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How can I save several plots in a for loop? [duplicate]

I am trying to save several plots in a for loop but I got this error: 'FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '8/2020/graph.png' Here is my code: for i in names.columns: fig, ax = ...
Yaman's user avatar
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Could not save whole figure of barplot with long yticklabel

I want to save a barplot, but found it was clipped when save it to a file. import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt tips = sns.load_dataset("tips") sns.set_theme(font_scale=1.6)...
Jack Chen's user avatar
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Dynamic naming using savefig

I have a df with some number of columns, and I'm creating bivariate plots using a loop like so: for col in df.columns[2:len(df.columns)]: sns.factorplot(x='xvar', y=col, data=df) sns.despine(...
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