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Two PayPal Buttons On One Page in React

I am trying to render two PayPal no-code buttons on my webpage (e.g. Services Page) They both take different amounts, $ 49 and $ 1000. Because its implementation in React is a little bit different ...
Eric Addai's user avatar
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How to capture order Paypal in Nextjs

I am trying to add a PayPal payment functionality to my website. Currently, I am using PayPalButtons from react-paypal-js and PayPal API v2 I am trying to add a PayPal payment functionality to my ...
Blackmeow's user avatar
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Adding shipping via advanced variables or html code to paypal subscription button

I run a small localised oatmilk making and delivery business, and we are trying to set up a subscription model via paypal. The subscription buttons and reports give us (almost!) everything we need, ...
Amphibio's user avatar
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PayPal checkout button - validate order before popup

I'm currently working on an event seat reservation project using an online checkout with paypal integration and a user form on the same page. The problem I'm currently facing is that I need to check (...
Debede's user avatar
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Add notification email address PayPal button to send receipt to

We have multiple buttons (for different services). We want to add an email address to a single button to send sale receipts to. (now it is only sent to the email address of the PayPal account) Is this ...
user3253002's user avatar
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PayPal 'Pay Now' Button in Javascript without a Backend?

In another question I found the following has been deprecated. Specifically, actions.order.create and actions.order.capture have been deprecated and should not be used in any new integrations So what ...
Rewind's user avatar
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@paypal/react-paypal-js - Getting INVALID_RESOURCE_ID error

I'm integrating Paypal into an application and I'm using the @paypal/react-paypal-js package. I first first create an order on the backend (route: /create-paypal-order) and then capture the payment on ...
Uroš Barjaktarević's user avatar
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PayPal Checkout in ReactJs (adding different payment options)

I'm working on implementing PayPal Checkout into my ReactJs project. I'm using the npm package for react-paypal ( but I've been unable to add ...
Liz7's user avatar
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PayPal smart button won't submit with dynamic values

I have a PayPal smart button that looks like this: The button div is hidden but exists on the page, then after the user makes some choices, the value are populated and the button div is shown. The ...
Shawn's user avatar
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useEffect is not updating PayPal client id with axios request [duplicate]

Sometimes it seems the most simpliest stuff is not working. I am doing a GET request to my API to get the paypal_client_id, but it's not updating in time. import { useState } from 'react'; import ...
Ben Fisher's user avatar
3 votes
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After Updating on react 18 paypal button show twice

Hello everyone i want to ask about the issue that after updating my react app my PayPal-buttonv2 rendering couple of times and shows Strictmode issues, please guid me thanks in advance react-dom....
Faaiz ALAM's user avatar
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Trigger createOrder function (Paypal SDK) via typescript

I am using window.paypal.Buttons() in an Angular 12 page. I created a Paypal component where there is only the Paypal button: paypal.components.html <div id="paypal-button-container" #...
Igor Cantele's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Paypal Gift Aid

I have implemented PayPal Gift Aid / Donate as a separate SDK by following this documentation PayPal Donate SDK. But how can I add this Donate functionality to regular PayPal payment as a checkbox ...
Faizan Haidar Khan's user avatar
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Capture payment method used to pay with PayPal Checkout/Orders API

I'm using the Standard Integration of PayPal Checkout (via the Orders API), and want to capture the actual payment method - which I believe PayPal calls a "funding source" - that the ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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permission_denied error when capturing paypal order with paypal buttons and php

since a few weeks ago I receive an error, when capturing a paypal order. All works fine in the sandbox but not in the production environment. The buttons are rendered correctly and the paypal window ...
hansrouge's user avatar
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How i setup paypal payment button?

I have a button that redirects to a paypal payment on my website. i want to do that only if you bought the thing im selling it will redirect to the download page and you can't access it just by typing ...
Someone's user avatar
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PayPal Subscription Button Coupons

I am using Paypal buttons to subscribe customers to a plan. I am trying to apply coupons on the Paypal buttons without any luck. This is the code that generate the Paypal button on the frontend: ...
Spotify Man's user avatar
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Paypal Button issues

At the beginning of last week I was able to process two orders and was unaware of any other possible orders. These two orders were correctly received, processed and shipped. I have received no further ...
Mikie A Cir's user avatar
3 votes
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Horizontal layout of PayPal buttons

I would like to arrange the PayPal and the Credit Card buttons horizontally as is described in the documentation. When I stacked them vertically, both buttons were displayed just fine. However, the ...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
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Transitioning from the old PayPal button to the PayPal Javascript SDK button

I have used the plain paypal button like this with no problems: <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" ...
Patrick's user avatar
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How can I show a PayPal Smart Subscription Button and a PayPal Smart Capture Button on the same page?

When trying to add a PayPal subscription button and a capture/order button for one-time payments to the same page, you need to import PayPal's Javascript file twice with different parameters (intent=...
Alejandro Núñez's user avatar
2 votes
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PayPal Buttons and Webhook integration

I have a Paypal Button setup with the following code: paypal.Buttons({ createSubscription: function(data, actions) { return actions.subscription.create({ 'plan_id': 'P-PLANID'...
Bijan's user avatar
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Why blinks when the paypal button is rendered in nextjs?

I used react-paypal-button-v2 to display the paypal button as below. When the window refreshes, only the button flashes. I think it's because of animation rather than ssr. Can I disable the default ...
popo's user avatar
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I want to replace my paypal email address with some text on Paypal Checkout

I have a problem with PayPal custom checkout. I want to replace my PayPal email address on the custom shopping cart checkout form: Here is my code: <form action="
Tamim Ikbal's user avatar
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PayPal window is not closing and onApprove is not called

I had a working PayPal flow for buying subscription using PayPal buttons. User had to click the button, PayPal window opened, after filling all the data, PayPal window disappear, onApprove hook was ...
Zenek Wiaderko's user avatar
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PayPal Buttons in Flutter Web with a Node SDK

I am looking for a way to add PayPal buttons in Flutter Web. Since I am not very smart I only could add those from html code, but it is only redirection. I need to use JavaScript PayPal buttons or ...
helloitsme2's user avatar
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How should I transfer the entered information to my server via PayPal after the success of the purchase?

I just started working with PayPal online payment system, I started making smart buttons in PayPal but I could not implement what I wanted. I need that when the user enters a value in the Field Text ...
Lap Nabo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does a second call to Paypal button JS SDK createOrder method result in two orders?

If you create an order id, and then create a button adding the order is like this: paypal.buttons({ createOrder: function(data, actions) { return orderId; }, . . }).render('#my-...
Dom's user avatar
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PayPal Checkout / Smart Buttons - Error with createOrder & empty fields which are optional

With the createOrder function I am passing some of the customer information, mainly to pre-populate the credit / debit card fields. Something like phone number optional at checkout. With the following ...
Tim's user avatar
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PayPal smart button switch to subscription / recurring donation

I've managed to get the PayPal smart button working, but would like to know if it's possible to switch the payment button to a subscription programmatically after it's been rendered? And what the best ...
SomeRandomDev's user avatar
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PayPal Smart Button onclick Event

Currently I am using PayPal smart button for my website's payment gateway and I am using ASP.NET MVC to do so. I was wondering is it possible to create an "on click" event on the PayPal in ...
Yong Kevin's user avatar
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How to capture and securely verify payment completion from Paypal's buttons?

Following the code from, I follow the "Smart Buttons" link, generate and copy the code, so I add the following to our payments page (with our actual clientID ...
Cal-linux's user avatar
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How to make Paypal button invoke "live" functionality?

Following the code from, I follow the "Smart Buttons" link, generate and copy the code, so I add the following to our payments page (with our actual clientID ...
Cal-linux's user avatar
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PayPal smart button - how to preselect users country for billing

I have a PayPal smart button on my website, with buttons for "PayPal" and "Debit or Credit Card" When clicking on the card button, it expands fields for the card and billing info ...
Lawrence Cooke's user avatar
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Can I save a unique ID in paypal side like invoice_id after paypal popup closes

I need to store my application's transaction id in paypal console. ie for every transaction i need to save this id and i need to check the respective transaction in paypal console using this id. I ...
PranavPinarayi's user avatar
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React js Script Tag for PayPal buttons from their Button Builder and I don't know how to put in React.js project

so i'm about to put a PayPal button on a site but this is my problem, i'm kinda intermediate to React except the script tag this error appeared Failed to compile. ./src/billings/paypal/...
aliamanuba's user avatar
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How to pass in order id or any custom id for tracking purposes?

I am using vue and this npm library Let's say I want to store the record into db, and I would like to have an id which I can correlate to my user id or ...
janetsmith's user avatar
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Problem with PayPal smart buttons flow for subscriptions

I'm implementing PayPal smart buttons. The standard checkout button that uses createOrder works fine, but when I try to implement a Subscription button using createSubscription, it fails. This is my ...
Andres SK's user avatar
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JS client for PayPal Smart Buttons /v2 API: how to set payment_method and override brand_name?

Can't figure out how and where to set 1.payment_method to ' IMMEDIATE_PAYMENT_REQUIRED', override 2.brand_name (Seller's default name on PayPal account) and 3.To getan invoice_id(order_id) onApprove. ...
TextToSpeech's user avatar
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PHP IPN script works with IPN simulator but not with PayPal button

I have set PayPal sandbox account and created a button and put it in HTML. When I test everything out with IPN simulator it works just fine, but when purchase is made through PayPal button (sandbox ...
Ricky97 's user avatar
4 votes
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Advanced card payments SDK showing error during submission of form

Error: "Hosted Fields payment is already in progress." I have copied it from this PayPal documentation, and in the SDK URL pass a proper sandbox clientID. if (paypal.HostedFields.isEligible()) { ...
Ravi Kumar's user avatar
5 votes
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How do I add PayPal Smart Buttons to a Chrome Extension?

I thought that it would be an easy 2 line integration as seen here. But after adding the correct CSP in order to allow in line executions, the behavior is not as intended. The window pops up and ...
DanielC's user avatar
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Render 'Buy Now' PayPal Smart Payment Button without branding

I have implemented PayPal on my PHP website. Everything is working fine but I want to show the PayPal button with a Buy Now and no 'PayPal' text The documentation says to set label:'buynow' and ...
Sachin Kumar's user avatar
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Smart PayPal Buttons in React, disable the button

I have this implementation of the PayPal smart buttons in React: function PayPalButtonComponent(props: PayPalButtonProps) { const [show, set_show] = useState(false); const [error, set_error] = ...
Jacopo's user avatar
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Paypal Smart Buttons: Get clicked button

I added the Paypal Smart Buttons API to my website, with the following code: paypal.Buttons({ createOrder: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.create({ purchase_units: [{ ...
Francesco's user avatar
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PayPal integration Logger API hits on different place

PayPal integration Logger API is getting hit multiple times on different places on my website where it is not even called and as a result the request gets cancelled. I am unable to identify the cause ...
Sonia's user avatar
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How to change PayPal button locale?

I am having problems with changing the language displated on the PayPal Button: PayPal Demo When I add the following code, the language does not change (according to the documentation, it should ...
Marek's user avatar
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PayPal Smart Payment Buttons: How to change the language

How can I change the language of a PayPal Smart Payment Button? My current code looks like this: paypal.Buttons({ locale: 'en_US', style: { size: 'small', color: 'gold', shape: 'pill'...
Philipp S.'s user avatar
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How to test-automate PayPal SDK button payment flow?

What's a recommended or reliable way to programmatically test a PayPal payment flow that uses the PayPal Smart Payment Button? window.paypal.Buttons() is loaded from . ...
Arc's user avatar
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Show do not refresh message/page while payment details are fetched PayPal Checkout Button

I am integrating paypal express checkout with v2 php checkout sdk. I am able to make transaction complete and redirect user to a thankyou page and save the details to db, but when user pay through ...
MysticalSam's user avatar