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Exclude JARs from final WAR doesn't work with spring-boot-maven-plugin

I have a Spring Boot application that is packaged as WAR file and I run it on embedded Apache Tomcat. Using this dependency <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId&...
Mahmoud Saleh's user avatar
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1 answer

How to include specific files in war using maven

I'm having some trouble trying to figure out a good way to control which resources to include in a war using maven. In my src/main/resources directory I have two files, logback.xml and logback-test....
pbuchheit's user avatar
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How to exclude a specific class from Jar file but include in war file using maven-war-plugin?

I have a sprint-boot project "A" which has a main class which extends SpringBootServletInitializer so that war can be deployed for the same. This library/module is also a dependent library ...
Tim Paine's user avatar
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Excluding folder from resources in Maven War Plugin

I've the following structure in my src/main/resources: resources |-config |-log4j |-app When building a war, Maven should exclude the app-Folder. I both tried ...
Remo's user avatar
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7 votes
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Eclipse and maven-war-plugin explode

I'm running against a brick with Eclipse. I will try to explain. I'm working on a project that "abused" of maven overlays and have many modules that have Javascript and LESS files inside the webapp. ...
Zardoz89's user avatar
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2 answers

maven war plugin does not forget about old files and dependencies and creates a war that contains removed files and dependencies

Hello I'm having a weird problem about war creation. I use maven-war-plugin (tried with 3.1.0, 3.2.0, and 2.6). When I run war:war (or mvn clean package, or similars) the war is created but I noticed ...
Sterconium's user avatar
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Set JAR name packaged inside a WAR

I created a WAR project and a JAR project, setted like dependency of the WAR the JAR project, I used the tag <finalName> in the JAR project pom file to set the file's name when the WAR is ...
Storm's user avatar
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Maven WAR plugin - change front-end resources location

After minification I have content of webapp like this: WEB-INF assets favicon i18n scripts dist index.html //other things Where inside dist I have compressed styles, scripts etc... But Maven WAR ...
Radek Anuszewski's user avatar
1 vote
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Maven war plugin archiveClasses but exclude a package

My maven project contains two src packages and several dependencies. I packaged it as a war and included al dependencies like libs in WEB-INF/libs. Now I need to include inside a jar all compiled ...
Lorenzo Sciuto's user avatar
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How do I build an exploded WAR in a multi-module Maven project and also include sibling JAR files in its WEB-INF/lib directory?

I’m using Maven 3.3.3 with the Maven WAR 2.6 plugin. I have a multi module project with both JAR and WAR projects within it. My WAR projects depend on my JAR projects, however, I do not want to ...
Dave's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

packagingExcludes not working in maven war plugin

I've following in my pom.xml ... <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>webservices-webapp</artifactId> <packaging>war</packaging> <name>...
Akshay Hiremath's user avatar
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Why Tomcat base url is not my app url while targeting my app?

I've made a lot of search about my issue, but let's face it, I've found no workaround. I'm deploying a war file on a Tomcat7 application server. Everything is ok. But when I target my application, ...
Max Chazarra's user avatar
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maven-war-plugin overlay removes /META-INF/context.xml

There are 3 maven projects: my-overlay (its a blueprint-war for an overlay only containing the context.xml) my-base (its a pom to use in the scope of real war) my-webapp (the final project to use in ...
Grim's user avatar
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Advanced resources exclusion rules from a WAR usng Maven

My server side technology is defining pages using two files located in the same directory, with the same name but different extensions: one with the .html extension, the other with .xsp. Out of these ...
Philippe Riand's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

json-simple.jar is missing from spring boot war

The json-simple jar is missing in packaged WAR because it is marked as optional in spring-boot-starter-parent, BUT I do include a dependency gelfj that declares json-simple as dependency..... example ...
Robocide's user avatar
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Add additional dependency in maven-war-plugin

In our web project there are a couple of executions of maven-war-plugin that generates war files for each environment. I need to add a new dependency to one of them. So far we have been doing this ...
Tomasz W's user avatar
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maven war plugin put my resources in war root directory

I don't understand why when I put the webResources entry in the maven-war-plugin, the resources are placed in the war root directory. I think it should put only in WEB-INF/classes. This is my maven-...
Paco MG's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Build WAR only once during mvn clean package

I have a maven project that should build war file. When I run mvn clean package I see in log that at first it makes default-war: --- maven-war-plugin:2.3:war (default-war) @ my-artifact--- ...
Vasilii Ruzov's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Building .war file using maven. Missing files and directories

I try to build .war file by using maven plugin: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.6</version> <configuration> <...
Mariusz.v7's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I speed up packaging of my WAR project in Maven 3.3.3?

I’m using Maven 3.3.3. I have a WAR project with a large number of static assets. Frequently when building my WAR project (using “mvn clean install”), the project will take upwards of 15 minutes to ...
Dave's user avatar
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maven-war-plugin ignores <archiveClasses>

The <archiveClasses> option has no effect. Running mvn clean compile war:exploded produces a war directory with .class files in the classes directory, and they are not archived into a jar in ...
Dominykas Mostauskis's user avatar
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exclude folders in maven generated war

I've a Java web project, in which I'm using a lot of scss files. All these files are inside /WebContent/scss and compiled to WebContent/css. I am creating the war using maven-war plugin, and I'd like ...
Rohi's user avatar
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Maven: creating a war with a ROOT dir

I have always (for the purposes of vhost configuration in apache and tomcat) deployed my web app into tomcat as follows by extracting a tar.gz file which is built by ant; tomcat/webapps/myApp/ROOT/&...
dre's user avatar
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Maven - maven-war-plugin to generate jar and install it to maven local repository

I am using maven-war-plugin in my pom.xml to generate a jar file in parallel with my war file in an java web project build. My maven build is creating war and jar files in the target directory. And ...
Anita's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Why is maven-war-plugin failing for web.xml missing if I configured it not to fail on missing web.xml?

Here's a challenge: why is this build failing? I have configured Maven's maven-war-plugin not to fail on an abscent web.xml file, it seems: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven....
Edy Bourne's user avatar
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4 votes
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maven-war-plugin : exclude many dependencies from lib folder

I'm using maven-war-plugin to generate a WAR file. In the dependency hierarchy, I can see many transitive dependencies, which are extract in the lib folder. After many research, I saw that the ...
user3560649's user avatar
1 vote
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How to package an assembly in Maven by moving resources out of the war?

Our project is set up to package a WAR and this works great for local development: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3</version> &...
Cuga's user avatar
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Configuring jetty:run to use the "final" lib folder

I have a Maven project using a war overlay. As outlined in this answer, one problem with WAR overlays is that they seem to effectively sidestep Maven's dependency resolution. This results in build and/...
mikołak's user avatar
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79 votes
7 answers

In Maven, how output the classpath being used?

For my current purposes I have a Maven project which creates a war file, and I want to see what actual classpath it is using when creating the war. Is there a way to do that in a single command -- ...
Alexander Bird's user avatar
3 votes
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Maven: creating 2 war files each with different web.xml?

I need to create two WAR files with two different web.xml files using Maven. The WAR files are the same otherwise. The WAR files are created as expected, however, the second file has the same web.xml ...
KirEvse's user avatar
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Maven WAR plugin and how to manage dependencies

Okay, this may well be a familiar question, however I still remain confused and I'm struggling to find an answer that really clarifies the details. The scenario I have several Maven projects, the ...
AndyF's user avatar
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