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Calculating the length of a cord line based on forces

In 3D, I need to find the cord length based on forces that describe the cord. I tried to do this, based on the following code with the following inputs: H the constant horizontal force q_verti the ...
Tim Moore's user avatar
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How do I solve a system of equations with Eulers Method?

So I have one problem for motion. The problem is finding for which angle, a object would fall off a sphere. Suppose the sphere is frictionless and all that, so it just slides off. Logically this would ...
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Creating and updating 3 index matrix in Python

I'm trying to create a three index matrix that contains 1 value (V) for every node of a numerical spatial mesh (xyz) (real world problem: the electrostatic potential created by finite-paralell- plates ...
Daniel's user avatar
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python numpy.libalg.eigh() returns wrong eigen vectors. why?

For a brief info, I was tasked to model a wave function for a quantum particle imprisoned in a parabolic potential (this problem is related to quantum harmonic oscillator). I used matrix method for ...
rodrykbyk's user avatar
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I need help setting up matrices to solve using Gaussian elimination in Python

Apologies in advance to those who has to read through my poor coding skill The objective of this coding is to first develop a 17x17 matrix and solve for the 17 unknowns using methods presented in ...
Nam Kang's user avatar