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Can a PPT macro invoked automatically when file is saved?

I have a macro for a PowerPoint deck that creates a set of dashboard slides. The dashboard is a table with data from each slide on a separate row, including the slide number, so it is a sort of table ...
Carolyn Donnelly O'Rourke's user avatar
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1 answer

How To Save a PPTX File with VBA

So I'm making a powerpoint game, and I want there to be a save feature. I remember seeing a save function while browsing through the commands but I don't remember what to do. Does anyone know how to ...
CooCoo 333's user avatar
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1 answer

Powerpoint Macro-enabled Show Path

I am trying to save a presentation as a macro-enabled show in PowerPoint, and I'm running into a problem when I do. This code that I'm using works great when I'm save as a presentation - but not as a ...
Dustin Hall's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Issue with VBA SaveAs method for Powerpoint files

I'm having an issue on my VBA script. I am doing some modifications on PPT tables. At the end of the script, I want to save modifications and here is the issue. To do the saving, I use the following ...
user3018623's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

VBA code to save a single slide as a .ppt

I have a code which saves my specified slide as a PNG: Dim userName As String userName = Slide322.TextBox1.Text 'Save slide ActivePresentation.Slides(302).Export _ filename:="C:\Users\...
Jessica Webb's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

vba PowerPoint 2010 open multiple files, copy module and userform, save as .pptm

The title pretty much says. I need to open all the PowerPoint files recursively in a directory (done). I need to copy the Userform and module from an already-open file. I need to resave all the ...
debragail's user avatar
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