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-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to flip a Smart TV so the application displaying is in vertical?

I'm coding an SmartTv app with Tizen and i need that the display info its on vertical, meaning that the TV is not horizontal but vertical, so is there a way to code so when the app launches it doesn't ...
user5389972's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to style my reactjs app running on chrome FreeBSD 23 ?

I am trying to run my reactjs app on Panasonic Vierra Smart Tv browser. I am able to load the webpage after importing core-js and babel-polyfill, but the UI is out of place. The styling is not working ...
Yadynesh Desai's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Disable Spatial Navigation

I develop smart tv project on Opera TV. Can I disable spatial navigation in my project? Because I create method for control app by javascript and when I navigate app, my method in JS and spatial ...
vvkungx's user avatar
  • 119
4 votes
1 answer

Hovering Effect on Vizio Smart TV Application

In Vizio Smart TV app is showing a strange hover which is moving when a key is pressed. The desired key press functionality is not working properly whereas it seems Vizio's own hovering and navigation ...
Vikas's user avatar
  • 419
0 votes
2 answers

CSS upscale all elements

I have a CSS file associated with a project where all element sizes and offsets (eg images and fonts) are defined using px values. These px values are based on the target platform having a fixed ...
user2337247's user avatar
83 votes
3 answers

Resetting the opacity of a child element - Maple Browser (Samsung TV App)

I have an issue with creating a transparent element which has a child element. Using this code the child element gets the opacity value from the parent element. I need to reset/set the child's ...
GibboK's user avatar
  • 73.8k
2 votes
2 answers

CSS Style in Samsung Smart TV App

Hi am new to Samsung Smart TV App, I want to create some rich user interface with CSS and Javascript. I think Twitter Bootstrap is a good choice for this. But i cannot use bootstrap's class ...
Hackableweb's user avatar