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Unpivot snowflake table with pivot column alias

I got the following example of how to unpivot Snowflake tables: SELECT * FROM monthly_sales UNPIVOT (sales FOR month IN (jan, feb, mar, apr)) ORDER BY empid; This is very nice, but I need the ...
HuLu ViCa's user avatar
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how to find year_month_date from a string in snowflake

I am using snowflake to get some data. I have one requirement that i want to extract year_month_day from a string. a string would be 'IN_2001_02_23_guid' and I want to extract 20010223 from this ...
Saloni's user avatar
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Extract Data from an API and load it in to snowflake as table and finally connect those tables to power bi for visualiztion

I want to use this api documentation from this link I want to store that data as snwoflake table Step1: I was able to extract data for all the profiles in the url i....
Balakrishna Peram's user avatar
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Unable to perform BulkInsert of records into snowflake tables

public async Task<int> BulkInsertAsync<T>(string tableName, IEnumerable<T> data, int batchSize = 1000) { int totalRowsAffected = 0; var batches = data.Batch(batchSize); ...
Kusum's user avatar
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Snowpark filter function does not work correctly

I am trying to filter a Snowpark df with string value. But end result numbers are nonsense. my_df = my_df.withColumn("MY_COLUMN", trim(F.col("MY_COLUMN"))) my_df.groupBy(F.col(&...
yagmurkoksal's user avatar
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Is it possible to know last time a Row was updated in a table or view in Snowflake?

I’m working on an implementation of a view in Snowflake. I want to know when was the last time that a single row was updated. Is there a column from Snowflake or maybe a way to do that? For example. I ...
Allanh's user avatar
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How to revoke warehouse priviledge for role in Snowflake

I am trying to run query while selecting role AP_KPO_ANL with warehouse OP_WH. But now i created another new warehouse and grant role access to this new warehouse. Now i want to revoke access for ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Issue in getting snowflake view definition

Is there a way to get view definitions from snowflake DB, I am trying the following options. USE DADATABSE <<DBNAME>> USE SCHEMA <<SCHEMANAME>> SHOW VIEWS; I need only "...
user2601350's user avatar
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Getting error while connecting Tableau desktop with Snowflake server

I am trying to connect to the Snowflake server via Tableau desktop using the role RO. While pulling a table from the Snowflake server I am getting the below error: Unable to complete action Invalid ...
Surabhi Surabhi's user avatar
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Trying to create a stored procedure in snowflake but unable to execute the procedure

I have created two tables Sales_Data and Vendor_type and a view Sales_Summary and a stored procedure. When calling the query I am getting this error: Error: 'STATEMENT_ERROR' on line 3 at position 4 :...
saicharan yvvs's user avatar
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Snowflake query to aggregate data using pivot values

I have the following table with array values in rows which needs to be aggregated using different timestamp level in snowflake Bill_id BillStarttime Bill_Submitted Billpaid Billpaidtime ...
Senthil's user avatar
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How to read the schema of the delta table in snowflake

In snowflake I want to understand, if there is a possibility to get the schema (column names and dataype) of the delta tables in ADLS. I 'm trying to create a DDL structure ICEBERG Table, and DDL view ...
Tharun's user avatar
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Extracting and Joining Variable-Length Account Numbers from Unstructured Strings using Snowflake

Problem: I have two tables in Snowflake: a dimension table with account information and a fact table where the account numbers are embedded as part of a string in a PARAM_VALUE column of type string. ...
Koushur's user avatar
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How to implement Snowflake streams in Snowflake native app

I am trying to implement a stream in Snowflake native app to the CDC on the consumer's table, which I got it with reference variable from manifest.yml file. I am trying to create a stream as follows: ...
Sai Srujan's user avatar
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3 answers

Preceding rows sum and subtraction using SQL

I have the following dataset which I'm trying to create SQL to generate the FEE column. CUSTOMER YEAR MONTH REVENUE FEE NOTES CUSTOMER A FY24 1 0 0 CUSTOMER A FY24 2 0 0 CUSTOMER A FY24 3 0 0 ...
schone's user avatar
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How to get Future Grants over Schema in Snowflake?

I have a use case where I need to check for FUTURE grants on an input database and schema. If FUTURE grants are found and not match with Input Role then I want to revoke them and then assign the ...
Nikhil Suthar's user avatar
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Snowflake sproc for handling dynamic files

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE create_table_from_csv(file_name STRING, target_table STRING) RETURNS STRING LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT EXECUTE AS CALLER AS $$ // Step 1: Create a temporary table to get the ...
Andy's user avatar
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Can we add additional columns to copyinto command while schema evolution is enabled

Is there any restrictions to add additional columns to copyinto command while schema evolution is enabled. This is in addition to INCLUDE_METADATA columns as provided by snowflake i.e.,fields like ...
ADom's user avatar
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How to get the parent Query Id and root Id in Snowflake?

I have written a script that retrieves the status of all procedures, including any child procedures executed within a parent procedure. The script works correctly when all child procedures complete ...
Nikhil Suthar's user avatar
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How to transpose these extra job_title rows into their own columns?

software im using is snowflake I have a table of an employees job assignments with the company. They can hold multiple jobs actively at once (null in end_date). I'd like to consolidate this into 1 row:...
NidenK's user avatar
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snowflake recursive query output

Here is my sample data table : create or replace table test_case ( col_a string, col_b string, match_flag string); insert into test_case (col_a, col_b, match_flag) values ('a', 'b', 'Y'), ('b', 'c', '...
RajData's user avatar
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Snowflake - Querying JSON

I need some help in getting this JSON file ingested in Snowflake so I can make queries on it: { "kind": "youtube#videoCategoryListResponse", "etag": "...
Russian_Lasagane's user avatar
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Debezium Oracle connectors - how can I ignore/skip certain columns from the Oracle tables when creating Kafka messages

I have a set of tables in Oracle, each with the same columns. I want to move this data from Oracle to Snowflake using Kafka streams. One of the columns is a BLOB. I do not need this column in ...
Vladimirovich's user avatar
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Snowflake String Match

Column A cat, dog, horse monkey, donkey cat, tree I need a way to return me the rows which matches the string 'cat|ball|tree'. Here my expected output is TRUE for first and third row and false for ...
Biplov Karna's user avatar
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Unloading Snowflake table data from an EMPTY table into S3 in Parquet format

I am running copy jobs from snowflake tables to S3, and few of the tables are empty. Is there a way to generate an empty parquet file for these tables? Below is the COPY command: COPY INTO @...
Awaise Ahmed's user avatar
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Skipping Order if Older order is present

I need help with item # 3. Skip duplicate orders Skip cancelled orders Skip order if an older order is present In the given data, we need to: skip id # 2, skip id # 3 or 4. skip id # 5 (as it ...
BeginnerDeveloper's user avatar
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Insert row of default values into table

I need to insert just 1 row of default values into a Snowflake table. I know the following command works on other types of databases: INSERT INTO my_table DEFAULT VALUES Is there an equivalent in ...
John Roberts's user avatar
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Generating a single result set from multiple tables dynamically in Snowflake

I am trying to get a result set with 2 columns from snowflake using dynamic SQL, this is read from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA_TABLES metadata. I simply want the (TABLE_NAME, PUB_DATE) columns for all ...
Lenny D's user avatar
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how to get history of the snowflake table and how to get what is the version of the snowflake table and operation of the snowflake table as well

select max(timestamp) from (DESCRIBE HISTORY <tablename> ) where operation = 'MERGE' DESCRIBE HISTORY <tablename> ).orderBy(col("version").desc).first.getLong(0) I need to ...
Ammireddy Supraja's user avatar
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Limit a user/role to not see the list of other users through snow sight - Users and Role section

Is there a way we can limit a user or a role to not see the list of other users through snow sight - Users and Role section. Also, is there a way we can limit user to not have Public Role and only ...
Gaurab Pathak's user avatar
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Iterating through tables/columns in snowflake schema to find text value only working sometimes?

I am working within a snowflake DB schema that has about 200 tables and I need to figure out which table has a specific row-level value within a column. Looking for any table that contains a value = &...
NidenK's user avatar
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unable to connect flyway to snowflake using user and key pair authentication

I'm trying to migrate DB objects(tables, views, procedures, etc) from dev to other regions using flyway. I'm currently using flyway 10.15.2 version and trying to connect to snowflake via key pair ...
Sathish Kumar's user avatar
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Group records on multiple columns in snowflake

Need to group records from following below sample input data on based on state,card number,card type, origin, method of payment, sales amount so that all records belonging to same group will be ...
Pratik's user avatar
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Dynamically lateral flatten in Snowflake

{ "explosives_UG":{ "isCritical": false, "value": "N/A" }, "explosivesUG": { "comment": "Test 619 313", "...
user1526892's user avatar
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Snowflake - Lateral flatten

{ "area": { "id": "TEST1" "value": "TEST1" }, { "testcom": { "conditions": [ { "assignedto&...
user1526892's user avatar
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Snowflake Unsupported subquery type cannot be evaluated in UDF

I am trying to create a function that will take an h3id as input and returns the zip5 which the h3id belongs to, In order to do so I have created this UDF: CREATE FUNCTION get_zip_from_h3(h3_id ...
BMX_01's user avatar
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how to add Interval time in snowflake using a parameter

We have a use case where user will provide starttime, endtime, and Interval as parameters. and we need to pass these parameters to view logic where we have business logic, But the Interval function is ...
Raghu's user avatar
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Issue in connecting to snowflake when implementing SchemChange CICD approach

I'm trying to implement the schemachnage cicd approach using github workflows to migrate to different environments (test/prd). Below is my yaml file code. But it is not working as intended? I checked ...
Tharun's user avatar
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How to programmatically select a specific schema in Snowpark within a Snowsight Python worksheet?

While writing the Snowpark code in a Snowsight Python worksheet, how can I select a specific schema? I know I can manually select it using the UI, but I want to select it programmatically. import ...
Rakesh_IND's user avatar
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Snowflake sequence issue

I'm trying to create a sequence into Snowflake for a table ID, I need it to increase 1 by 1 (1,2,3,4,...), how ever when I create it and try sequence.nextval it increases (1,101,201,301...) and I don'...
cristian ortega's user avatar
3 votes
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Restore the data from the table recreated multiple times in snowflake

I had an issue when someone from my team recreated the table more than once using CREATE OR REPLACE as there were some new fields that had to be added. However, instead of adding a column using ALTER ...
eavom's user avatar
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how to test if row values in source when taken as columns in target

I have a source table like below, ID Column value 1 apple 10 1 apple 8 1 banana 9 1 banana 12 I have a target table like below, ID apple banana 1 10 9 1 8 12 How do I test/verify this using ...
testenthu's user avatar
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Simplifying Eliminating Duplicate Columns SQL

I have the following code: update tble set offer_id_02 = offer_id_03, offer_id_03 = offer_id_04, offer_id_04 = offer_id_05, offer_id_05 = offer_id_06, offer_id_06 = offer_id_07, offer_id_07 = ...
Michael Norman's user avatar
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Alternative to st.file_uploader Snowflake Streamlit

I'm working on developing an app using Streamlit where users can upload a CSV file and insert it into a table or display its contents . I've attempted to use st.file_uploader, but it seems to be ...
Xi12's user avatar
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Snowflake error : Numeric value '(501.00)' is not recognized

I have a large dataset, about 600 columns. There is a lot of casting happening to get things formatted properly. I am currently getting an error like this: Numeric value '(501.00)' is not recognized. ...
vinay kumar's user avatar
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SQL weekending date calculation

I have a set of data which has some dates of the week. I need to extract the next Friday date from the data and if the date is already on Friday then print the same date. I have tried multiple sources ...
Rohit Bansal's user avatar
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What is the version compatibility of spring boot 2.6.0 and snowflake-jdbc driver?

I need to upgrade the snowflake jdbc driver in my spring boot 2.6.0 application. I not able to find which snowflake jdbc driver version is most compatible for spring boot 2.6.0 version .Any help or ...
manoj pandey's user avatar
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How to use argument as a value inside snowflake SQL function?

I'm trying to create a SQL function like below, I was passing databasename, schemaname and table name as input. I was not able to use the input database name for the information_schema below is my ...
Tharun's user avatar
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Snowflake warehouse access issue inside stored procedure

I have written a stored procedure that runs multiple queries with select and show keywords. This stored procedure executes as the caller. This is a sample query that I am running: sq := 'SHOW FUTURE ...
Nikhil Suthar's user avatar
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SSRS toggle filter based on a parameter value

I am using Power Bi report builder that is running off a Power Bi data model so I am quite limited to putting all this fixes in a Stored Proc. I have the following req :- If @Param1 = Y then School no....
user2685388's user avatar

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