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How to set a default value of 1 year from now for expire_at in Laravel migrations? [duplicate]

I am creating fields for a table in Laravel. I want to create a expire_at column using $table->timestamps() but set a default date of 1 year from now. Currently, I am trying the following: $table-&...
Malik Muhammad Awan's user avatar
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Using MySQL 'utf8mb4' but getting "Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded"

I have a project created in Laravel v10.48.20 and I'm using Laravel Nova v4.34.3 to show records. I recently added some records with some German characters, and now the Nova resource is throwing this ...
eComEvo's user avatar
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Try Catch not handling database integrity constraint violation [duplicate]

Summary I have a laravel eloquent project which utilizes MySQL database with a constraint set up to require for name && count field to form a unique composite field. Problem With this in ...
Yeo Bryan's user avatar
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Laravel Eloquent Query Using Case/When to apply conditions dynamically

I am trying to apply a different set of date filter depending on the values of the start_date and end_date column of the robot table Condition If robot start date && robot end date are both ...
Yeo Bryan's user avatar
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Why laravel/spatie query builder filters with null value dosen't work [duplicate]

I tried to filter my query builder with a null value I did this : return QueryBuilder::for(Invoice::class) ->allowedIncludes('equipments') ->allowedFilters( ...'s user avatar
-1 votes
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How to resolve "ambiguous column" error in Laravel Livewire PowerGrid filter with joined tables?

I'm using Laravel Livewire with PowerGrid v2.x and have a query that joins multiple tables to display transaction data. Both transactions and invoices tables contain a transaction_type column, which ...
user1527237's user avatar
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Use value in table as part of Laravel RawQuery searching for results within X radius of coordinates

I currently have a fixed radius of 50km, which is an ENV constant, for finding all users within X radius of a particular set of coordinates. What I would like to achieve is allowing users to set their ...
user26547113's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Laravel Eloquent Query Running So SLOWLY as compared to mySQL counterpart

Why is this laravel eloquent query running so SLOWLY? I have a query running in a Laravel job that executes very slowly and inconsistently. Sometimes it takes 1-2 minutes to fetch the result, while at ...
Yeo Bryan's user avatar
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How to match Laravel models with multiple conditions using one query

I am building a Laravel application where I keep track of the earned commissions of sales agents within my company. Everytime a sale is made a record is created in the scores database table (Score ...
The Stompiest's user avatar
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Laravel query builder: How to perform calculation on withSum() column?

I have these Models: Product Model: protected $fillable = ['id', 'name', 'qty', 'parent_id']; public function parent() { return $this->belongsTo(self, 'parent_id'); } public function children() ...
Hùng Thái's user avatar
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Database Conflict in Multiple Docker Compose Setups

I have two LAMP stacks for each of my laravel app branches. Each branch is in a different folder. The setups run in a container with the following docker compose files: 1) version: "3.1" ...
CoolMathematician's user avatar
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Join and OrderBy statement very slow, 77 seconds, despite indexes

I'm having performance issues with MySQL, despite having indexes when using both join and order by . The query is currently taking 77 seconds to complete. The purpose of the query is to order the ...
Josh M's user avatar
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Encryption and Searching JSON Data using Laravel

I'm working on a system that stores users' data in a JSON format. An example of table structure and JSON format is shown below. Visitor Id Visitor Name JSON Data 101 John {JSON_DATA_SHOWN_BELOW} ...
Jaise P Jose's user avatar
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I have a problem connecting laravel to my database even if i enabled pdo_mysql [duplicate]

This is the error when i try to run php artisan migrate: Illuminate\Database\QueryException could not find driver (Connection: mysql, SQL: select exists (select 1 from information_schema....
Pen4o's user avatar
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Merging Two Laravel Collections with Same Keys for Aggregation has performance issue

I'm currently working on a Laravel application that merges statistics from two collections: postStats (a standard Collection) and contentStats (a LazyCollection). The mergeStats method I'm using ...
Maaz ktk's user avatar
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How safely to make on filament / mysql site global search is case insensitive? [duplicate]

On laravel / filament / mysql site global search is case insensitive. I can not edit eloquent queries like : Model::whereRaw("UPPER('{$column}') LIKE '%'". strtoupper($value)."'%'")...
Petro Gromovo's user avatar
-3 votes
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Laravel Sail - SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax;

Anyone knows why this query is returning error? I'm using Laravel Sail with Mysql version: 8.0.32, it should work: Property::select(DB::raw(", properties....
Casa Carro's user avatar
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Laravel Paginate with OrderByRaw return different order

I am facing a very weird issue where my query return a different order depending on the pagination size: $query->orderByRaw("CASE WHEN tracking_eta IS NOT NULL THEN tracking_eta ELSE ...
Tomas Lucena's user avatar
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Laravel: Column stays NULL on insert on production, not on my local machine

My script (a Laravel job) takes the path of an uploaded file (.pdf) and transforms it into a .jpg file name. When the script inserts everything to the database, all fields are added correctly, except ...
Jasper's user avatar
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Laravel/ MySQL basic audit using triggers

For an API using Laravel and MySQL we are trying to setup an audit mechanism using MySQL triggers. We've extended Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager with something like public function connection(...
realife's user avatar
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Ilumination Server Error Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' [duplicate]

[tolongin perbaiki laravel saya dan beri tahu cara nya Internal Server Error Illuminate\Database\QueryException SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (...
LIDYA RAHMAWATI's user avatar
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cannot connect laravel with mysql inside a docker container [duplicate]

I have laravel 11 application and it works fine. I want the application to run inside docker and I have the following docker file set up for the laravel app: FROM php:8.3-fpm RUN apt-get update &&...
crawlingdev's user avatar
-4 votes
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Not getting unpaid or partially paid records some can help me? [closed]

$draw = intval($request->draw); $start = intval($request->start); $length = intval($request->length); $order = $request->order; $search = $request->search; $search = $search['value']; $...
MR Lappy's user avatar
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How to sort/order query based on presence in array in laravel?

I want to sort/order a query in laravel. For example I have a model where 'id' ranges from 1 to 100. And I have an array of ids of selected model elements eg. [1,3,12,32,...]. I want to sort my model ...
Kazi Nahian's user avatar
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In plesk how to make the larvel app create a database

In plesk how to make the larvel app create a database , i have try this put did not work on the server DB::statement("CREATE DATABASE $databaseName"); DB::statement("CREATE USER '$...
Malik Malik's user avatar
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Selected Option Not Displayed in Dropdown Placeholder After Fetching Data

I'm working on a project where I'm fetching data from a database using a Laravel API. The data is used to populate a dynamic dropdown list. When I select an option from the dropdown, the correct data ...
Hamd Bouchra's user avatar
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Laravel with Docker: Migration Fails for Second Database with SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection timed out Error

I'm working on a Laravel project where I need to connect to multiple MariaDB databases using Docker. While I can successfully connect to the first database and run migrations, I'm encountering an ...
Kzaman's user avatar
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laravel sail cannot start mysql

I am trying to run laravel sail in a project I have inherited, I run vendor/bin/sail up --build And for some reason it cannot start the DB instance? I get the error [InnoDB] Cannot boot server ...
Udders's user avatar
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Encountering Error 1025 When Adding Foreign Key in Laravel Migration [duplicate]

am trying to add a foreign key to the mahasiswa table that references the prodi and jurusan tables in my Laravel project. Here is my migration code: public function up() { Schema::table('mahasiswa'...
DITZ's user avatar
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How to merge two query into a single query in Laravel? [duplicate]

In my application, I have two similar pages where one page has data with group by and another page has without group by. Here is the code for without group by $posts = Product::where('category_id', ...
Prince's user avatar
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Hosted Shopify app on Heroku responding with server 500 error (SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused) [duplicate]

I have a Shopify app hosted on Heroku that is responding with a server 500 error (this error is not triggered by any specific line of code or human interaction). I believe the issue is with MySQL is ...
arodmcmxcix's user avatar
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(Laravel 11) errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed [duplicate]

I need to do a relation between the tables citizen and nuclear_Family, this is intended so they can fulfill a form of their family information, that will be linked to a citizen folder that works with ...
Kuo's user avatar
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Getting "Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect datetime value: '2024-08-19T19:24:44.000000Z' for column 'created_at' at row 1" [duplicate]

Environment: PHP 8.1.6 (cli) (built: May 11 2022 08:55:59) (ZTS Visual C++ 2019 x64) Copyright (c) The PHP Group Zend Engine v4.1.6, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies MySQL Mysql Ver 8.2.0 for Win64 on ...
AHirsi's user avatar
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Why Are My Counts Different Using selectRaw vs Collection Methods in Laravel?

Description: I’m encountering a discrepancy between two methods for counting records in Laravel, and I’m trying to understand why the results are different despite the logic being similar. Context: I ...
Mimi's user avatar
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2 answers

when a foreign key references a primary key in the same table in mysql

In laravel referral system i want two foreign keys(userId,parentId) if user registers using referral code I defined two foreign keys (userId,parentId) in the network table when a user registers with ...
Malik Muhammad Awan's user avatar
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Laravel Docker: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection timed out

I'm trying to connect mysql database but it's not work. How to fix it? .env file DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=host.docker.internal DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=laravel DB_USERNAME=sail DB_PASSWORD=password ...
Nantanat Watt.'s user avatar
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Why am I getting a "Duplicate entry" error for an email that doesn't exist in my DB of the Laravel app?

I'm working on a Laravel project and encountered a strange issue when trying to insert a new user into the users table. The error I’m seeing is: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 ...
Lochani Ranasinghe's user avatar
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How in laravel make group by date of created_at field? [duplicate]

On laravel / mysql 8 site I need to get date where there are more rows by day with created_at datetime field With request : $reactions = Reaction ::groupBy('created_at') ->orderBy('...
Petro Gromovo's user avatar
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Laravel5.7 issue in saving longtext to database

I have a laravel5.7 function that save data in database, it have 1 longtext field, and that saves the data to database very well. Now i have created a new table with the name of history, it is almost ...
muhammad Yousaf's user avatar
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laravel model pages not communicating properly

Working on a client project, hit a setback. Laravel is reading "Call to undefined relationship [service_item] on model [App\Models\Service]". It's simply trying to read data from two ...
Graeme Robinson's user avatar
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Eloquent ORM performance with subqueries for relational models

Laravel eloquent uses subqueries for relationship model instead of joins as joins offer more optimal performance .How does eloquent orm ensures performance for relational models ?
Rubin Porwal's user avatar
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Laravel app getting "[1045] Access denied for user 'root'@''" error when connecting to MySQL Docker container

I'm facing an issue connecting my Laravel application to a MySQL Docker container. When I run php artisan migrate, I'm getting the following error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'...
Adrian Gaile Singh's user avatar
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Laravel passport slow query

Im using Laravel 10 (PHP 8.3) with MySQL database. The Laravel apps is deployed on server A, and the MySQL deployed in server B. For the first 3 weeks, the performance is awesome, but per today the ...
Andre Haykal's user avatar
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Unable to log in as mysql root user in Laravel Sail

I'm trying to grant privileges to my "sail" mysql user, but when I log in as root it is logging me in as sail instead. I should note that I can connect to mysql fine in PHPStorms db browser (...
Cloudboy's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why can't my laravel database be found now even if I had already used it a few days ago?

I'm new to using the laravel framework, and I'm struggling in starting my project due to several problems I've encountered while setting up. I'm currently using Linux as my command prompt and Xampp ...
Andy's user avatar
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MySQL docker container stuck reloading

My stack is win10/wsl2/ubuntu/docker desktop. I'm stuck on running a MySQL docker container. This is a part of my docker-compose.yml: mysql: hostname: a-mysql container_name: a-...
ANDREI MIRONOV's user avatar
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Laravel Controller Not handling FormData from React Frontend

I am working on a ReactJS frontend and a Laravel backend. My ReactJS frontend sends FormData to a Laravel controller for updating an event. The FormData is correctly populated on the frontend before ...
Souhaiel Karbaa's user avatar
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Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'example_app.sessions' doesn't exist

I am trying to set up Laravel 11 on Windows 11. I am using WAMPServer for Apache/PHP/MySql. I have installed the installer globally using Composer. I then run this command to create a Laravel project: ...
Joshua Rogers's user avatar
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Error: 1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name 'id'

I've created a basic database structured as follows. vehicle_makes (id, name, slug) vehicle_models (id, name, slug, make_id) vehicle_trims (id, name, slug, model_id) When attempting to create the ...
David Anderson's user avatar
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Laravel queued job fails with different exceptions after 5-20 minutes of execution

The job is loading a huge 100M CSV into mysql table via LOAD DATA INFILE. After different periods of working the job fails App\Jobs\UpdateProducts ................... 17m 43s FAIL but remains in jobs ...
discodancer's user avatar

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