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SSL mutual authentication with pfx certificate and Alamofire Swift

I've to send a client certificate in PFX format for mutual auth to my server through web request. I'm using Alamofire 4 with Swift 3, but I can't find a good tutorial to achieve my goal. Has anyone ...
Fry's user avatar
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TLS 1.2 connection using Client Certificate and secp512r1 fails

I'm trying to implement mutual TLS connection. Here is the flow: I generate the csr request (using elliptic curve key, secp512r1) Send the signing request to the server and receive the public key ...
Ross Stepaniak's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How to implement client certificates and server authentication for iOS

I have recently gone through an extremely arduous process to build something that should be very simple yet appears to be essentially un-findable in any one place. I’d like to try to put everything ...
saminpa's user avatar
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3 answers

Storing a .p12 certificate in keychain to use later

I am trying to follow the apple docs for dealing with client p12 certificates here:
lostintranslation's user avatar
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GCDAsyncSocket two way authentication

I'm using GCD AsyncSocket to create client application to connect to server java create by SSLServer Socket with self-sign certificate. With one way authentication, I can init SSL socket and ...
duong dang's user avatar
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How to implement SSL mutual authentication in iOS where the client certificate is loaded remotely?

I am trying to implement SSL mutual authentication in an iOS app. In most of the examples that I have seen, the client certificate is bundled with the application package. But in my case, I need to ...
Manu Antony's user avatar
6 votes
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How to use DER encoded cert with mutual authentication in RESTful web service?

Currently I am working on an app that uses mutual authentication in order to communicate with a REST interface. Because I am very new to this topic I studied several examples - and now I have some ...
midori's user avatar
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IOS Mutual Authentication

I'm trying to implement mutual authentication in IOS 5 but i'm having troubles: {NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1200 \"An SSL error has occurred and a secure ...
lontra's user avatar
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