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kable_styling overrides linesep = "" and adds space every 5 rows

This is partially related to this post, but for some reason I seem not to be able to fix my issue. In Quarto, when I create a table using kable with booktabs = TRUE and linesep = "" I get ...
Claudio's user avatar
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Table editing in R Markdown with xtable

I would like to ask support in handling a table in R Markdown. Let me specify that this document will be then knitted to pdf through the engine pdflatex. Here my code: library(knitr) library(...
Mattia Andreolli's user avatar
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KableExtra column width not working when knitting to PDF in R Markdown

I'm unable to adjust the column widths in column_spec() in my KableExtra table when knitting to PDF. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the cnames object which I apply to the col.names = ...
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Contents of the line rmarkdown unformatted latex pdf

I need to wrap the contents of the line marked in red. The content of this row is too large. the output of this content is in pdf ```{r tabela1, echo=FALSE, include=F, fig.pos='H'} tabela1 = ...
Francisco Ribeiro's user avatar
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Problem with image kable extra r markdown

I'm generating a document with pdf output using rmarkdown. This document contains a column where I am inserting images. The image is inserted correctly, but it comes with the value described in the ...
Francisco Ribeiro's user avatar
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ERROR: "Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr." in R-Markdown to PDF

I am using a Rmarkdown with KableExtra to create an Invoice table with collapse_rows and pack_rows. Executing this chunk locally generates the wished table layout: example table layout As soon I try ...
schnorch's user avatar
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A hybrid of kableExtra's pack_rows and add_header_above?

I am combining my ANOVA tables and contrasts tables to save space. I'm using warp and noise data sets in emmeans for a prototype. library(emmeans) library(kableExtra) warp.lm <- lm(breaks ~ wool * ...
hnguyen's user avatar
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Background color for column in kableExtra does not work

A column in a table should have a background color. Somehow with my code this doesn't work. Here a (hopefully) reproducable example: --- title: "Untitled" output: pdf_document --- ```{r} ...
yaennu.s's user avatar
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How to deploy kable table latex format in markdown

I need to create a lot of kable tables so i use a for loop and store this tables in a list, but when I try to deploy the kable table from the list in markdown, the result is the latex code, not a pdf, ...
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why add_footnote not working using kableextra in r-markdown pdf?

I'm trying to add footnote under my table but foot note is not getting displayed. kbl(dataf,format="latex",longtable = T) %>% kable_styling(latex_options = c("hold_position",&...
Anu's user avatar
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how to add line break or newline for space in specific columns using kable extra r-markdown?

I'm using r-markdown to generate pdf. i want to add a line break or newline to a column in a dataframe where ever the space is there C1 C2 ID ----------------- 22.6 a-b a 23.5 ba-cd ...
K K's user avatar
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How to loop through pack_rows in r using kableextra package?

A C ------- KK 1 KK 3 KK 3 AA 4 AA 52 BB 33 BB 7 BB 83 DD 91 DD 10 i have a table like the one above i want to use column A and make it into groups and use start and end index to be used ...
Shanvi's user avatar
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LaTeX math expressions in Knitr / RMarkdown (Beamer)

I am having difficulty getting LaTeX math expressions to properly render when using knitr and kableExtra to compile a table in a Beamer presentation. I was originally use xelatex as my engine, and ...
Speleo4Life's user avatar
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R markdown, trouble with \rowcolor in kable_styling()

Having some trouble with kable_styling() in R markdown. has a great vignette on styling tables in Rmd files to pdf but still having ...
Josh Erickson's user avatar
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Adding arrow or figure in kable cell?

Is it possible to add an up or down arrow in a kable cell, with a pdf_output? Has anyone had luck adding any special figures into a kable cell? My header: --- title: "markdownTest" header-includes: -...
David's user avatar
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pandoc.exe: Error producing PDF

I have tried running the following simple code; ```{r sample} library(knitr) library(kableExtra) dt <- mtcars[1:5, 1:4] # LaTeX Table knitr::kable(dt,format = 'latex')%>% column_spec(column =...
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