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Multi Processing vs Multi Threading and Hyper-Threading

What is the difference between thread and process? Threads can use multi core and process use multi core too. Threads shares same memory but process cant share. What if we use shared memory for multi-...
murathanklc's user avatar
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Apache NiFi custom processor runtime environment error

I am using NiFi 2.0 that supports python scripts directly from a working directory, after I add my custom processor to the canvas, an error "Processor invalid because initializing runtime ...
cyrine's user avatar
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comparing the performance of a x86 processor with gem5

I'm trying to create a gem5 implementation that is close to a x86 processor in terms of performance. However, I'm not sure which statistic I can use to compare the performance of the two. I was ...
user23447276's user avatar
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Apache Nifi: Add property to Processor which accepts Sensitive Value

Within an Apache Nifi Workflow I would like to create a property which accepts a Sensitive Value. Via #{password} I would like to assign a parameter from my context parameter to this custom property. ...
Katja Bürger's user avatar
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Can the processor speculatively fetch instructions in MMIO space?

Why does it say in the instruction manual that speculative instruction fetching can be performed to a certain extent? What's the reason for it? Can the processor speculatively fetch instructions in ...
san zhang's user avatar
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how to call a procedure only after complete data gets ingested

querydatabasetable --> fetch data from source approx 1GB data. convertavrotojson ---> converting avro fromat data to json format. splitjson --> splitting a json flowfile into single json ...
Apple's user avatar
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Nifi python processor cannot create Relationships in configure processor UI

I created a Python Nifi Processor just as in the standard python documentation. This is NOT an ExecuteScript processor. I am able to load the python processor but when I click the Configure Processor -...
Ashwini. Kumar's user avatar
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how to trigger next processor only after the queue gets empty

querydatabasetable --> fetch data from source approx 2GB data. convertavrotojson ---> converting avro fromat data to json format putdatabaserecord --> ingesting all the 2GB (10 million ...
Apple's user avatar
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How do i find number of Cycles of a processor?

I am kind of confused on how to find the number of cycles. Although it appears to be pretty simple. Is it supposed to be number of cycles = (Clock Rate) * (CPI) * (Time) or number of cycles = (Clock ...
daniel's user avatar
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How add XML2CSV processor to Keboola components?

I would like to use the XML2CSV processor to be able to convert XML files to JSON and then to CSV format. The problem is that in Keboola Components there is not this component. The only way how to ...
CataGata's user avatar
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Save Semantic data in GraphDB triplestore using Nifi

I want to save the big semantic data (turtle format), which is transformed via a NiFi processor, in GraphDB. I am using InvokeHTTP in NiFi, but I am not succeeding. I have always Connection timed out (...
suzy's user avatar
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No events detected! PAPI 7.1.0 on Ubuntu 22.04

I am trying to use PAPI to check processor events for a college work, but it doesn't show any PAPI Preset Events when use papi_avail -a After I've already installed libopenmpi-dev, papi-tools and PAPI ...
Tomás Torres's user avatar
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Create dynamic method using Annotation Processor

At the moment I am trying to create an annotation processor that creates a method called getValue in the class that is annotated. For this I created the following class: package ro.Gabriel....
louiscarpenter3463's user avatar
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Does getOpaque/order_relaxed/read_once have influence on the processor, or just the compiler during memory hoisting?

I've had some discussion with multiple people on this issue, and there are some points that makes the usage of memory ordering fences on load situations somewhat confusing. The first bullet point ...
Delark's user avatar
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How to match the microarchitectural values produced in the pipeline with its corresponding architectural instruction?

My goal is to match all pipeline values (all the signals at the microarchitectural states in the processor) produced by the execution of the corresonding instruction for a scalar, in-oder RISCV ...
Sarah_lan's user avatar
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Do modern JIT compilers keep Program Order(PO) inside spinning loops?

The consensus around here seems to be that the famous example given in the "Java Concurrency in Practice" book: public class NoVisibility { private static boolean ready; private ...
Delark's user avatar
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AWS EC2 instance crashing whenever I run my python program

I have a Python program for Data Collection from various sources, and then storing the data to my AWS Database using python. I have developed the code using Python 3.8. The code runs perfectly on my ...
Aditya Maniar's user avatar
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try add a criteria with include for telemetry processor in ApplicationInsights V3 (java) Codeless Approach is not working?

I have to add a new attribute facility on all logs with a filter to name attributes with value toto value, but I don't know why it s not working maybe including criteria is not working? I use this ...
Marcel Pagnol's user avatar
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how to implement this logic in mips [duplicate]

a='Z' if ('A'<a<'Z'): print(a.lower()) blt and bgt cant do both of them at the same time because once the condition is met for blt it will branch no matter what of the other condition blt $t0,'...
Rama Zain's user avatar
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Should I align data to their data type or cpu cache line size?

Data is usually aligned with its own data type, i.e a 32-bit int is usually aligned to 4 bytes, this makes loading/storing them more efficient for the processor. Now when does cache line alignment ...
Dan's user avatar
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How to write bootloader for multi cores ARM cortex-M0 processor

The cores are categorized into one IO-control core, one DSP core and two normal cores. I managed to find SWD pins but I'm not sure what software to boot, or do I have to create assembly codes? One ...
YOONG JENG's user avatar
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PHP : Filter out text from HTML tags, process it and again place the text where it was (Drupal 9) [duplicate]

I have been trying to find a way to tackle below problem using PHP, I have a HTML text from CKEditor, I want to replace certain words that I find match with, from a file and add a link to those words. ...
Umesh Patil's user avatar
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Does CryptGenRandom use the RNG in my processor?

On Windows, CryptGenRandom is the standard random number generator to use. It is called by many packages like Python’s Random and Secrets modules, which both use os.urandom, which in turns calls ...
Riemann's user avatar
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Why is Pipelined Processor identified as a SISD?

I'm studying pipelined processor and i noticed that a pipelined processor (single core processor) is identified as a Single instruction - single data (flynn taxonomy). I was wondering why? As a ...
Vitto's user avatar
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I can't get the addition and subtraction to execute correctly and the results I'm getting are wrog. How can I fix this?

So I'm trying to desgin a Processor for a university project and as I was going back to check my code I found out that my ALU unit doens't produce the correct results for addition and subtraction. Can ...
DilligentSlacker's user avatar
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Mali gpu directory

I cannot find the gpu directory for Mali Gpu's current frequency in the root flile system. Like in case of Qualcomm Adreno GPU the path for the gpu frequency is /sys/devices/platform/kgsl-3d0.0/kgsl/...
Shubham Chakraborty's user avatar
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Get high utilization CPU% + what service/process is causing it

I would like to know what service that is causing the high CPU utilization into the exisitng code below. the code works well and sends noticication to me but i just need to add what process or service ...
Allan Ray's user avatar
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Reserve a part of memory

Currently I am making some code for a Nordic nRF chip. I want to make it power efficient so I am experimenting with it. A part of that is turning memory sections off. So my goal is to power one block ...
Christian T's user avatar
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Need Help Understanding True/False Statements in Computer Architecture

I am currently studying computer architecture and I am having difficulty understanding the following true/false statements. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could provide clarification on these ...
Bryan C's user avatar
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Understanding Set Field Value, Tag Field Value, and Cache Hits/Misses in MIPS Processor

I am currently studying computer architecture and I am struggling with a specific exercise involving a 32-bit MIPS processor. The exercise asks to determine the set field value, tag field value, and ...
Bryan C's user avatar
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Understanding the Impact of a MIPS Program on a Direct Mapped Data Cache

I am trying to understand the behavior of a direct mapped data cache in a MIPS processor. I have been given a program and asked to determine which sets of the cache have been updated after the program ...
cricket900's user avatar
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How does BIOS (generally) change settings on the processor?

I want to confirm my understanding of how BIOS (generally) works such that I can emulate some of the actions it takes without using the kernel driver / userspace library. My goals are purely academic ...
Grant Curell's user avatar
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How does an ARM processor know when to restore CPSR from SPSR?

I'm currently trying to emulate ARMv4T and wasn't able to find any information about this: When and exception handler returns, it has to move the saved PC value (r14) to the PC register and set the ...
Papierkorb2292's user avatar
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Is port blocked when data is fetching from cache or memory in CPU microarchitecture?

There are two identical memory read ports (port 2 and 3) and one write port (port 4) of Intel Skylake cores. Assuming there are two load instructions issued to port 2 and port 3 parallelly: When both ...
oleotiger's user avatar
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How to run QEMU with Fedora + Custom kernel

I am trying to run Fedora with QEMU, but with a custom kernel that i built by using the first steps from the readme.txt file from here. The kernel describes T-HEAD's C910 processor, and I want it in ...
Some1's user avatar
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What is the difference between processor cores and SMP cores?

In figure 3.2 in the book Distributed Systems: fun and profit, it is mentioned: Performance advantage of a cluster built with high-end server nodes (128 core SMP) over a cluster with the same number ...
Aviral Srivastava's user avatar
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manipulation of processor speed without changing the processor

is it possible to replace a ram with higher storage on a machine with a processor of low speed? is speed of processing increased or decreased. i want to replace the ram drive of my machine with a ...
Lucky Mafuta's user avatar
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Does a large Max Degree Of Parallelism cause queuing?

I would like to know if my understanding of setting a Max Degree Of Parallelism (MDOP) value larger than a machines available processor amount causes a queueing effect that I have described below. ...
LostInParallel's user avatar
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Creating a Processor

It is my last semester but one in university, the sublect is called Architecture and Programming of Microprocessors, the professor wrote this code and i just cannot understand what he is doing. ...
Nicholas Akkerer's user avatar
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Word Addressing in a Single Processor Cache

I've recently come across this description of a single processor cache saying that it's "Word addressed (addresses are left shifted by 2 by adding “00” to end of address inside the processor, ...
johnoldman's user avatar
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MSR vs MMIO/PCIe configuration space

Intel sometimes uses MSRs and sometimes "internal" PCIe devices to expose configuration options to the OS. I could not find any ressources which describe the advantages/reasons for using ...
Benedict Schlüter's user avatar
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How to view branch predictor tables of a process using a debugger (gdb)?

I know that most modern processors maintain a branch prediction table (BPT). I have read the gdb documentation but I could not found any command that should give desired results. Based on this, I have ...
Taimoor Zaeem's user avatar
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Test and Verification for Designed Softcore Chip

I aim to design an 8-bit softcore processor that can be implemented on the Zedboard Zynq-7000 FPGA. What do you think I should do for validation, test and verification (what kind of testbench or ...
onurmt's user avatar
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How do processor cores share/run queued threads?

I have a processor with two cores c1 and c2. I have seven threads t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 and t6. t0 is the main thread. From t0 I create t1 and t2 to handle certain tasks from data d0 obtained from t0....
linker's user avatar
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Apache NIFI - Creating Loop with

sales_order item_code description 100 1 Item 1 100 2 item 2 100 3 Item 3 100 4 Item 4 I receive a sales order list in this format and I need to register it in two tables, one for sales order and ...
José Roberto Miesbach's user avatar
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How to Use 100% intel core i9 CPU with Visual Studio 2019?

I have tested with Ryzen 5900X, Visual Studio uses 100% processing and compiles my Source code in 103 seconds. But on another PC with intel core i9 12900K processor, it takes 228 seconds to compile, ...
Usman's user avatar
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NPM install maven build failure

I am trying to build an Angular JS project using 'mvn clean install' command. The 'npm install' execution specified in pom.xml is as follows: <execution> <id>npm install</id> <...
Ramya's user avatar
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Terraform dynamic block module

I am trying to create dynamic block for the below datadog custom pipeline however I can see only verbose category but not Debug category, is there any way to get both debug & Verbose. Resource: ...
Srikanth Ganapavarapu's user avatar
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What are ps and delta values in Modelsim Verilog?

I am new to Modelsim. I have a processor. In this module clock cycle is 40 ps and I simulate the project with 20 ps speed. forever #20 clk=~clk; I have added some variables to the list to be able to ...
Mahmut Salman's user avatar
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If a CPU's stack is 1MB and a programming language is purely pass by value, how can we pass data bigger than 1MB into functions? What happens exactly?

So I hear that using pass by value, copies of the parameters are added to the call stack. Apparently, the stack size on Windows is often 1MB. Obviously though, we can easily pass around data that is ...
RandomUser123's user avatar

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