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How to destroy caphlist to create new?

I am working on tizen web app by using caphList. I am using ajax to fetch data from api and after getting response I set in caphlist by this code: // Reset container before set data $('#sub_cate_list')...
Katty's user avatar
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Not working JavaScript webpage on Smart TVs

We have made a JavaScript/JQuery webpage with loads data by a HTTP-Request by AJAX, saves the data in the local storage and cricle though the data (every 10 seconds a new page with a part of the data)....
mgluesenkamp's user avatar
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2 answers

Detect Long Press on Enter/OK Key on a caph-list Item

I need to detect long press on Enter/OK key on an caph-list item. I am using the code below: $("#channels-list-container").caphList({ items: MyTVApp.groupChannels, template: "channels-list-...
burakk's user avatar
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Key navigation in caph 3

I am working on an application for samsung tv using caph 3 and jquery. I am getting this error in console. Uncaught TypeError: $.caph.focus.init is not a function code: $(document).ready(function()...
Katty's user avatar
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How to use update function for caph list on Tizen?

I'm following the documentation here : I have this in my contentList.html file : <div class=...
Jvalant Dave's user avatar
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Reload function Caph-list (Tizen - Samsung TV)

I am facing a problem trying to use the reload function of the caph-list (Tizen - Samsung TV). I have created a very simple example to explain my problem based on the caph3 documentation. ...
Hugo Santos's user avatar
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How can i call up key event inside an input

I have been developing a tizen web application for smart tv There's one view where i have a lot of inputs so i need to set the navigation between them , in fact the navigation function work well for ...
Elyes Mejri's user avatar
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How do i navigate on different list items one by one to add class on that items

i am developing a smart tv application. i am having a trouble to add navigation on the list items. List items contains <div class="work"> <img alt="" src="" ...
hassanrrs's user avatar
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How to pass event (keyCode) to an Object (data load url)

I begin to develop for Smart Tv, I have already a webapp, and I would like create a little app for smart tv that include my existing webapp. <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=...
c0rnw19's user avatar
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2 answers

Jquery 1.8.2 and rotation on Smart TV

I'm trying to rotate an image with jQuery on version 1.8.2. I can't change this version. Here is what I've tried: $("#test").css("-webkit-transform","rotate(-90deg)") $("#test").css("-moz-transform"...
brcebn's user avatar
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App Should exit on Smart Hub in Samsung smart TV

This is an unanswered issue on samsungdforum, and I have not found a satisfactory answer here so far.. My app has been rejected by Samsung guys because the app does not exit on smart hub. When a user ...
abhi's user avatar
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Getting a image from http server and display it ciclicaly in smart tv

So I'm trying to make an app for Samsung smart TVs. I'm creating the smart TV app with App framework 2.0 which should have 4 image squares. those 4 squares should be the JPEG images of CCTV cameras ...
Pedro Sacramento's user avatar
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Samsung Smart TV. Switching between scenes

I'm trying create Samsung SmartTV app. I can't understand how work with scenes. I need create start screen with two buttons, screen for registration with IME, which follows after clicking on one of ...
pembrock's user avatar
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Samsung smart-tv jquery simplemodal scroll

Samsung smart-tv application that uses simplemodal jquery plugin when i click on a link it popups simplemodal and inside of it there are some elements that has the following structure <div ...
AmOs's user avatar
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Samsung smart tv app looks different on TV than in simulator

I am developing a Javascript Samsung smart tv app. When I test it in the simulator it looks fine. However when I send it to the TV to test, it looks a lot different. Is this a common problem? Is ...
Jonovono's user avatar
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3 answers

Wait for animation function in javascript

I have the following methods in javascript: Controller.prototype.changeScene = function (curScene, newScene) { sf.scene.hide(curScene);, curScene); sf.scene.focus(...
polyte's user avatar
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Return does not return Object

I've two javascript classes (Controller.js & Events.js). From Events.js i call a XML Parser in Controller.js. The Parser works but does not return anything: SceneEvent.prototype.handleKeyDown = ...
polyte's user avatar
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issue with jquery cookie plugin

I'm using jquery cookie plugin to save data, the data is saved and i can read it but it's goes when i'm close the browser and open it again, i do programming for Samsung smart TV app, and the api ...
Yousef Abu Samak's user avatar
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pop up in samsung smart TV

I need help here I'm using this in js $('#popup').sfPopup({ text: 'Would You like to close this popup?', buttons: ['Yes', 'No'], defaultFocus: 1, // index of default ...
Yousef Abu Samak's user avatar
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css3 properties in Maple Browser

I am creating an application for the Samsung Smart TV which is using the Samsung's Maple Browser. I need the background-size and webkit-background-size properties in my css files but they are not ...
waqas's user avatar
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Navigation through Remote in Samsung Smart Tv application

I am creating a samsung smart Tv javascript application, the HTML page is finished and now its time to integrate remote control options in it. My application contains tabs/images for different ...
waqas's user avatar
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File API writing file doesn't work Samsung smart tv SDK

I have this javascript code which makes possible writing in a file { var fileSystemObj = new FileSystem(); var fileObj = fileSystemObj.openCommonFile( + ...
star's user avatar
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Making request in server, Samsung smart tv app?

I'm going to develop a samsung smart tv app, but I don't know how to make request in server db because samsung smart tv supports only Javascript.
star's user avatar
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