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1 answer

Why am I getting GZip compression size of a string more than the original size after compression when using SharpZipLib in C#

My string is a Json file (test.json) with the below content { "objectId": "bbad4cc8-bce8-438e-8683-3e603d746dee", "timestamp": "2021-04-28T14:02:42.247Z", ...
KBNanda's user avatar
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Why do I only get the first few lines of file when using GZipStream to decompress in dotnet core

I'm trying to read a series of gzip files using the code below. What I end up with is a file that is only a fraction of the total file. Interestingly enough the text file output is almost perfectly ...
Zain Mecklai's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Unzip .tar.gz with SharpZipLib

I am trying to unzip a tar.gz inside one zip but I can't It shows me an error “cannot find central directory” and I don’t know what to do. First I unzip the zip on a temporal folder, then search for ...
J.Calmet's user avatar
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Why decompression of long string (EXIF) from watermarked image (with successful compression) gives error?

Problems Background I'm currently working on a Universal Windows Platform application in C# using Visual Studio 2015. In the project, I'm using SharpZipLib.Portable to perform compression and ...
HakuteiJ's user avatar
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1 answer

Compute hash or compare contents of gzip files in c#

I have the problem of needing to compare files in .tar.gz files to ensure none of the files within the gzip are duplicates. I am currently using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib, which makes it easy to check ...
ilyketurdles's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot extract tar.gz file which is created using SharpZip library

Functionality : Create .tar.gz file using windows service. Upload it to SFTP server. Download it in Linux machine and extract using Linux command. I have a windows service where I compress file to ....
SpiderCode's user avatar
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1 answer

List the files within a .gz archive using C# / SharpLib

Is there a way to list the filenames insize a .gz file without decompressing it. I'm using SharpLib and for Zip it provides GetNextEntry in zipInputStream to get ZipEntry with which we get the ...
einzteen's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

In PHP, each character in decompressed gz string is followed by ^@, why?

I'm sending over a gzipped string from C# (using SharpZipLib) to PHP where I decompress with readgzfile. This works, however each character in the string is followed by two strange characters (using ...
Whiskey's user avatar
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1 answer

SharpZipLib: Decompress .gz from inside .tar file?

I have a .tar file containing multiple compressed .gz files. I have no issue itterating through the .tar file creating each .gz file in a destination directory. I'd like to skip writting the .gz all ...
BeerGuy's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Better gzip tool than SharpZipLib for Windows Mobile?

I use SharpZipLib for gzip on a Windows Mobile application written in c# I have this code public static bool gzDecompressFile(String inputFilePath, String outputFilePath) { if (!...
Pentium10's user avatar
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1 answer

#ZipLib error while decompressing GZip

I'm getting this error while trying to decompress some GZ files with #ZipLib 0.85.5 Those file are not corrupted, I'm able to decompress it correctly using 7-Zip. ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib....
Luca Martinetti's user avatar