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Randomize order of questions

I am creating a voice naturalness test in MTurk, using the template provided. It populates ${audio_url} from a provided csv. However, it will always present the questions in the same order as the rows ...
Adam_G's user avatar
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Retrieving results from Sandbox HIT returns empty xml dictionary

I am trying to create an experiment on Amazon Mechanical Turk. I have borrowed the code from this SO question. It runs without an error, but returns an empty array. The code is: import boto3 import ...
Adam_G's user avatar
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Get Mechanical Turk task input data (e.g. example image url) from Boto API

When retreiving results from a Mechanical Turk assignment via the boto API, how can I see the input data from the CSV that is provided before creating a new batch? The only way I've been able to find ...
charliesneath's user avatar
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How to set multiple Qualification criteria for a batch in mechanical turk using python API

I want to implement the same functionality from Requester end using APIs in python as shown in the image below: I want to test if Hit approval rate is > 95% for a worker and I also want the worker to ...
Ajay Bhagchandani's user avatar
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When creating an MTurk HIT with AssignmentReviewPolicy, HITs are rejected incorrectly

TL;DR: My AssignmentReviewPolicy is leading to all HITs being rejected. How do I change my policy to accept when "defendant" radio button is selected? Details: I include a golden question in my HITs ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Can't create more than 10 assignments per HIT

I'm using the code below to create a HIT on Mechanical Turk using Boto 3: new_hit = mturk.create_hit( Title='my title', Description='my description', Keywords='my, keywords', Reward='...
Joe Mornin's user avatar
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New HIT is not shown on the dashboard with HITs

When I' creating new HIT programmatically with this python script (got it from this tutorial): import boto3 import os MTURK_SANDBOX = '' mturk ...
Kirill's user avatar
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How is Mechanical Turk Bounding Box Data Formatted in Bulk?

I am attempting to use YOLOv3 to train a classifier with data that I get from MTurk. I have used a Sandbox to see how the data from 1 individual HIT is formatted. I have no problem writing code to ...
Dustin K's user avatar
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How to delete still available HITs using boto3 client

I have some published HITs available to workers. Now I want to delete them although they haven't been finished by the workers. According to this documentation, it is not possible: https://boto3....
T.Poe's user avatar
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Programmatically create Amazon MTurk HITLayout and get HITLayoutId?

I'm wondering if there is an alternative to creating the HITLayout from the website and doing it programmatically if I have the html file ready for it. I know that I can create a project on the ...
doij790's user avatar
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MTurk API: Unable to see my created HIT on dashboard

I am using the tutorial given here. It says HIT is created but when I go here I don't find the project I created. Though individual worker URL does return HIT web ...
Volatil3's user avatar
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RequestError when calling the CreateHIT operation

I'm new to MTurk, and Im trying to create a HIT using python. I successfully connected to sandbox (by printing successfully my account balance). I'm now trying to create a HIT and get a request error. ...
Ganit Kupershmidt's user avatar
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boto3 unknownservice "mturk"

I am trying to use boto3 for Amazon Mechanical Turk. I was trying to get the client using the following code: import boto3 endpoint_url = '' ...
nomem's user avatar
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How to get results from a HIT on sandbox via Mturk API

I have created an XML file to publish a question to MTurk and the HIT is visible in the worker sandbox. A couple of my friends even submitted responses to the HIT, but I'm unable to view the results ...
Patthebug's user avatar
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boto3 mturk send_bonus error

When I try to send bonus via Boto3 regularly (but not always) the RequestError appears: Exception Type: RequestError Exception Value: An error occurred (RequestError) when calling the SendBonus ...
Philipp Chapkovski's user avatar
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HITs created using externalQuestion of MTurk were not working in the sandbox

I am new to MTurk and have been trying to implement my web app for point picking on this platform. I have successfully created a HIT using ExternalQuestion based on the tutorial from kaflurbaleen....
John Smith's user avatar
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How can iterate through results in boto3 with mturk

I am a newbie at boto and I try to iterate through the results of the I can get. In particular, I want to count all workers with a given qualification. However, the limit is 100 and I do not ...
Niko's user avatar
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Error message when submitting HIT to Amazon Mechanical Turk

I have a problem submitting a HIT to Amazon Mechanical Turk sandbox. I'm using the following code to submit a HIT: external_content = """" <ExternalQuestion xmlns="http://mechanicalturk....
drsealks's user avatar
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MTurk: Best 2 out of 3 HIT creation/retrieval

Desired Result I can retrieve the agreed upon answer value for a given HIT The Problem When I call CLIENT.list_review_policy_results_for_hit(HITId=hit['HITId']) to retrieve the results for a specific ...
Brandon Taylor's user avatar
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Trying to Get Balance in MTurk using Boto but get "The identity contained in the request is not authorized to use this AWSAccessKeyId"

I am trying to GetAccountBalance on my Mechanical Turk account using Boto referencing to my shared credentials file. I have been successful in doing so by typing my credentials directly but have ...
Imanol Arrieta Ibarra's user avatar
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Set qualification requirements for MTURK external HIT using Boto [duplicate]

I have these lines in my python code. I am using the boto library to connect to amazon Mturk import boto userqualification = boto.mturk.qualification.NumberHitsApprovedRequirement(comparator='...
oma07's user avatar
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boto get_assignments AWS.MechanicalTurk.HITDoesNotExist error

I want to retrieve assignments from an old HIT on mturk using boto. This is what I did. from boto.mturk.connection import MTurkConnection import csv mtc = MTurkConnection(aws_access_key_id=ACCESS_ID, ...
soacq's user avatar
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Give basic boto create_qualification_type example

Can anyone give a basic example on how to use boto's mturk create_qualification_type? Please include an example of a valid answer_key_xml. Or please point to some documentation with examples. The ...
Watson's user avatar
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Testing Equality of boto Price object

I am using the python package boto to connect python to MTurk. I am needing to award bonus payments, which are of the Price type. I want to test if one Price object equals a certain value. ...
bill999's user avatar
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How to get “qualification_type_id” when using Boto API for Mturk

It seems that the following code should return a qual which contain a qualification_type_id attribute. Since lots of functions in Boto require qualification_type_id as a parameter. It shows that the ...
slhttc's user avatar
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What options are there for verifying that mturk is requesting my ExternalQuestion and not a 3rd party?

I have a django application that I want to host a form on to use as the template for an ExternalHit on Amazon's Mechanical Turk. I've been trying to figure out ways that I can make it so only mturk is ...
rocktheartsm4l's user avatar
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How to get "qualification_type_id" when using Boto API

It seems that the following code should return a qual which contain a qualification_type_id attribute. But it does not when I use dir(qual) to check. Since lots of functions in Boto require ...
slhttc's user avatar
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Not able to identify AWSAccessKey while creating HIT

I am trying to create Amazon Mechanical Turk HIT using python script and I get the following issue. I verified my registeration in AMT Requester account and it seems fine. Could anyone let me know how ...
Rhea's user avatar
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Having difficulty pointing Selenium towards the right iFrame [python]

I'm trying to get my selenium script to download an image from an MTurk HIT. My script is able to log into MTurk, go to the "accept a new HIT" page for the HIT I want to grab the image from, but then ...
n1c9's user avatar
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Using Boto to send SQS notifications for an MTurk hit

I'm trying to set up SQS notifications for an MTurk HIT created using Boto. I'm able to create the HIT type, create a HIT with that type, create an SQS queue, and write to and read from the queue. I'...
JWS's user avatar
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Creating mTurk HIT from Layout with parameters using boto and python

I am attempting to utilize boto to generate a HIT in mechanical turk. The goal is to use a common layout that is already generated on my mTurk account, and pass it urls of images to iteratively create ...
fridrik.larusson's user avatar
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OR-ing qualifications with MTurk

Is it possible to have a user have one of multiple Qualifications in order to work on a HIT. For example: qualifications = Qualifications() qualifications.add( Requirement(comparator='EqualTo', ...
David542's user avatar
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Mechanical Turk 'rollback' on HIT Creation

Here is the code I currently have: with transaction.commit_manually(): try: m.update_accepted_url(episode_id) m.create_hit() m.do_insert() transaction.commit() ...
David542's user avatar
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GetRequester statistic only returning one data point

I am doing the following request with the boto library: params = { 'Operation': 'GetRequesterStatistic', 'Statistic': 'TotalRewardAndFeePayout', 'TimePeriod': 'OneDay', 'Count': 5 } response =...
David542's user avatar
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MTurk Answer with formatted text

I have the following current code to create an answer selection: q1_answer_options=[('No URL exists', 0), ('', 1), ('', 2), ('...
David542's user avatar
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Boto + Mechanical Turk: how do you get all fields?

For the time being, I want to create HITs manually, and retrieve them using mturk's API. I'm using Boto to retrieve the assignments, but the problem is I can only see information filled in by the ...
user2097278's user avatar
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How to add a user to a Qualification

I added up a Qualification in the UI of mechanical turk. How would i then add a worker to that. Here is what I'm trying: qualification_id = '3RVX62BZKNDM4K4RT7JU0YN4QTRLP2' # this has been added ...
David542's user avatar
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Increasing HIT MaxAssignments

I would like to programmatically increase or decrease the number of opportunities based upon getting a consensus answer. For example: Start with 3 opportunities If the first two are correct, remove ...
David542's user avatar
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Review Policy in MechanicalTurk

Is there a way to set an AssignmentReview or HITReview Policy in Boto? In looking it up, I came across this post, but this is from two years ago: Is there ...
David542's user avatar
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Only allow specific workers to work on my HIT

Is there a way that I can do the following in Mechanical Turk to only allow certain users to work on my project? Something like: from boto.mturk.qualification Qualifications quals=Qualifications() ...
David542's user avatar
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How can I create a batch in Mechanical Turk?

I am asking an ExternalQuestion on Amazon Mechanical Turk as follows: for apple_id in apple_ids: question_url = BASE_EXTERNAL_URL + '?' + apple_id QUESTION = ExternalQuestion(external_url=...
David542's user avatar
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How to view HIT annotation in Mechanical Turk

I am trying to annotate something to my HIT, namely, an AppleID: >>> hit = conn.create_hit( question=q, reward = 0.05, ...
David542's user avatar
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How to POST data to webserver before Mechanical Turk

I am currently doing the following in Mechanical Turk for an external question: <form name="mturk" method="post" action=""> Name: <...
David542's user avatar
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404 from Mechanical Turk when POSTing data

I have an ExternalQuestion and I am trying to POST my data back to Mechanical Turk, which is done when the answer has been successfully completed. Here is what I'm doing: r ='https://...
David542's user avatar
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ExternalQuestion worker limitation

I have two different use cases on Mechanical Turk. The first one is where there is one 'task' and I need ten unique workers to complete it. So, 10 HITs and only one worker can do one HIT. An example ...
David542's user avatar
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How to know when someone returns HIT?

For an ExternalQuestion, when a worker views an HIT in preview mode, the url that is sent is something like: /mturk?assignmentId=ASSIGNMENT_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE&hitId=3FSEU3P2NR0J4ISYGCVR597YQFLRRR ...
David542's user avatar
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Add AnswerFormatRegex constraint to Mechanical Turk item using BOTO

I am trying to create some automated HIT's in Amazon Mechanical Turk using boto and am interested in adding an AnswerFormatRegex restriction to a question. How can this constraint be added to a ...
SnowPuffKing's user avatar
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LXML: How to ignore unknown namespace prefixes?

For Crowdflower I need to define a CML and as it is very similar to XML I want to use LXML for this task. Crowdflower defines for it's CML tags like: <cml:textarea label="Sample text area:" /> ...
Jon's user avatar
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An elegant way of page-to-page iterating through boto.resultset.ResultSet

Is there an elegant way of paging through boto.resultset.ResultSet, e.g.: amt = boto.mturk.connection.MTurkConnection() qualid = "XXX" quals = amt.get_qualifications_for_qualification_type( qualid, ...
pms's user avatar
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Boto interfacing to Amazon Mechanical turk - Hit creation

I'm new to amazon and python, so forgive me this is a easy fix. Upon creating a hit from boto I get the following error: boto.mturk.connection.MTurkRequestError: MTurkRequestError: 200 OK <?xml ...
user3178645's user avatar