canvas adding a filter via the "Add transformation" feature. When I use the filter expression ... [customdata_name]~='Binary Pump : 1 : ...
RightmireM's user avatar
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Filter organization does not carry over to new dashboard tabs

Using Spotfire Analyst 14.0.1 HF-004 I had created a dashboard and enabled filters. I added the filters to a filter schema, and organized the filters into nice groups. When I create a new dashboard ...
RightmireM's user avatar
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Bar chart label to show percent percent of bin's count versus total rows

Using Spotfire analyst 14.0.1 HF 004 There's 207481 rows of data total. I have a bar chart showing the number of row counts with a custom binning. I.e. x-axis = BinBySpecificLimits([peak_symmetry],1,2,...
RightmireM's user avatar
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Spotfire - Issue with "Average Over LastPeriods" when using "Color by"

On a stack Bar Charts I want to visualize the average amount spent per category over the 6 previous months. My data is structure this way : Month Category Amount March 2024 Rent 520 March 2024 Food ...
Jerome's user avatar
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Is there any way of filtering out header values of one data table based on header values in another in Spotfire?

Say I have a data table (DT1) whose contents are of the form : Head1, Head2, Head3, Head4 Data.... Data.... Data.... And in another data table (DT2) whose contents are of the form : A, A, B, A (Equal ...
Rishi's user avatar
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IronPython Spotfre: Set Listbox Filter Values from user input of Table Name

I am new to ironPython Scripting and I am trying the do the following. I page in Spotfire and I created a document property input field and a listbox filter All I am trying to do is, based on the ...
Dark Knight's user avatar
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spotfire ironpython : undo add rows / undo replace values

I'm working on a spotfire script to build up a data table row by row from a data table each time I press a button. At the same time I'm replacing values in the data table. The newly generated table is ...
dogfrog's user avatar
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How to sum these volumes, per group?

i am working with spotfire and i need some help. I am trying to sum these volumes for each lot but since i have more than one row for each lot, it is summing all the volumes (which is wrong, i only ...
Carlos's user avatar
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How to collect Updated Records In Spotfire

"In Spotfire, what fields are updating every day, and how can I collect only the information for those updated records?" as Example: (Latest Data = Present Data-Previous Data) (Need day to ...
Raghu C's user avatar
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Cumulative sum avoiding "0" data

I am trying create a calculated cumulative production column and trying to avoid zeros so the line on cum-time plot do not appear flat and is smoother. For example cum oil entrees for month 1 and 2 ...
A7221's user avatar
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Spotfire : Load already created pickle file from data function in spotfire

Has anyone tried calling in a pickle file already created from spotfire's data function? There is too little information about using pickle file from data function. If anyone has used it, please ...
Yuriel's user avatar
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Export Spotfire to Powerpoint in Python

I've found a ironpython script that supposedly works and exports Spotfire visualizations to a Powerpoint presentation: import clr import spotfire clr.AddReference("System.IO") clr....
Mattia Sferrazza's user avatar
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How to get list of user having access to TIBCO Spotfire report?

Kindly suggest a rough idea to implement this : We have close to 40 TIBCO Spotfire reports and all reports have dedicated ACTIVE DIRECTORY(AD GROUP) to restrict the users to access it . Now we want to ...
Teju MB's user avatar
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Spotfire user dashboard

I am trying to generate a dashboard to display number of users vs dashboards user accessed. Checked user table and can see the last login details of the user.
Z_AK's user avatar
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Partially marking dependent crosstable spotfire

I have the pie chart & need to create crosstable based on marking but it should connect marking with only one column & other columns in crosstable should show all the data from main table ...
user21558490's user avatar
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Sportfire cross table coloring scheme

I have a cross table with programs on y axis, activities on x axis and I am displaying dates in the cross table. I want to color the cells (dates) based on values from a different column in the data ...
Aakruti Sanjeev's user avatar
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Spotfire non-editable button

I am sort of new to Spotfire. There is feedback button in a dashboard I am working on, and I am trying to edit that button, but I can't find the option anywhere. The button also gets created ...
Manoj Kandel's user avatar
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I want to know how to calculate percentage difference , month against same month for adjacent years in Spotfire

I want to calculate percentage difference ,month against same month for adjacent years in Spotfire. I want to calculate percentage difference ,month against same month for adjacent years in Spotfire....
Mompoloki Kgosiemang's user avatar
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Spotfire: Filtering table to get one record from each group

I have the following table: UWI FORM SOURCE MD 123 BRAIDED DRR 100 123 BRAIDED ERK 150 123 BRAIDED KPB 200 123 TUSCHER DRR 300 123 TUSCHER MDB 350 123 TUSCHER KPB 375 456 BRAIDED DRR 150 456 ...
Heather's user avatar
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Spotfire 11.3: Compare column value to previous row

I have a table of data in Spotfire, and I'm trying to create a calculated column that compares the Top Depth in a row to the Top Depth in the previous row (rounded to the second decimal). I've ...
Heather's user avatar
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Spotfire: Calculate timestamp difference between two dates during working days and hours (8-17)

I have tried to use datediff however it only gives the hour difference between two dates. I would like to receive only the hours that are during the working days and working hours. Example provided ...
Spotfire_new's user avatar
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Calculate difference from previous week in Spotfire cross table

I want to calculate the difference from present to previous week in Spotfire cross table. Difference I want to calculate is the cumulative difference between present to previous week (Newly Added in ...
ParthaSarathi's user avatar
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Median calculation with condition

I am calculating median in spotfire using median function with condition if calculated median value is not one of the numbers from which median was calculated then the median should be the next large ...
Alph's user avatar
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Spotfire calculate difference with respect to previous row value

I have a data as below. I have created column "difference in values" manually, the calculation is value at 8:15 AM - value at 8:00 AM which is 2 in second row and so on for all values of ...
Tushar Lohit's user avatar
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Spotfire Ironpython - Update a document property based on selection of another document property in drop down list

I am trying to make a complex data condition where the filter should be applied only if a property value is set for the logic. In the below screenshot, I am trying to set a condition where if the ...
Akash's user avatar
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How to use Spotfire Dense Rank function in R and How to Implement it R? [duplicate]

I need to calculate Dense Rank in R, like we use in Spotfire. I tried rank() function in R But thats not worked. For This you can consider below Data Frame which have 5 columns such as City, Region, ...
Mahesh Kulkarni's user avatar
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i have a kpi depending on a property setting (check-box). Then in the check-box list i have two different value: a, b (corresponding to the values in column propertycolumn). Depending on this value i ...
Fabvar's user avatar
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Sort and Check whether the previous value is null in spotfire

I want to apply this logic in spotfire - If the current cell in InReworkFlag is null and previous cell is also null then it's 'REWORK'. I have to do this after sorting based on the date time column. ...
JSVJ's user avatar
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Calculate new Column using date

I'm starting with spotfire, I have a dataconector which contains the following columns, I would like to create a new column which indicates if an object found in an 'LSTOR' device is found at a later ...
Amenay Khial's user avatar
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Spotfire Dense rank sorting via custom expression

I am working with a dataset in Spotfire that has several replicates of multiple test articles being run through several sets of conditions, with a single final readout column. i.e. Example Table In ...
Antonio Volpini's user avatar
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Translate below Rank() Spotfire expression into Dax query

How to convert the below Spotfire expression into a DAX query? Rank(RowId(),"asc",[ACT_ID],[REPORT_END],[ACTIVITY_END_DATE]
Shivani Nimbalkar's user avatar
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Tibco Spotfire, Tibco Analyst/ TDV connectivity to Azure Data Lake

Tibco spotfire is good for dashboards, but can't see any Azure data-source adapters in TDV, Anyway to seamless connect Azure with Spotfire for realtime dashboards, perhaps without synapse !?
Denize's user avatar
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custom sort of Real numbers in spotfire

Could anyone help me on how to custom sort on real numbers in spotfire 7.11. This is my data before sorting (I can implement this in excel but not in spotfire): A B C 1 3 1 2 4 2 3 2 3 ...
JSVJ's user avatar
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Calculate percentage difference in spotfire from previous values

I have a dataset with 2 types of vendors and each week contains different colors. My requirement is to calculate the percentage difference of the particular color for the particular vendor from ...
JSVJ's user avatar
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How to get Infromation Link query from Spotfire Library Database

I am new to Tibco Spotfire and I am working on a query to retrieve the query used by/generated by Spotfire while designing an information link. I have access to the Library DB which saves the metadata ...
kunal kavthekar's user avatar
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How to extract text from a string between where there are multiple entires that meet the criteria and return all values

This is an exmaple of the string, and it can be longer 1160752 Meranji Oil Sats -Mt(MA) (000600007056 0001), PE:Toolachee Gas Sats -Mt(MA) (000600007070 0003)GL: Contract Services (510000), COT: ...
cazza1502's user avatar
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Spotfire - Create a KPI based on a Calculated column condition

I have a table like so: Project Task Completion P1 Scheduling 20/01/2021 P1 Filing ...
toothsie's user avatar
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Spotfire to Power Query

I am converting a Spotfire report to Power BI and am stuck with one of the calculated column. I have the below calculation in Spotfire: when ([Target Date]>=DateAdd("day",-DayOfWeek(...
Priyanka2304's user avatar
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Spotfire Cross Table Colours

I am looking to colour the column and row headers of a cross table in Spotfire. Currently Spotfire doesn't allow this, but wanted to check if this was possible through CSS/HTML? Thanks!
KieferShutts's user avatar
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Custom expression in Icon Settings based on two other columns

I have created a graphical table in spotfire I have columns 'Group', 'Score', 'Pass/Fail' I want to setup Alert Icon(Pass/Fail column) red or green circle base on Score. But pass-fail criteria is ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Spotfire - count a status change

And is it possible in Spotfire to use a calculated field to count a status change every time it changes from 0 to 1? e.g. if (previous row = 0 and current line =1, sum, else empty)
Eduardo Azevedo's user avatar
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Sportfire to Power BI Graph

I am trying to replicate a report created in Spotfire into Power BI. I am stuck with one of the visuals. Any work around or idea will be appreciated. I tried creating this chart in Power BI into a ...
Priyanka2304's user avatar
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TIBCO Spotfire expressions : How to rename a group of nest columns into new names

I have Bar chart with values colored by 2 different filters. What I need is to rename each combination of the 2 filters into just one name. i tried to write it with CASE expression but with no luck. ...
Osama Waly's user avatar