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SCIM / Entra ID Provisioning: How to remove user attributes in the target system?

GET Users/{Id} returns the following json: { "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User" ], "id": "16960d38-728d-4865-925c-165caf50708d",...
Powerslave's user avatar
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Provisioning (SCIM) by Entra/Azure: Why can I not select the "groups" attribute in my attribute mapping?

I need to get a PATCH Users request with the added group in the "groups" attribute (Json) if a User in Entra is added to a group (by editing the Group and adding the user). First of all, is ...
Powerslave's user avatar
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Azure SCIM - Group members are not sending from azure while group provisioning

I perform SCIM provisioning from Azure and have mapped the default attributes in the attribute mapping settings. I added 5 users to the "devtestgroup", but when sending the requests, Azure ...
Samadhan's user avatar
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EntraID/AzureAD - SCIM API driven provisioning to Entra - why employeeLeaveDateTime is not syncing to Entra

I use proper date format for both employeeHireDate time and employeeLeaveDateTime which is "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ" as per
Ama's user avatar
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Issue while upgrading to Service Principle from Service Accounts

We are upgrading our Azure Runbook from using service account to service principle(Azure AD authentication using Certificate). This runbook perform provisioning and apply custom template to SharePoint ...
Harsh Porecha's user avatar
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I can't create an IoT Hub Device handle using IoTHubDeviceClient_LL_CreateFromDeviceAuth

I am using the Azure C SDK on Linux. I can successfully provision devices on an IoT hub through a symmetric key enrolment group and DPS using the provided prov_dev_client_sample. Now I am using the ...
Engineer999's user avatar
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Deleted user within Application, so AAD SCIM Provisioning is not modifying/creating user, since it is still cached as existing in AAD. Remove how?

Doing testing on SCIM implementation with Confluence and Azure AAD, with authentication with OIDC and ran into following issue: If a SCIM provisioned account is deleted manually from Confluence, Azure ...
Elijah Guastella's user avatar
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Programmatically regenerate keys for group enrollments in Azure Device provisioning Service (DPS)

I want to programmatically regenerate the symmetric key (primary and secondary keys) in group enrollments of Azure DPS, there is an API provided by azure in the link. I used this github repo and was ...
Haad Baig's user avatar
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Salesforce Azure AD automatic provisioning

I am trying automatic provisioning from Azure Active Directory to salesforce. The single sign on is working for salesforce but automatic provisioning is giving error. In salesforce I chose JIT ...
Hasan Zubairi's user avatar
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Workday to On-Prem Active Directory: Issue with Multi-valued attributes syncing from Workday through Azure to On-prem AD via SCIM

We have been using Workday to synchronise User accounts through Azure to our On-Prem Active Directory. For about 4-6 weeks we have been facing the issue now that Multi-valued attributes are no longer ...
Timo Kettner's user avatar
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Azure VM and KeyVault - provisioning error loop

I set up an azure key vault and quickly realized I did not need it. I deleted the vault but now my virtual machine (associated with the same resource) gives me this error: Provisioning failed. The ...
Ashlynn Steeves's user avatar
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Can Azure use PUT instead of PATCH for updating resoures via SCIM?

I'm trying to use SCIM for user account provisioning in Azure. It looks like when a resource needs to be updated, PATCH is being used, but the SCIM endpoint doesn't support PATCH, only PUT requests. ...
ebeyrent's user avatar
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Azure AD and SAP-SF provisioning

We are in the testing phase for the integration between Azure AD and SAP Success factors. In the provisioning process we have used the following mapping expression for creating unique UPN in Azure if ...
Catalin Iordache's user avatar
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Azure AD provisioning : WorkDay -> AD -> AAD : how to handle email id

My environment / use case: WorkDay as identity source We have on-prem AD and Azure AD, AADC in place. We do not have on-prem exchange, we assign licenses in Azure AD to provision O365 mailboxes. We ...
himu's user avatar
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SharePoint PnP Provisioning with Azure on SharePoint Subsite

Hope you guys are doing best, Actually I have issue on implementing Root Site template on Subsites of SharePoint with Azure using PnP PowerShell Script. After lot of search on web I tried to implement ...
Rana Umair's user avatar
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How can we customize SCIM query filter in Azure?

enter image description here Azure is using userName to apply filter. Can anyone suggest if there is any way to customize this filter? I want to use userName + externalId to be passed in the filter as ...
Ashish Vishwakarma's user avatar
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What does a device require for X509 provisioning to send down the telemetry to the IotHub

Here is the scenario: The device calls the endpoint(Function App/WebService) with some device information. The endpoint will have embedded intermediate certificate(X509)(created using root cert) ...
Jasmine's user avatar
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AAD user provisioning with custom SCIM app

I'm implementing the user provisioning with AAD using custom app. I'm following and ...
Fawad Tayyab's user avatar
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Azure AD user creation source

How do you find out the source of the user creation in Azure AD, for example, if the user was created via an HR cloud solution? We're using powershell and need to implement some changes to users that ...
DP01's user avatar
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How to add a new resource to an existing resource group in Terraform

This would appear to be a fairly simple and basic scenario but I'm frankly at a loss on how to get around this using Terraform and would appreciate any suggestions. The issue is this. In Azure, I have ...
hitman126's user avatar
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Azure AD provisioning sends SCIM replace operation when adding user to group

I have user and group provisioning set up for an enterprise application in Azure AD. I have a SCIM endpoint setup in my application to consume the SCIM requests from Azure AD. I added this feature ...
Blair Lunceford's user avatar
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Provision Azure AD from GSuite Directory

I'm trying to setup SSO and provisioning from my directory on GSuite to an Azure AD. There's no problem with SSO, besides the fact that you need to first create the guest accounts on the AAD side. I'...
Tiwenty's user avatar
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Register User provisioning app in Azure Gallery

I have created a SCIM enabled App. My only concern is User Provisioning. Is it allowed to register the app in Azure App gallery without adding the functionality of SSO in the app? I'm referring to ...
Anurag Maheshwari's user avatar
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Azure AD scim2 provisioning mapping primary email

We are trying to integrate our scim2 api with Azure AD and trying to figure out how to map the primary email value. We see that you can map multivalued attributes as in this document: https://learn....
user1452215's user avatar
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Provisioning Mode fails for existing app but works on a newly created one

Trying to edit provisioning mode in an Azure Enterprise App through SCIM but keep getting the error below: Funny enough I created another app to test the same credentials and the credentials work. I ...
Javy26's user avatar
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Azure AD users are no longer deactivated when removed from assigned users

We created an application with SCIM support over two year ago now and it always worked fine. However recently we have been getting reports from customers that users were no longer deleted/disabled ...
DeFide's user avatar
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Azure IoT SDK - check if device has been enrolled already

I am using the Azure IoT C SDK on my device. My application does the provisioning as per sample code prov_dev_client_ll_sample.c , but after that, also handles the communication to its twin on the ...
Engineer999's user avatar
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UWP on RPi - Trying to Provision to Azure - How to get X.509 certificate

I'm working with a RPi/UWP program (works well) that is signed with out X.509 certificate. I have no problems connecting to Azure IoT hub if I manually provision the connection, but as we intend to ...
Charles Gallo's user avatar
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Can I set disabled the device interaction with the IoT Hub to use Azure IoT Hub device provisioning service?

I use Azure IoT hub DPS to register devices. Can I set Disabled IoT device status when register Device from DPS? How to do that? I want to set this status { "deviceId": "test", "etag": "...
Kazuki Furukawa's user avatar
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Can you re-provision a device through Azure Device Provisioning Service using MQTT directly?

I am designing a solution for connected devices and have a requirement to re-provision a device before sending a message to ensure it is always connected to the nearest IoT Hub (based on latency). ...
Michael Aquilina's user avatar
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How do I provision device on boot with Group Enrollment?

I have a large number of devices that I want to provision to an Azure IoT hub through group enrollment. I have succcessfully created an IotHub, and a provisioning service in Azure and created an ...
Colin Blaise's user avatar
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Proper configuration of Azure IoT Hub DPS group enrollment with x509

I have quetion about proper configuration certificates in Auzre's IoT Hub. I want to use Device Provisioning Service with group enrollment. My goal is to reach following scenario: use CA root cert to ...
Kamil Z's user avatar
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How to get the provisioning state of the azure resource deployment through invoke command (REST API)

Deployment of webjobs in a web app $t=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -Headers $Headers -UserAgent $userAgent -Method PUT -InFile $f
twinkle hema's user avatar
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Does Microsoft Azure support SCIM provisioning 1.1?

I can see in the Microsoft documentation that Microsoft Azure supports SCIM provisioning 2.0. There is no mention of version 1.1. Does Azure support SCIM 1.1 as well? Microsoft Documentation that I'...
tunsa's user avatar
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Add existing user to Azure programmatically with Graph API

I'm capable of creating a new Azure User with the Graph.NET API: POST I have the token and it's working. But if I already have an user (...
Ziba Leah's user avatar
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Terraform provision private VM on Azure

I'm new to Terraform. I have a subnet with two Ubuntu VMs. One is VM A, which has a public IP, and the other is VM B, with a private IP and no public IP. Is there a Terraform way of provisioning files ...
thanos's user avatar
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I failed making a VM from image. I got this error

I made a VM for making a Image in Azure. After I made the linux vm(Redhat), I stop the vm and made image. But I failed making the vm from image. Both cases have the same problems -1st case:I didn't ...
주은혜's user avatar
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"Pipeline Stopped" error while setting up Azure VM DSC Extension via Powershell

PowerShell version: 5 I've uploaded a DSC ps1 file in a zip to Azure storage using the command: publish-azurermvmdscconfiguration With the appropriate parameters and arguments. Then I enter: Set-...
AllTradesJack's user avatar
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Newly created VMs from gallery image stuck in "Running (Provisioning)" or "Running (Provisioning Timed Out)"

I'm trying to evaluate Azure as a possible platform to move all our servers to, but it hasn't gone well. Alas, I'm in "Free Trial" mode so can't get technical support :( I'm trying to create some VMs ...
Brian O'Neill's user avatar
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Azure api app provisioning failed

I am creating an Azure API APP, VS2013, new project (API APP, preview), installed new azure sdk for vs 2013. Creation was successful, build just fine. tested the app locally, good. now I right click ...
Vijaya Malla's user avatar
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azure linux vm times out while provisioning

I imported a vhd in azure containing ubuntu 14.04. If i try to create a vm using that image, it shows 'Running (provisioning)' for a long time, and then eventually says 'Running (Provisioning timed ...
pdeva's user avatar
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SyncFramework Provisioning Exception

I am getting a DbPartialllyProvisionedException when i try provisioning the microsoft azure scope. It is returning an error "Invalid column name 'ISQLHELPERCACHEDPRIMARYCLIENTNAME'." And I am not sure ...
Malcom Li's user avatar
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Why can't Azure find the provisioning configuration within a PowerShell command?

I'm attempting to deploy an Azure VM using the PowerShell command below, and I'm receiving an unhelpful error. Something is blocking Azure from recognizing the provisioning configuration. I also ...
Giffyguy's user avatar
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While creating VM from my de-provisioned Ubuntu image at Azure it creates VM with fuseblk resource disk instead of ext4

When i create VM from the pre-set Ubuntu images at Azure -- its ok. It looks like: brutto@app-test-brutto:~$ df -T Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 ...
brutto's user avatar
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Providing additional parameters to the VM being provisioned on Azure

I'm creating Azure VM's through the portal and the API, everything ok with that. But what I'm now looking for is how I can add additional parameters / arguments to the OS which is being provisioned. I ...
Jurjan's user avatar
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Capturing User Profile when saving an image (sysprep)

I have successfully captured an image using sysprep and can provision new machines from it, however all the custom user settings are missing (desktop shortcuts, chrome bookmarks etc...). A more ...
johnharris85's user avatar
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XML request body: invalid on Windows Azure

<PersistentVMRole xmlns="" xmlns:i=""> <RoleName>SomeName</RoleName> <RoleType>...
Villapando Cedric's user avatar