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use two DataSource for one Repeater

I have two tables in the SQL server the first: ID , Journal, ScoreB 1 aa 10.2 2 bb 3.4 3 cc 4.9 and the second table : ID , Journal , ScoreA 1 aa 4 2 ff ...
user15389524's user avatar
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Wordpress ACF repeater get info SQL query

Need a little help here please, Im trying to get info from wp_postmeta assigned to a id_post from a plugin called ACF, this is the structure: +------------+----------+---------------------------------...
Ered's user avatar
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1 answer

bind repeater with multi list<>

I want to bind multi list with repeater.But I am getting some error on binding.Please help This list is as parent child list. I am getting error An exception of type 'System.Web.HttpException' ...
radha singh's user avatar
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Saving Data in a Repeater to a Database in SQL in a Single Row

I'm facing a minor problem in ASP.NET. I will explain in detail below. I am saving the products in the tbl_ShopCart to the tbl_Order. There can be more than 1 product, because I use repeater for shop ...
Shadouspan's user avatar
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1 answer

How Can I Save the Data in the Repeater to Single Line

I am saving the products in the tbl_ShopCart to the tbl_Order There can be more than one product because I use repeater for shop cart. For example: My shop cart have 2 products and I push button to ...
Shadouspan's user avatar
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ASP: Repeater in VB.NET

I am using Visual studio! (telerik is like gridview, same stuff) I am like dying slowly trying to create a scheduler with ASP: Repeater!!! Someone please save me from this never-ending torture! lol ...
Biuechocoo's user avatar
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2 answers

Repeater - textbox content to database C#

I'm trying to insert content to my local database from a textbox inside a repeater element, in a post - comment way. So far I've tried looping on all the generated rows to find the specific textbox ...
Ghaamae's user avatar
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Obtaining ID from Repeater

I'm developing a message wall with C# and MS SQL, so far I'm able to make posts and retrieve them using a repeater, now I need to make comments in the comment section on every repeater textbox element,...
Ghaamae's user avatar
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1 answer

Setting the color of a linkbutton at startup via ForeColor property based on Eval data pulled from database

So, what i'm trying to do is pretty straight forward. The idea is to set the text color of a linkbutton using the ForeColor property using an inline query that sets the color based on the value of the ...
Rhodes's user avatar
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images are not displaying from image links on repeater

i have crawled a website using html agility pack and the images links are stored in my SQL database, but when i display those images on my ASP web form on repeater images are showing nothing but a ...
Shehroz Jalil's user avatar
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Images are not displaying in webforms

I have image links of a website's images stored in my DB but when I show them on my asp page using repeater or data list which im building, it shows some where pics and somewhere just boxes and no ...
Shehroz Jalil's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Save and Display Image from DataBase

Not sure if this is close or not. I'm creating an image field within the database table Events using the code public string EvtImage { get; set; } For a start I'm not even sure if it should be a ...
Stuart's user avatar
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1 answer

Cascading DropDownList within an ItemTemplate ASP.NET C#

I am trying to create a cascading dropdownlist in my ASP.NET C# web application. What's supposed to happen is that when the first dropdownlist selected index is changed, it calls the code below and ...
bds89's user avatar
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3 answers

Repeater pulling as Null is code behind?

I have a repeater for Frequently asked questions on a Website that I'm trying to get separated into categories depending on which treeid it is related to. When I reference the repeater (rp_FAQ) in ...
T.J. Wallace's user avatar
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2 answers

How to submit a page for search using stored procedure

I have an ( page which has some dropdownlist (populated from code-behind), a submit button and a repeater control: <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblCount"><...
SearchForKnowledge's user avatar
1 vote
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Showing Byte Image in repeater

I want to some images in asp repeater which comes from databas image table. HTML <asp:Repeater ID="rpt_" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <li> <img ...
user4007140's user avatar
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Adding 'rolling numbers' for repeater control, Paging c#

I am using repeater control and showing paging   '<< Previous     next >>'   it is working fine. But i want to show links (rolling numbers) in between like ...
Firoz Khan's user avatar
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2 answers

Procedure or function GetJobs has too many arguments specified

Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong here? I have this SQL code: ALTER PROCEDURE [site].[GetJobs] @Locale char(2) = NULL ,@jid INT = NULL ,@limit INT = 10000 AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ...
T.J. Wallace's user avatar
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1 answer

Error "parent key and child key are identical" using single table as Parent and Child tables for Nested Repeater

I am working with an outer and inner repeater. The first lists "company name". Second lists "tasks" completed for that company. For each company there are many tasks. This is my first time working ...
Reece Zimm's user avatar
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1 answer

Get images from Database into ASHX file and Display into repeater [duplicate]

I want to Display images into repeater control from Database with the help of ASHX file. I am beginner to It would be really helpful if you can provide me any code example. EDIT, from ...
Moiz's user avatar
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3 answers

Filtering data with multiple filter values

Hello fellow stackoverflowers, I'm currently working on a project which gives me a bit of trouble concerning filtering data from a database by using multiple filter values. The filter happens after ...
IndieRok's user avatar
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Querying Into XML With Repeating Data Using SQL

I need assistance querying into an XML file with repeating data using T-SQL (2008/2012). The XML code is below. It contains some summary level nodes (VENDOR_NAME, VENDOR_NUMBER, SUBTOTAL) and then ...
user3616700's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

repeater with custom filters in

I have repeater control in which i am binding data from sql server database, Now i have number of records showing on my page but i want that i can filter my records according to dropdown selected. I ...
rAJ's user avatar
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How can i show a state name instead of numeric value in label

I am using repeater in website, in this repeater i have labels in which i am showing data from database table. <asp:Label ID="lbl_state" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("state") %>'>&...
rAJ's user avatar
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asp:Repeater datasource with multiple tables

I am working on a project to display website and payment errors. In SQL table which logs the errors there is are two columns which contains XML. In code I am parsing the XML into separate tables. So ...
bPuhnk's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Find the control in repeater

<asp:Repeater ID="rpt_slider" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="rpt_slider_ItemDataBound"> <ItemTemplate> <cc:HtmlEditor ID="Htmleditor1" runat="server" Height="300px" Width="550px" ...
pratik patel's user avatar
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1 answer

Break in repeater from SQL database

I have a SQL database and there I have a text with line breaks. But in the repeater the text has no breaks. Is there a solution, that the repeater takes the breaks? <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" ...
user3070725's user avatar
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2 answers

Auto add a new row into Repeater Control when it has a new row inserted into SQL Server 2008 DB

This is so hard to understand, I'll try to describe my problem so clearly. I have a Table in SQL DB: COMMENT(idcom, content,user,idtopic); I use a Repeater Control to display all the comment in ...
vyclarks's user avatar
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1 answer

TextBox inside a repeater control

I have a repeater control with an ItemTemplate containing two Textboxes. I loop through the Repeater and insert the data in my database. The problem is that the first TextBox is the only one inserted. ...
ahmgeek's user avatar
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3 answers

ASP.NET Repeater/ListView using Array to call SQL

I am making a wishlist that saves listingIDs as id1,id2,id5 etc into SQL. I am trying to use an Array to make a listingID = id1, listingID = id2... call to SQL so that it displays all listings on one ...
user2691322's user avatar
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2 answers

c# how to get month and day on sql database

All I want to do is to get the date on the SQL database for only the month and day and bind it into repeater: FRONT: <asp:Repeater ID="rep_content" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <div ...
Onel Sarmiento's user avatar
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How do I create custom paging on a repeater with a SQLDataSource?

While looking on stack overflow a member suggested this tutorial . I looks like it may actually work but it is incomplete. at the bottom of his codebehind he is using a private Control ...
Skullomania's user avatar
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Both DataSource and DataSourceID are defined on 'Repeater1'

I have a standard Repeater and all I want to do is add paging to it and I keep getting the error listed in the title. Here is what my error points to private void ItemsGet() { // Read ...
Skullomania's user avatar
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how can i increase any number

I used repeater and I want to increase htmlcaption1 like htmlcaption2, htmlcaption3 .... : <asp:Repeater ID="RepeaterBigBanner" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> </...
Bip's user avatar
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1 answer

ASP display subcategories with similar categories using repeater

I'm trying to build a large menu with div's for each "Category". In each div the H3 is based on the "Category" that I'm pulling from a SQL table. Under the will be a with list items that are ...
TheRanch's user avatar
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asp:repeater w/ asp:image and generic-handler - SQLConnection crash

I have an asp repeater which sets a generichandler (.ashx) parameter differently for each entry. This is used to create comments that are posted by users and display the avatar of the user posting by ...
user1339253's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

SQL Counter and returner, doubles the result

I'm trying to make a list, showing all of my Categories on my Forum. Showing the Category name, with an ID, aswell as a count, counting how many Threads is attached to this Category. It works ...
Kevin Jensen Petersen's user avatar
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Selecting AND Counting to return in ASP.NET Repeater

I am trying to make a repeater, that prints out Every category of my forum, and also to the left of it, a count to show, how many 'Threads' is connected to this Category (Inside it). This is my SQL, ...
Kevin Jensen Petersen's user avatar
2 votes
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Associating rows in a repeater with rows in a SQL database

I have the following repeater that gets filled by the data from a SQL database with let say four columns. Three of them shown in the repeater (Name, Min, Max) and the fourth one being the primary key ...
Dogahe's user avatar
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SQL Inner Join and a Repeater

I have a database with three tables: questions, tags, and questions_tags. This is how they are setup: --------- questions --------- Question_ID Question_Title Content ---- tags ---- Tag_ID Tag_Title ...
Andrew Backes's user avatar
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comparing and changing 2 values in the dataset then outputting via repeater control

I need to define what a child is: I need to write something like var parent = categoryID == ParentCategoryID = 0 Here is my ASCX control: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...
SOLDIER-OF-FORTUNE's user avatar
3 votes
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Bind 5 items in each row of repeater

I have a set of items coming from the database. Their number may vary. I have bound them in a repeater. Now my following example will explain what I want: I have 11 items coming from database, I want ...
user1509's user avatar
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Add styles to a dynamic repeater control in code behind

This is the code I am using to generate a repeater control dynamically, bound to SQL. I have to do it with C# coding only. There's just a "panel" placed in the aspx part. I am able to get the output ...
nitinvertigo's user avatar
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Paged ASP.NET repeater

I have a database full of thousands of products and I am querying it to pull back a large set of data each time a different query is ran. I worry that once the project goes live and more and more ...
Wesley Skeen's user avatar
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Small Web App, Adding repeater grid items dynamically

private void BindGridToppings() { } here's the gridview from the asp page <asp:GridView ID="gridv" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" EnableModelValidation="true" OnRowDataBound="...
Macaire Alexander Bell's user avatar
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How can I read with SQL AS generic_name the Text of entries

How can I read with SQL "Resim" the text of entries Hi, I don't know to read the text of entries in a table. (I would like to use asp:Repeater) got Error : DataBinding: 'System.Data....
Mehmet's user avatar
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How can I read with SQL COUNT(*) the Number of entries

How can I read with SQL COUNT(*) the Number of entries Hi, I don't know to read the number of entries in a table. (I would like to use asp:Repeader) sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table"; <asp:...
Mehmet's user avatar
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Asp.Net : Repeater & CollectionPager Query Index Logic

I have a logical problem. Assume I have a table that includes 1000 rows. When I want to display the data in a repeater, I first bind CollectionPager 1000 rows, so CollectionPager knows how many pages ...
enginbilici's user avatar
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Buttons and repeater control

I am using ASP.NET, C#, Sql Server 2005 for my project and I'm using the repeater control to form a table of users that are a member of a site and a button next to each user so that they can be added ...
Nikhil Tamhankar's user avatar
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Paging a Repeater that uses SQLDataReader as Source

How should I go about paging a Repeater that is using a SQLDataReader to input the data? I was thinking about using this JQuery Plugin? Should I use something else, I have tried to do some research ...
Bob1254's user avatar
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