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Does the Intensity of color in OpenCV image matter?

Here is a simple code which puts a text value onto a black frame and displays it: frame = np.zeros((50,200,3)) org=(0,45) font=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX fontScale=1 fontColor=(1,0,0) ##rgb out_img =...
Allohvk's user avatar
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2 answers

How to save the Fourier transform of an image such that I can modify it in an image editor?

I have a noisy image with a particular pattern and I want to remove the pattern. I save the FFT magnitude to a tiff image and the phases to a np.array text file. I have this python code that computes ...
Cristian Cutite's user avatar
1 vote
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How to convert a matplotlib figure to a cv2 image?

I would like to know how convert a matplotlib figure to a cv2 image, this is my python3 code: import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Generating matplotlib figure and save it as a png image ...
Nau's user avatar
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calculate the RMS intensity image with opencv

I would like to calculate the intensity of I(x,y)/Io(x,y). First, I read my images using rawpy because I have .nef files (Nikon raw). Then I use opencv to transform my images into grayscale and I ...
Suntory's user avatar
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OpenCV pointPolygonTest() not working correctly

I want to split an image in 6 equal areas (as seen in the picture) and then I want to know to which area a point belongs to. I'm using pointPolygonTest() to check whether a point is inside a contour ...
cogno.luis's user avatar
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Not able to see black and white image after threshold application

I am working on a project for detecting lines using threshold values in HLS image format. I wrote the following code for it. It is not giving any errors but the output I am getting is just a black ...
programmer_04_03's user avatar
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How can visualize 5 channel of image one by one?

I have a numpy array which dimension is (5, 3024, 4032) and data type float64. It is a 5 channel image and my question is: how can I visualize each channel one by one? My input: data_gt = np.load('...
Asifuzzaman Jishan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Make img's close range of RGB/HSV in particular value

share pic link: If I have black gradient img , we know the RGB is (0 ~ 255) or HSV is (0 ~ 255) How can I make close color range color together such as ( 0 ~ 80), ( ...
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Unclear difference in displaying the same image by opencv and matplotlib [with example code & exported .npy file]

In continue to my previous question (that still not answered here) Here is a simple code with some unsuccessful attempts and exported image.npy file that illustrates the problem: ''' conda install ...
Daniel Agam's user avatar
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ImportError: cannot import name 'get_versions' from 'matplotlib._version'

When doing my imports: import cv2 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np import opencv_wrapper as cvw I get: ImportError Traceback (most recent call ...
duarte harris's user avatar
4 votes
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Calculating divergence and curl from optical flow and plotting it

I'm using flow = cv2.calcOpticalFlowFarneback() to calculate optical flow in a video and it gives me a numpy array with a shape of (height, width, 2) that contains the Fx and Fy values for each pixel (...
Bence Nagy's user avatar
2 votes
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Quantify longest axis and width of irregular shapes within a single image

Original question I have about 80-100 images such as (A). Each image is composed of shapes that were filled with black color after marking the outline in ImageJ. I need to extract each individual ...
Anurag N. Sharma's user avatar
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Problems with importing some modules (here numpy) (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.core._multiarray_umath')

i would like to use opencv and tried to install the needed modules. i need to install everything manually per donwload and then pip or install. I am using Python 3.10.1 and Pip 21.2.4. My project is ...
Chorum's user avatar
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heatmap generated from numpy array gives inaccurate results

I am trying to generate a heatmap using bounding boxes coordinates to display the area where the detected object went to inside a room. To do that, I created a numpy array and used the coordinates to ...
Wazaki's user avatar
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2 answers

Keep the original shape of the array as the image

I have some data. I visualize and then save it as image. import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = np.array([ [1,2,0,1], [0,1,2,1], [0,0,2,1]]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax....
voldr's user avatar
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Intersection area between a numpy array and a shapely polygon

I would like to calculate an area of the intersection of a shapely polygon, and a mask (numpy.array): plt.plot(*building.exterior.xy, color='brown', linewidth=4) plt.plot(*parcelle.exterior.xy, color='...
chambeeee's user avatar
-3 votes
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Colour intensity is changing when stacking numpy image arrays

I am loading an image from here, which is saved as .nii.gz. The image opens fine (with a dimension of (497x497)), and when displayed using matplotlib, it shows with correct intensities, as shown below:...
Jimut123's user avatar
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Extract the values from graph

I want to extract data from plot. Original plot: But I can't obtain original values, in some places extracted line (green) above original data (black line), in some places it is below. I assume I ...
user avatar
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ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all() in while plotting frame

I am trying to capture a video frame and then plot it using plt.imshow() but i am receiving this error. vs = cv2.VideoCapture('../input/hard-hat-dataset/`enter code here`4') (grabbed, img)...
Manickavela Arumugam's user avatar
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Change cv2.merge on matplotlib/numpy library command

I would like to change my code line "cv2.merge" to command from matplotlib/numpy library. This is my only line in code from cv2 and I don't know how to get rid of it. dataStretched have max ...
Gerard's user avatar
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Recording a video from images and the respective annotation files

I have images stored in the another format in a folder. In a separate folder, I have text files that contain the coordinates of the rectangles which are supposed to be drawn over the image. I use the ...
duddal's user avatar
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check if coordinates are overlapping using numpy, matplotlib

I need to check whether a square is overlapping with a defined polygon Yes, it can be easily done using shapely as below from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon from shapely.geometry import box ...
ShivAA's user avatar
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OpenCV - Is there a way to detect objects of a specific color only in certain areas of an image using masking?

I am currently implementing something in OpenCV in which I want to detect objects of a specific color in certain areas. I know in order to pick up certain areas I can use adaptive threshold, however ...
Ammu's user avatar
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Python3 cv2 and matplotlib import cause error

It seems when I try and use matplotlib and cv2 I get a weird QT error. I don't know what's causing it, here is how it looks: QObject::moveToThread: Current thread (0x560dde045c50) is not the object's ...
Yiannis128's user avatar
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Converting pixels colour creates noise

just a quick question: I am loading a black and white image and then replacing the black and/or white pixels with other colors. The problem is when I visualize the edited image there are some black ...
Misanthropichen's user avatar
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How to read images from our system folder to jupyter notebook python file

I have nine pictures inside a folder . I have to just read all the images in python for making a opencv model . I want to read the all images at the same time in my .py notebook for do operations on ...
Saurav Mishra's user avatar
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Plotting mean of n 2-D arrays

I'm trying to calculate the mean of histograms of several images from a folder and visualize it. Here is the approach I'm trying. I would calculate the histogram of each image with open cv, cv2....
Vishal Pallikonda's user avatar
-3 votes
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Conversion of numpy array to image [closed]

The array is a two-dimensional array populated with zeros and ones. How can I convert this array to a grayscale image such that there is a dot representing one in the array and an empty space where ...
ABHAY MUDGAL's user avatar
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TypeError: Expected Ptr<cv::UMat> for argument '%s'

I have this error that I have not been able to solve on my own. Can you tell me how to solve it please? The problem is in this function: import numpy as np import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ...
zouaoui mahdia's user avatar
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Numpy array of a png file is rotated in matplotlib.pyplot

I'm trying to scatter all white pixels of this gradient image in matplotlib.pyplot: import numpy as np from PIL import Image import cv2 from matplotlib import pyplot img = "/root/...
LisaD's user avatar
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How to draw a Heatmap in a image using the coordinates in Python OpenCV?

I've a huge list of Coordinates(x,y) of people walking in the streets and I like to design a heatmap using those Coordinates(x,y), i.e., it should look something like this. I want much hotter spot for ...
Kailash Viswanathan's user avatar
10 votes
7 answers

Unable to send plot to

I am facing an error ie to send plot to a particular IP address using python, numpy and matplotlob. I am attaching snippet which I have tried till now. Python import numpy as np import cv2 ...
hosein's user avatar
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How to plot frame per seconds (fps) over time using matplotlib when processing a video?

the below code calculates the number of processed frames per second for a video and display it on the output processed frame using opencv: import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from collections import ...
Khaled's user avatar
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Find point coordinates on image

I've created random points and added a list these points double. Then I've drawn graphic and save as a image. I'm able to draw a line from one point to another point with this code : cv2.line(img=...
Atakan ADA's user avatar
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How to plot training data and training target for SVC

I'm trying to visualize my data, by plotting it, after loading images and extracting its keypoints. However, when i try to scatter it, before plotting, i get the error my x and y values should be the ...
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matplotlib and opencv typerror imagedata cannot be converted to float

there i am getting an error TypeError: Image data of dtype object cannot be converted to float i can't figure out what the solution is my code is import numpy as np import cv2 import matplotlib....
Neetesshhr's user avatar
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How can I change the values of all the clusters obtained in an image to a new range that represents different levels of color intensity?

I'm doing some image analysis of samples of pseudomona. I'm using k-means clustering to obtain different levels of presence of the bacteria along the sample, as it changes tonality as it increases its ...
Jose Zapana's user avatar
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Finding circle function and center in Python

I have a data set (512 X 512), which is a 2D array. This is the figure I plot based on this data set. Data looks like this: [[239 247 214 ... 466 511 415] [257 283 254 ... 460 474 474] [219 251 ...
Joanne's user avatar
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Saving 16-bit image in opencv with cmap (cv::ColorMap only supports source images of type CV_8UC1 or CV_8UC3 in function 'operator()')

I'm trying to save/show a 16-bit numpy array (as image) in opencv with cmap, it doesn't work. On the other hand, it works smoothly in matplotlib. My deep learning model gives a numpy array arr (<...
Harshit Kumar's user avatar
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Gradient orientation with arctan2 results in flipped angles

I want to use plt.quiver to display arrows of the gradient of an array in the correct angle. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt test_array = np.array([[ 0., 0., 0., 0., ...
greedsin's user avatar
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updated:IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0?

I have a questions about the following codes: I want to return 2 values in this function, one is orig_image which is fine, the other one is the cx,cx is the x-coordinate of the center of the biggest ...
Thanatos Tod's user avatar
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UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x1' referenced before assignment

import numpy as np from PIL import ImageGrab import cv2 import time import pyautogui import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def make_coords(img,line_param): slope,intercept=line_param y1 = img....
Thanatos Tod's user avatar
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How to resize and translate a masked image over a background OpenCV and Python

By doing a bit of my own googling and following this tutorial I have created the python script below. It finds the most dominant (common) color in an image and replaces it with another "background" ...
coder's user avatar
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Car plate recognition from video using python

enter image description hereI am running this code but it has given an error which I am trying to solve. The given code is of car plate recognition from video written in python. The given error:- ...
Prajwal Dhage's user avatar
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Opencv unexpected output for Sobel operator

I am extracting the white stripes from this image but intrigued to see the output of basic Sobel operator in 'Lab' image. Although I am excited to see the black stripes as desired outcome, I am unable ...
addcolor's user avatar
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know what are the pixel values ​through which a line passes over a grayscale image with the Bresenham line algorithm python

How to obtain pixel value of a gray scale image using the Bresenham line algorithm given a line at different angles as shown in this code fraction I hope and you can help me import cv2 import ...
luis's user avatar
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Inverted pixel coordinates of segmentation mask

The following is an image of a segmentation mask (it appears yellow). Overlaid onto this mask are the pixels/coordinates of the very same segmentation mask (appears blue). My question is: why are ...
DSH's user avatar
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Calculate and plot segmentation mask pixels

I have the following image: Below is a segmentation mask within this image: From the image above, I attempted to calculate the non-zero pixel coordinates. That is, I tried to get all of the pixels ...
DSH's user avatar
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How to convert my python code to run on GPU instead of CPU?

I was given a python code that takes in two images as input and uses the Gabor Filter to find the correlation of RGB of the two images and saves it in a csv file. So I need to execute the program ...
Soundeaf's user avatar
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How to get numpy.zeros() and (numpy.ones() * 255) to produce a black and white image respectively?

I am new to Python + OpenCV, so this might be a basic question for most of you, as I couldn't find a good/ satisfactory solution for this online. So I am trying to create an Image by separately ...
RC0993's user avatar
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