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flutter_hooks - how to access TextEditingController outside the build()-method?

Flutter hooks needs to be created within the build method of a widget by design. Let's assume I have a hook for using a TextEditingController, how can I access the TextEditingController outside the ...
user28298940's user avatar
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How to disable skipLoadingOnRefresh with flutter riverpod using switch expression

Lets say i have this simple future riverpod which is @riverpod Future<double> balance(BalanceRef ref) async { await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5)); return 100; } and inside ...
anas's user avatar
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I have the error "Cannot use "ref" after the widget was disposed", what's wrong?

I have a loading provider, and whenver I need to do an async work I set the loading state to true and at the finish time of asynchronous tasks I set it to false but when I want to do so I get the ...
Behzad Ayubifar's user avatar
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Dispose hook on widget rebuild

Do hooks dispose of themselves when a widget rebuilds? Is it possible to cause this behavior? I'm using Riverpod for state management and I have a widget that creates a custom TextEditingController ...
Microbob's user avatar
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Riverpod : future provider is stuck on loading

Describe the bug when executing the provider with or the result is the same , it is stuck on the loading block , while testing the api in postman works fine , the funny thing is ...
Fahmi Sawalha's user avatar
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LateInitializationError: Local 'prefs' has not been initialized

I am working with riverpod and flutter_hooks I am trying to get implement shared_prefrences using this 2 approaches and this is what I get to so far : pref_changenotifier.dart import 'package:flutter/...
Fahmi Sawalha's user avatar
2 votes
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How to refresh Riverpod FutureProvider using FlutterHooks useEffect

I am developing mobile application with flutter using flutter hooks. I want to refresh Riverpod FuttureProvider using useEffect, but it doesn't work nicely... My code is @hwidget Widget someWidget(...
Kataoka Hiroki's user avatar
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StateNotifierProvider not updating state using HookWidget

I am trying to use Riverpod state management. I have two TextFormField and I want to set the value of a Text by taking the sum of the values entered in each of the fields using a StateNotifierProvider....
DolDurma's user avatar
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error `pumpAndSettle timed out` MAYBE due to riverpod

I'm stuck with a widget test and I could use some help to reproduce the behavior please run the code sample below import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod....
Francesco Iapicca's user avatar