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Masked self-attention not working as expected when each token is masking also itself

I was developing a self-attentive module using Pytorch's nn.MultiheadAttention (MHA). My goal was to implement a causal mask that enforces each token to attend only to the tokens before itself, ...
jackjack4468's user avatar
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Multihead Attention for 4-D tensor in Pytorch

I tried to transform tensorflow to pytorch, but I have a trouble with multi head attention due to its dimensions. Input tensors for mha is 4-D, but pytorch mha couldn't accept 4-D tensor as an input ...
Doru's user avatar
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tensorflow.keras.layers.MultiHeadAttention warning that query layer is destroying mask

I am building a transformer model using tensorflow==2.16.1 and one of the layers is a tensorflow.keras.layers.MultiHeadAttention layer. I implement the attention layer in the TransformerBlock below: # ...
Stod's user avatar
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Why is attn_mask in PyTorch' MultiheadAttention specified for each head separately?

PyTorch MultiheadAttention allows to specify the attention mask, either as 2D or as 3D. The former will be broadcasted over all N batches the latter allows one to specify specific masks for each ...
Bastiaan's user avatar
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How to visualize attention for long sequences (e.g., amino acids of length 1000) in Transformer models?

I am working with Transformer models and I have a specific use case where I need to visualize the attention mechanism for long sequences. Specifically, I am dealing with amino acid sequences of length ...
Farshid B's user avatar
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How to mask a multi-head attention layer?

I'm trying to make a Transformer model that could recibe sequences of a variable lenght. But I can't I tried this: def transformer_model(input_shape, num_layers, d_model, num_heads, dropout_rate, ...
Lyx Sword's user avatar
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multihead self-attention for sentiment analysis not accurate results

i am trying to implement a model for sentiment analysis in text data using self-attention. In this example, i am using multi-head attention but cannot be sure if the results are accurate or not. It ...
phd Mom's user avatar
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cannot back propagate on multi head attention tensorflowjs

I am trying to create a multi-head attention using tensorflowjs. When trying to train the model, an error kept popping up that the gradient shape was inconsistent with the input shape. reproducable ...
MrGeniusProgrammer's user avatar
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PyTorch Vision Transformer - How Visualise Attention Layers

I am trying to extract the attention map for a PyTorch implementation of the Vision Transformer (ViT). however, I am having trouble understanding how to do this. I understand that doing this from ...
Peter's user avatar
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Interpreting the rows and columns of the attention Heatmap

I have a simple question to which I didn't find an answer: How to read the attention heatmap ? Rows attend to Columns or Columns attend to Rows Since it isn't symmetric sometimes, like in this plot, ...
Wassim Jaoui's user avatar
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Attention Mechanism Scores are the same

Problem Statement: I am currently working on Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis, where the objective is to analyze changing sentiment trends within a sentence by employing temporal windows. Ultimately, I ...
sk-19's user avatar
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RuntimeError with PyTorch's MultiheadAttention: How to resolve shape mismatch?

I'm encountering an issue regarding the input shape for PyTorch's MultiheadAttention. I have initialized MultiheadAttention as follows: attention = MultiheadAttention(embed_dim=1536, num_heads=4) The ...
ララララ's user avatar
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What's the exact input size in MultiHead-Attention of BERT?

I just recently learned BERT. Some tutorials show that after embedding a sentence, a matrix X of [seq_len, 768] will be formed, and X will be sent to MultiHead_Attention, that is, multiple Self-...
TomWu's user avatar
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How to patch intermediate layers of a python keras model with monkey patching?

I have a tf.keras model which internally contains a "custom tf.keras.layers.MultiHeadAttention() layer ". That is, I have divided the multihead attention layers into two parts: (1) a first ...
DROS's user avatar
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PyTorch MultiHeadAttention implementation

In Pytorch's MultiHeadAttention implementation, regarding in_proj_weight, is it true that the first embed_dim elements correspond to the query, the next embed_dim elements correspond to the key, and ...
carpet119's user avatar
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Training torch.TransformerDecoder with causal mask

I use torch.TransformerDecoder to generate a sequence, where each next token depends on itself and first 2 tokens [CLS] and first predicted one. So, steps of execution on inference, that i need: ...
First Name Second Name's user avatar
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Adding an attention block in deep neural network issue for regression problem

I want to add an tf.keras.layers.MultiHeadAttention inside the two layers of neural network. However, I am getting IndexError: The detailed code are as follow x1 = Dense(58, activation='relu')(x1) x1 =...
Zeshan Akber's user avatar
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How to propperly add a MultiHeadAttention keras layer to LSTM?

I am trying to build a deep learning network (USING TENSORFLOW KERAS) that performs a graph convolution, and at each node performs an LSTM computation. I want to add a MultiHeadAttention layer to the ...
Valeria Laynes's user avatar
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How can I convert a multi-head attention layer from Tensorflow to Pytorch where key_dim * num_heads != embed_dim?

I am trying to implement a Pytorch version of some code that was previously written in Tensorflow. In the code I am starting with, there exists a multi-head attention layer that is instantiated in the ...
Emery Wade's user avatar
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Understanding the output dimensionality for torch.nn.MultiheadAttention.forward

I want to implement a cross attention between 2 modalities. In my implementation, I set Q from modality A, and K and V from modality B. Modality A is used for a guidance by using cross attention, and ...
Tony Ha's user avatar
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PyTorch RuntimeError: Invalid Shape During Reshaping for Multi-Head Attention

I'm implementing a multi-head self-attention mechanism in PyTorch which is part of Text2Image model that I am trying to build and I'm encountering a runtime error when trying to reshape the output of ...
venkatesh's user avatar
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Access attention score when using TransformerEncoderLayer, TransformerEncoder

My input after the following x = self.preTransformerInput(x) is of shape (2,16,4) (batch size, sequence length, embedding dimension). How can we access the attention score for each head using ...
pte's user avatar
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What is the reason for MultiHeadAttention having a different call convention than Attention and AdditiveAttention?

Attention and AdditiveAttention are called with their input tensors in a list. (same as Add, Average, Concatenate, Dot, Maximum, Multiply, Subtract) But MultiHeadAttention is called by passing the ...
Tobias Hermann's user avatar
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Temporal Fusion Transformer model training encountered Gradient Vanishing

I am training financial data with Temporal Fusion Transformer. Though this model has skipping connection and residual connection to enhance information. I believe it encountered gradient vanishing at ...
Jack Lee's user avatar
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How to convert Tensorflow Multi-head attention to PyTorch?

I'm converting a Tensorflow transformer model to Pytorch equivalent. In TF multi-head attention part of the code I have: att = layers.MultiHeadAttention(num_heads=6, key_dim=4) and the input shape is [...
ORC's user avatar
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Inputs and Outputs Mismatch of Multi-head Attention Module (Tensorflow VS PyTorch)

I am trying to convert my tensorflow model for layers.MultiHeadAttention module from tf.keras to nn.MultiheadAttention from torch.nn module. Below are the snippets. Tensorflow Multi-head Attention ...
Kevin Putra Santoso's user avatar
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Exception encountered when calling layer 'tft_multi_head_attention' (type TFTMultiHeadAttention)

I am trying to build a forecasting model with tft module with Temporal Fusion Transformer,I am getting below error when I am trying to train the model, since I am new to tensorflow, I can't understand ...
Navneet's user avatar
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WQ, WK, WV matrix used for generating query, key and value vector for Attention in Transformers are fixed or WQ, WK and WV are dependent on input word

To calculate self-attention, For each word, we create a Query vector, a Key vector, and a Value vector. These vectors are created by multiplying the embedding by three matrices that we trained during ...
Vinay Sharma's user avatar
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Running speed of Pytorch MultiheadAttention compared to Torchvision MVit

I am currently experimenting with my model, which uses Torchvision implementation of MViT_v2_s as backbone. I added a few cross attention modules to the model which looks roughly like this: class ...
whz's user avatar
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How to read a BERT attention weight matrix?

I have extracted from the last layer and the last attention head of my BERT model the attention score/weights matrix. However I am not too sure how to read them. The matrix is the following one. I ...
Chiara's user avatar
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How to access the value projection at MultiHeadAttention layer in Pytorch

I'm making an own implementation for the Graphormer architecture. Since this architecture needs to add an edge-based bias to the output for the key-query multiplication at the self-attention mechanism ...
Angelo's user avatar
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How to add a multihead attention layer to a CNN-LSTM model?

I'm trying to make a hybrid binary text classification model using a multi-head attention mechanism with CNN-LSTM. However, I'm facing an issue when trying to pass the values obtained from CNN-LSTM to ...
Harsha Vardhan's user avatar
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Multi head Attention calculation

I create a model with a multi head attention layer, import torch import torch.nn as nn query = torch.randn(2, 4) key = torch.randn(2, 4) value = torch.randn(2, 4) model = nn.MultiheadAttention(4, 1, ...
apostofes's user avatar
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