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Add directory to File Manifest using a relative path

How do you add directory to File Manifest with a relative path? def make_install(exe): files = FileManifest() files.add_python_resource(".", exe) ...
TheMast's user avatar
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Add a file with pyoxidizer and use it in the script

I want to use Pyoxidizer to create a .exe for my program. In my script I use a saved torch model (torch.load("path")). I want to pack this file in the .exe so that it can actually use it. I ...
JonnyET's user avatar
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HAs anyone used pyoxidizer to create .exe file

I have created the .toml file called pyoxidizer.toml in the same folder where the script are placed. but when I run on the command file in the same folder where all the .py files (and the .toml file) ...
TRex's user avatar
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Options for Bundling a Python web server in Electron?

What are some options for packaging a python web server (i.e. flask, tornado, quart, sanic, etc.) that uses numpy inside an electron application? I took a look at PyOxidizer, but could not find any ...
chaimp's user avatar
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PyOxidizer: "Must construct a QApplication before a QWidget"

I'm trying to build and distribute a python app with PyOxidizer but i cannot seem to get it to work. I tried other tools apart from PyOxidizer (like pyinstaller and pynsist) but to no avail, those are ...
Andrei's user avatar
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extension module cannot be loaded from memory but memory loading required

I want to pack my application using pyoxidizer. I need to add PySide2 to my package. policy.resources_location = "in-memory" policy.resources_location_fallback = "filesystem-relative:...
agentsmith's user avatar
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Alternative to using __file__ find the binary folder in my python package

I published a library to PyPI ('nmrsim') that has the following structure (edited to only include the relevant files/folders): nmrsim ├── nmrsim │   ├── │   ├── bin │   │   ├── T1.npz │   ...
Geoffrey Sametz's user avatar