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Correct flow for retrieving access token of OIDC provider using Firebase Auth in Flutter

I'm using Firebase Auth in my app and I'm signing in using an OAuthProvider like this: final credential = await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithProvider( OAuthProvider('') .....
katkak's user avatar
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Exception is not passed through to the caller Flutter

I have this 2 methods in flutter for firebase phone authentication: Future<void> verifyPhone(Function() completion) async { _logger.i("start verifyPhone"); await _firebaseAuth....
DeKekem's user avatar
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Manage loading state from one provider on widget and sub-widget

The following should be achieved using Flutter, Riverpod and Firebase. It's about onboarding, firebase authentication getting additional user information from firebase. (1) The app should display a ...
Marc Felden's user avatar
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StreamProvider returning firebaseAuthStateChanges doesn't update after converting anonymous user to google user

I have a StreamProvider that returns authStateChanges: //Provider Watch Auth state Changes @riverpod class UserAuth extends _$UserAuth { @override Stream<User?> build() { print('Stream ...
Milan Labus's user avatar
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Riverpod StreamProvider does not fire signout event for firebase auth

I have a simple flutter application using Riverpod. Also added a simple firebase project with "Anonymous sign in" functionality. Using a authProvider as StreamProvider for application. final ...
Usman's user avatar
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firebase authStatechanges after creating new user

I am handling state management in my Flutter app using Firebase authStateChanges and the problem I am facing is authStateChanges immediately listen and changes route while it is not waiting for my ...
abhi jain's user avatar
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authstatechange with riverpod not rebuilding when firebase signup

I was doing authentication in flutter firebase with riverpod and i created signup method for createing user and signin for login the existing user. Now the signin method work fine and after login the ...
Shoeman's user avatar
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I'm trying to route to the page userInfo but its not routing " the argument type 'String' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Route\<Object?\>",

I'm trying to route to userinfo page and it should automatically route to userinfo page but shows me this error " Error: The argument type 'String' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Route&...
Ahsan Raza's user avatar
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Calling Firebase auth login or logout with Flutter causes an assert "registry.containsKey(page) is not true" when using GoRouter shellroute?

I'm using a basic GoRouter with shellroute setup with a side navbar that is meant to remain consistent across pages. Both a login or logout call to Firebase will generate the assertion, but I don't ...
Andrew68's user avatar
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Flutter Firebase UI not updating and showing correct user info after signing out and in with different user

I'm creating and testing a simple dashboard that I want to display the current user's email. I'm just using [email protected] and [email protected]. When I signout of test1 and sign in with test2, my UI ...
Hunter Books's user avatar
5 votes
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Using Firebase Authentication with Go Router and Riverpod

I've been reading through this latest implementation of Go Router with Riverpod but don't know how to use Firebase Authentication Streams with it, and I don't know if I need to be using ...
Tristan King's user avatar
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MaterialApp rebuild when Home widget calls build function

My app's MyApp widget, which returns MaterialApp (as done in virtually every Flutter app) is rebuild whenever the build function on the home widget is called. I need to know why this happens, as it ...
Wessel's user avatar
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Combining Provider with a steam provider not updating

I am working on a technique to determine if some has elevated rights to show an edit icon. I am using Firebase for auth and firestore for back end. My thoughts were to have the page do a quick check ...
Brian Forquer's user avatar
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authStateChanges() updates only after hot restart when a new user is registered in Flutter

The stream from FirebaseAuth.instance.authStateChanges() method updates automatically when an existing user logs in or logs out and the change is reflected in the UI but when a new user is registered ...
Aashish Ranjan Singh's user avatar
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Flutter Riverpod 1.0: What provider to use for Firebase AuthService object?

I want to use Firebase Phone authentication for an Flutter app. I have an AuthService class and I need to expose getter codeSent to change a UI. Third party examples from official Riverpod's site are ...
Vit Amin's user avatar
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How to get data from the CurrentUser on flutter Firebase Authentification

I have this Firebase Authentication Providers with who I can create an user, Sign In and Sign Out with the methods (only with email and password) My problem I that in the UI I want to show data from ...
Diego jiménez's user avatar
3 votes
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AutoDisposeStreamProvider is not being disposed at loggin out

Currently, we are using Firebase to implement a simple chat on our application. We handle the application's launch and authentication with Riverpod. Launching goes like as follows: @override Widget ...
SalahAdDin's user avatar
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How to manage Firebase Authentication in Riverpod?

I have a firebase_providers.dart file which looks like this: import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart'; final firebaseAuthProvider = ...
gegobyte's user avatar
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How to update nested screens based on riverpods streamProvider?

Imagine there are three screens. main.dart, home.dart & signIn.dart I have the code, shown below. When I'm in the homescreen and the streamProvider(firebaseAuthStateProvider) changes, I will get ...
Erik's user avatar
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Flutter app crashing after Firebase logout

iam still really new to Flutter. Iam using Riverpod together with Firebase and getting some crash after trying to logout. If someone could help it would be awesome! If its just a noob mistake iam ...
Kilian's user avatar
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Flutter Riverpod design pattern (inhibit garbage collection)

I've written a Swift/IOS package to externalize and standardize all of my Social/Federated/Firebase authentication boilerplate (both SDK's and UI). I've taken it upon myself to port this to Flutter ...
Dewey's user avatar
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