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How to get “qualification_type_id” when using Boto API for Mturk

It seems that the following code should return a qual which contain a qualification_type_id attribute. Since lots of functions in Boto require qualification_type_id as a parameter. It shows that the ...
slhttc's user avatar
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LXML: How to ignore unknown namespace prefixes?

For Crowdflower I need to define a CML and as it is very similar to XML I want to use LXML for this task. Crowdflower defines for it's CML tags like: <cml:textarea label="Sample text area:" /> ...
Jon's user avatar
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Boto interfacing to Amazon Mechanical turk - Hit creation

I'm new to amazon and python, so forgive me this is a easy fix. Upon creating a hit from boto I get the following error: boto.mturk.connection.MTurkRequestError: MTurkRequestError: 200 OK <?xml ...
user3178645's user avatar