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Silverlight XAMLParserException while trying to apply Styles

I was in the process of Migrating my application from Silverlight 3 to Silverlight 5. I understood from the developer forums that Silverlight 5 XAML parser is very strict. I was encountering the ...
vijaysylvester's user avatar
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How can we handle Null Values while Binding data to Text block in Windows phone

Hear i Have a confusion while Binding the data to Text Block in Windows phone I have Text Block <TextBlock Name="strytxt" Text="{Binding STORY}" Height="auto" ...
Satti's user avatar
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How to set default datatype

I have an ItemsControl in which all the items except the type AType should have the same view. How could I do that? I've tried object as DataType but it is forbidden (there is simplified example ...
Alexander Molodih's user avatar
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Silverlight works in IE, blank page in other browsers

I am new to SilverLight and I am trying to replicate a simple example from the book "Pro Silverlight 5 in C#" by Matthew MacDonald. I am using VS2012 to create Silverlight 5 application. When I run ...
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Giving a specific style to DataGrid element (implicitly)

I'm trying implicitly apply a style for DataGrid and TextBlocks. For TextBlock's ForeGround I need White color. For DataGrid's rows I need Black Color. Beside this I need White again for DataGrid's ...
Davut Gürbüz's user avatar
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"The tag 'MenuItem' does not exist in XML namespace 'clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls;assembly=System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit'" error

I'm getting an error trying to build a Silverlight application on a new machine. (Silverlight 4, Visual Studio 2010) This application compiles without error on four other machines. The error is: ...
Ron's user avatar
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