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RHEL9 - VSCode: issue with wildcard in workspace folder [duplicate]

I am using a set up with following versions: RHEL 9.2 G++ 11.4.1 GCC 11.4.1 VSCode 1.86.2 I am trying to compile a C++ project but I am getting the error: /usr/bin/g++ -g -std=c++20 '/home/cg/...
ChristosG's user avatar
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How to embed gnome-terminal window inside of a QT QMainWindow? (QT5 / C++ / RHEL 8)

I've been trying to embed a gnome-terminal window inside of a QT QMainWindow and I've been testing out my code so far with a hard coded window ID that I grab through xwininfo, and when I run my ...
baba4yagah's user avatar
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Jittery movement of QScrollArea from custom touchscreen driver

So a few years ago, I wrote a custom touchscreen driver specifically for a particular application which ran on a Scientific Linux 6.4 (CentOS 6 based) OS, which did not have native touch support, but ...
Darin Beaudreau's user avatar
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Is it possible to determine how many messages are in a POSIX message queue?

I am working with POSIX running on a RHEL machine. Is there a way to check the number of messages that are remaining in a message queue (System V Preferably)? The purpose of this is simply a desire to ...
Guardian's user avatar
-1 votes
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Qt5 Ignoring Native Touch Events

A couple years ago, I had to implement touch features in an application, but my company was still using Scientific Linux 6.4, which did not natively support touch, not to mention multi-touch. ...
Darin Beaudreau's user avatar
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wxWindows 2.4.2 configuration failed saying checking for toolkit... configure: error: Please specify at most one toolkit

I am new to Linux environment, we have task to migrate a Windows wxWidgets(version 2.4.2) GUI application to Linux platform(RHEL8 or 8.3).The application is successful on Visual studio 2017&2019(...
Bhaskar's user avatar
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How to emulate class template argument deduction pre-C++17?

I am working on removing sscanf() calls from a C++ codebase and replacing them with the std::stringstream implementation described here: . ...
matoro's user avatar
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Cannot set thread priority to real time despite using cap_sys_nice

I have an application that checks on POSIX environment whether thread priorities can be set to real time by calling struct sched_param param; param.sched_priority = 1; int canSetRealTimeThreadPriority ...
JR_1's user avatar
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Why would I need to list -ldl before a library that calls dlopen/dlclose/dlerror when linking

I am building an executable (foo.exe let's call it) on RHEL with gcc 6.2. It links against a few third-party libraries,, Yydesign uses dlopen/dlclose/dlerror. I would ...
MaddHatter's user avatar
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glibc error when c++ binary compiled dynamically but not statically

Consider the following: I have a c++ file. I use RHEL6 machine to compile my code. But i want my executable/binary to be able to run on RHEL4 as well. Now I have experienced the following 3 cases- If ...
Shray's user avatar
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CPP chrony io Code Freezes on one computer but not the other

I am running the same cpp code on two identical computers, but it freezes on one computer only. I noticed that it only freezes when I add the below code call in one of the functions. I have no idea ...
bchang32's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is pthread FIFO scheduling not strictly deterministic?

I'm trying to get this thread to always be running on one CPU core (out of 24) whenever the process it's in is running: void *t_mon_func(void *) { while (true) { if (f) { break_on(); }...
WaltK's user avatar
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How to programatically get the memory usage of the current program?

I would like to get some information about the memory usage of my C++ program. The way I do this is by accessing /proc/self/stat and printing the virtual and resident set size. You can find an ...
User12547645's user avatar
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Getting signal 11 (SIGSEGV) when using libcurl in multithreaded Program

I did this From google I found out we should build libcurl by providing --enable-threaded-resolver but it didn't help, I am still seeing the segfault I also tried setting the NoSignal option, but that ...
suryansh's user avatar
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c++ static variable initialization problem - referencing on another static const

I tried to declare two static variables in two different .cpp, one is trying to use another during initialization (e.g. Class B -> Class A). Code could be compiled if I have main.cpp which includes a....
Kelvin Lai's user avatar
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g++ unresolved symbol during linking RedHat vs. SUSE

Hi I have been looking around on topic about linking error - Error:: undefined reference to XXX, My code compile on SUSE but not on REDHAT, appreciate if anyone can show me some light on this. I ...
Kelvin Lai's user avatar
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Building application for multiple version of RedHat

Assume in my company, we have same application written in C++, running in machines of RHEL5, 6 and 7. I want to build from one single build server (which is running RHEL7) to get the executable that ...
Adrian Shum's user avatar
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My installed GCC version is behind my installed Redhat developer toolset version

I have been searching for the answer to this for a while. I'm on RHEL 6.x and I am trying to upgrade gcc in order to install a package. Also, I have a super old version of gcc and it's time to upgrade ...
transposeglobal's user avatar
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c++ rhel confd cdb_get returns elements in a weird order

encountring a weird issue with confd. Items are indexed by uint key - when i use configuration with 9 items or lower, everything is ok - cdb_get with index 1 returns the first item, index two the ...
Nitzan Davari's user avatar
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Qt checkboxes and radiobuttons not displayed

System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 Qt Creator 4.1.0 Qt 5.6.1 So, when I use Qt Creator to build a GUI everything looks great. However, once I compile and run the check boxes and radio buttons go ...
soulsabr's user avatar
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Linux RHEL 7.2 c++, the == test fails

I see a problem as follows: i have a long int to represent a tid , later I check if this is same as current tid using pthread_self() by a simple check : if(my_cachedTID == pthread_self()) ...
Prakash's user avatar
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How to install SDL2 on linux RHEL in other directories?

I can't install SDL2 on my uni lab computers running Red Hat linux OS due to insufficient permissions when I tried to install them the normal way, probably because I cant install to system files. Can ...
sdkessler's user avatar
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Receiving multicast data on RHEL 7 using c++

I am trying to receive multicast UDP data on a network interface on RHEL 7.2 So, about my setup: NIC: Intel X540 IP: Distro: RHEL 7.2 Multicast Address: Port: ...
Henrik's user avatar
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Building GCC 5.2 on RHEL6

Since I needed C++14 support for one of our projects, I was trying to build GCC5.2 on my RHEL6 instance using the steps described in However, ...
samudra's user avatar
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c++ program core dump when redirecting input stream to string

I have recently discovered my c++ program is core dumping on Red Hat Linux when attempting to redirect from an input stream to a string. The program is provided a PID and attempts to obtain the ...
Adam Britto's user avatar
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gdb reports Segmentation fault - how to know where?

I'm running my program under gdb, with debuging information and without any optimizations. gdb reports: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread 0x7fffeffff700 (LWP ...
Oleg Vazhnev's user avatar
6 votes
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How to build/deploy RPM(s) for new Boost version on RHEL?

I work in a team of 10+ developers and we use RHEL 6.4 for both our development machines as well as our servers (where our software is deployed). RHEL 6.4 comes with Boost 1.41 but I need fixes that ...
jfritz42's user avatar
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Ubuntu to RHEL C++ cross-compilation (64bits)

Not exactly sure where this question belongs, let me know if I should move it. Here is the issue; over the past years I have a put together a relatively large personal codebase in C++11 that I'm ...
Jonathan H's user avatar
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12 votes
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GCC toolchain for LLVM

I am running on an RHEL 6.x box, which of course has GCC 4.4 installed. I wish to have LLVM running on this machine. In order to do so, I must compile it from source. In order to do that, I need a ...
John Dibling's user avatar
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Issue in installing gcc-c++

Hey guys I am trying to install G++ on my VPN which have no internet connectivity of YUM access. so I am installing it through source tarballs when i tried to run ./configure i got the following ...
sarsarahman's user avatar
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SNMP Oid Conversion Difference Between RHEL 6.3 and Solaris 10

I've been stuck at an issue of SNMP OID conversion for couple of days. We have a cpp program to poll cable modem, nowadays, we ported this application from Solaris 10 to Linux 6.3, everything works ...
Hang Pan's user avatar
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How to build freefilesync 5.23 for rhel 6.0 32 bit?

Unable to build wxWidgets-2.9.5 and boost_1_54_0. freefilesync MakeFile has these lines: WX_CONFIG_BIN =$(HOME)/Desktop/wxWidgets-2.9.5/lib/release/bin/wx-config CXXFLAGS += -I$(HOME)/Desktop/...
Anil Kumbar's user avatar
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Clang 3.2 on RHEL5 not compiling simple test program

I'm trying to compile a simple "hello world" test program, which is shown below as "hello.cpp". hello.cpp: #include <iostream> int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::cout << "Hello ...
synaptik's user avatar
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How to detect a kernel panic on a remote machine?

I have software that monitors the health of several linux machines on a local network. One of the checks it does is ping all of the machines periodically to ensure that they are responsive. It has ...
SilentByte's user avatar
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Has anyone ever built omniORB on RHEL?

I am trying to build omniORB libraries on RHEL 5.5. I tried running configure with CC=gcc and CXX=g++ and PYTHON=bin/omnipython I run into this problem where it complains about gmake[3]: ...
roymustang86's user avatar
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How to install C++11 C++0x header files on Redhat Enterprise

I moved my application to another Linux box, after compilation, it returns an error saying #include <atomic> can not be resolved. I guess the new GNU C++11 header files / libraries are not ...
2607's user avatar
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What do these errors mean? ISOC++ forbids assignment of arrays

I'm trying to compile some code on one of our systems for our DBA...I've edited the makefiles to include the pertinent libraries listed in the documentation, but I keep getting these errors... Can you ...
user355494's user avatar