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What could cause ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib to fail on Delete -> CommitUpdate with error 'Failed to copy bytes..."?

Using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib to update a zip file by deleting a specific document from the zipped contents, using the following code: protected async Task updateZip() { var fragment = "resources/...
Jude Fisher's user avatar
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C# EndOfStream always true - Seek/Position to 0 not works

I want to detect the encoding of a XML document before parsing it. So I found on stackoverflow this script. public static XElement GetXMLFromStream(Stream uploadStream) { /** Remember position */ ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Converting images into Streams for on the fly processing

So im using SharpZipLib to recursively browse through my documents and pack up any JPEG image it finds, like this : foreach (string filename in filenames) { string[] file_split = filename.Split('...
amartin94's user avatar
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sharpziplib progressbar to extract targz

I have an application which extracts targz files, I would like a ProgressBar to view the progress of extracting. But I just have this: public void ExtractTGZ(String gzArchiveName, String destFolder) ...
Neyoh's user avatar
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Deflating a stream with SharpZipLib has different behaviors in C# vs. VB.NET

I'm having troubles in writing a static Deflate extension method, that i would use to deflate a string, using BZip2 alghorithm of the SharpZipLib library (runtime version: v2.0.50727). I'm doing it ...
MAXE's user avatar
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How to set inflaterInputStream.Position?

I'm trying to set inflater.Position by calling the code below: Stream data = Compress(buffer); // data: length=12, position=12 //inflater: length=0, position=12 InflaterInputStream ...
user1486691's user avatar
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C# networkstream compression - Sharpziplib, DotNetZip, gzipstream all give errors on my stream

I have a pair of C# client-server programs that communicate using a networkstream. Everything works fine as it is without compression. Now I'd like to get the bandwidth-usage down, so I want to use a ...
Pygmy's user avatar
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OutOfMemoryException using BZip2 (SharpZipLib)

I use , .net 3.5, win2003, iis 6.0. I use Oracle for gathering files, saving file in SharpZipLib.BZip2 compressed format in field RAW in table Oracle. My application is Web, and I use WCF ...
Kiquenet's user avatar
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