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WARN Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0): [AxiosError: There is no suitable adapter to dispatch the request since

WARN Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0): [AxiosError: There is no suitable adapter to dispatch the request since : adapter xhr is not supported by the environment adapter http is not ...
Simar Rajput's user avatar
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Blank(White) Screen on Tizen TV after launched from renative

I'm trying to run a renative app on real Samsung Tizen TV and I've followed all the necessary steps mentioned in this official doc. After firing this command rnv run -p tizen -d -t no ...
govind saini's user avatar
3 votes
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App preview in Tizen tv and emulator don't appear

App preview in Tizen tv and emulator don't appear Hi I am developing an app for tizen tv, with react-native and renative. It already has the configuration to show a preview of the app when it is ...
Javier Olivieri's user avatar