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How does raft prevent submitted logs from being overwritten

figure 8 in raft paper Consider a situation like the figure 8 in raft paper, but in (c), log entry from term 2 has been commited, and s1 crashs, s5 becomes leader, then s5 send append entry rpc to s2, ...
zelin's user avatar
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what is the key difference between multipaxos and basic paxos protocol

how is multipaxos different from basic paxos? How does ordering work in multipaxos? Can someone explain multi-paxos along with the diagram Tried out going through videos and research papers but ...
anonymousM's user avatar
2 votes
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In Paxos, why can't we use random backoff to avoid collision?

I understand that the heart of Paxos consensus algorithm is that there is only one "majority" in any given set of nodes, therefore if a proposer gets accepted by a majority, there cannot be ...
Weipeng's user avatar
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Paxos understanding

I have read the paper Paxos made simple. And after hard thinking, I come to this conclusion: The Paxos protocol always guarantees the majority of servers accept the same value at the same turn of the ...
梁雨生's user avatar
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paxos algorithm - how does the propose stage work?

I am looking at the pseudocode for the PROPOSE stage of the paxos algorithm: did I receive PROMISE responses from a majority of acceptors? if yes ...
nz_21's user avatar
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How can I understand "value" in bacis paxos

I am reading Lamport's Paxos Mode Simple, and I get confused with the meaning "value" here. For example, Lamport says: If a proposal with value v is chosen, then every higher-numbered ...
calvin's user avatar
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Mencius and AllConcur Consensus Algorithms

Just wanted to ask if anyone has had any thoughts on the similarities and differences between the Mencius and AllConcur consensus protocols? At first glance these algorithms are presented very ...
Michael Davis's user avatar
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Two Phase Commit blocking on coordinator failure

I was trying to read the Paxos Commit paper and am struggling witih moving past the introduction. The intial section builds a motivation for a fault-tolerant transaction coordinator implementation in ...
Curious's user avatar
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In paxos, what happens if a proposer is down after its proposal is rejected?

In this figure, the proposal of X is rejected. At the end of the timeline, S1 and S2 accept X while S3, S4 and S5 accept Y. Proposer X is now supposed to re-send the proposal with value Y. But what ...
daquexian's user avatar
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Does paxos provide true linearizable consistency or not?

I think I might be confusing concepts here, but it seems to me like paxos would provide linearizable consistency for systems that implement it. I know Cassandra uses it. I'm not 100% clear on how but ...
red888's user avatar
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Is Paxos Strongly Consistent?

Consider a distributed system with 3 nodes- n1, n2, n3. There is a shared data, x, among the nodes. Paxos is running on the nodes. In the beginning, x is equal to 4. A client sends an update request ...
H.H's user avatar
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3 answers

How do replicas coming back online in PAXOS or RAFT catch up?

In consensus algorithms like for example PAXOS and RAFT, a value is proposed, and if a quorum agrees, it's written durably to the data store. What happens to the participants that were unavailable at ...
Markus Jevring's user avatar
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Commit Failure in Paxos

I am new to the Distributed System and Consensus Algorithm. I understand how it works but I am confused by some corner cases: when the acceptors received an ACCEPT for an instance but never heard back ...
zzqtunaive's user avatar
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Why is leader election mandatory for a write but not for a read request?

In a reliable distributed system leader election is mandatory for write success and I can understand that it's required to follow the Paxos algorithm. However, why is a leader election (thus ...
Shibasis Sengupta's user avatar
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Consistency in Different Context (Distributed System vs Memory Model vs Database)

I am confused by the term "Consistency". It's been used in many different context, i.e Distributed System, Memory Model and Database. People/Wikipedia summarize all different Consistency Model in the ...
Oliver Young's user avatar
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Why Paxos is design in two phases

Why Paxos requires two phases(prepare/promise + accept/accepted) instead of a single one? That is, using only prepare/promise portion, if the proposer has heard back from a majority of acceptors, that ...
Jacky Wang's user avatar
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Is keep logging messages in group communication service or paxos practical?

In the case of network partition or node crash, most of the distributed atomic broadcast protocols (like Extended Virtual Synchrony or Paxos), require running nodes, to keep logging messages, until ...
Satish Kumar's user avatar
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using sql primary keys for master election- is there a flaw in this approach?

Let's say I've SQL schema like this- create table master_lock(job_type int primary key, ip varchar); Now each node tries to insert a value like this- insert into master_lock values(1,;...
user375868's user avatar
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Paxos and Discovery

Suppose I throw some machines in an elastic cluster and want to run some consensus algorithm in they (say, Paxos). Suppose they know the initial size of the network, say, 8 machines. So, they'll run ...
Luís Guilherme's user avatar
4 votes
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Paxos algorithm in the context of distributed database transaction

I had some confusion about paxos, specifically in the context of database transactions: In the paper "paxos made simple", it says in the second phase that the proposer needs to choose one of the ...
bohanl's user avatar
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Using Paxos to synchronize a large file across nodes

I'm trying to use Paxos to maintain consensus between nodes on a file that is around 50MB in size, and constantly being modified at individual nodes. I'm running into issues of practicality. ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
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How is poxos keep replication logs in sync practically

I read the paxos can be used to keep replications in sync by syncing operation logs to replications. To my understanding each paxos instance will define an log id with the operation Ideally the ...
DCY's user avatar
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Why is it legit to use no-op to fill gaps between paxos events?

I am learning Paxos algorithm ( and there is one point I do not understand. We know that events follow a timely order, and ...
OneZero's user avatar
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Does paxos "ignore" the request for updating the value if it is not in sync with highest proposal number sent by acceptor?

Title here could be misleading. I will try my best to explain my doubt through an example. I am reading about paxos algorithm from wiki and other sources. 1) Imagine a situation where a client's ...
brain storm's user avatar
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What's the benefit of advanced master election algorithms over bully algorithm?

I read how current master election algorithms like Raft, Paxos or Zab elect master on a cluster and couldn't understand why they use sophisticated algorithms instead of simple bully algorithm. I'm ...
Boyolame's user avatar
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Paxos vs two phase commit

I am trying to understand the difference between paxos and two phase commit as means to reach consensus among multiple machines. Two phase commit and three phase commit is very easy to understand. It ...
Keeto's user avatar
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What to do if the leader fails in Multi-Paxos for master-slave systems?

Backgound: In section 3, named Implementing a State Machine, of Lamport's paper Paxos Made Simple, Multi-Paxos is described. Multi-Paxos is used in Google Paxos Made Live. (Multi-Paxos is used in ...
hengxin's user avatar
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avoiding overuse of consensus protocols in a distributed system

I'm new to distributed systems, and I'm reading about "simple Paxos". It creates a lot of chatter and I'm thinking about performance implications. Let's say you're building a globally-distributed ...
Dan's user avatar
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How does a consensus algorithm guarantee consistency?

How does a consensus algorithm like Paxos "guarantee safety (freedom from inconsistency)" when two generals prove the "impossibility of designing algorithms to safely agree"? When I consider the ...
Witness Protection ID 44583292's user avatar
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How to make sense of Phase 2 in Paxos distributed consensus algorithm?

I have pasted pseudocode for a paxos algorithm here: What is a "view" in the Paxos consensus algorithm? and was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. The ...
user1068636's user avatar
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What is a "view" in the Paxos consensus algorithm?

I have pasted pseudocode for a paxos algorithm below and was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. I am trying to implement the algorithm below, but I'm a confused what exactly "...
user1068636's user avatar
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10 votes
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Using Paxos in dynamic environment

Paxos algorithm can tolerate up to F failures when using 2F + 1 processors. As far as I understand, this algorithm works only with fixed number of processors. Is it possible to use this algorithm in ...
Evgeny Lazin's user avatar
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In Paxos, can an Acceptor accept a different value after it has already accepted one?

In Multi-Paxos algorithm, consider this message flow from the viewpoint of an acceptor: receive: Prepare(N) reply: Promise(N, null) receive: Accept!(N, V1) reply: Accepted(N, V1) receive: Accept!(...
Sergej Koščejev's user avatar