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Extend life of temporary using rval ref to ternary operator fails for non copyable types [duplicate]

consider: struct S { S() = default; // ✓ S(S const&) = delete; // copy ✗ }; void f(S* a) { S&& s = a ? *a : S{}; } int main() { f(0); } ...
v.oddou's user avatar
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What is an example where the result of lvalue-to-rvalue conversion removes cv-qualifiers?

Under Lvalue-to-rvalue conversion the C++23 standard says ([conv.lval]#1, emphasis mine): A glvalue of a non-function, non-array type T can be converted to a prvalue.44 If T is an incomplete type, a ...
Dr. Gut's user avatar
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Why const reference is called and not rvalue reference and how std::move works? [duplicate]

#include <iostream> void bar(std::string& s) { std::cout << "ref" << std::endl;} void bar(const std::string& s) { std::cout << "const ref" << ...
Chp Cht's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Integer parameter calls float overload and float parameter calls integer overload [duplicate]

Today I ran into roughly the following code: #include <iostream> void f(float&& f) { std::cout << f << "f "; } void f(int&& i) { std::cout << i <&...
user22879756's user avatar
7 votes
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Unexpected output when invoking overloaded functions with different rvalue reference types

I'm encountering an unexpected behavior in my code when calling overloaded functions with different rvalue reference types. The code snippet below demonstrates the issue: #include <iostream> ...
椎名清柠's user avatar
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Lvalue-to-rvalue conversion C++

I read about Lvalue-to-rvalue conversion and Comparison operators This quote from Comparison operators : after the application of the lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer and function-to-pointer ...
f877576's user avatar
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How to disallow increment operator when operated multiple times on a object?

How do I overload the increment operator so that this code becomes invalid - Point p(2, 3); ++++p; while allowing the following - Point p(2, 3), a(0, 0), b(1, 4); a = ++p + b; Like in C this would ...
Irtiaz Kabir's user avatar
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Why do we need the address-of operator (ampersand, &) when passing a variable to scanf, but not when assigning to it?

When using the scanf function, we cannot simply specify the variable name. Rather, we have to prefix the variable name with an ampersand, e.g. int a; printf("enter your value"); scanf("...
kishoreraj's user avatar
3 votes
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Where is the rvalue coming from? [duplicate]

I learning about references and value categories because the latter are mentioned in some C++ errors. I have a function, referenceToDouble that takes in references to double. From watching this video ...
heretoinfinity's user avatar
26 votes
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Shall structured binding be returned from a function as rvalue in C++20?

Consider a C++20 program where in function foo there is a structured binding auto [y]. The function returns y, which is converted in object of type A. A can be constructed either from const reference ...
Fedor's user avatar
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rvalue and lvalue of std::string

i ran the code as shown and i am confused as to why a+b is a rvalue. From what i know, rvalue should only have a data or address and in such a case std::string should be a lvalue isn't it? void foo(...
Iberico's user avatar
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Intended invalid intialization from rvalue using *this

In C++ it is impossible to bind an r-value argument to a non-const l-value reference. But I noticed that when I call on the r-value object the method returning *this it compiles somehow. Example: ...
Patryk Kowalski's user avatar
4 votes
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Why the rvalue reference parameter cannot be passed between functions directly?

My code is as follows: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A{ public: void sendByRvalue(string&& str){ cout << str << endl; } }; class B{ private:...
Phoenix Chao's user avatar
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non-trivial rvalue and lvalue example

I am not sure about some rvalue/lvalue non-trvial examples. are std::vector<int>({1,2,3})[0] and std::vector<int>() expressions below lvalue or rvalue? the code has no actual usage but it ...
rnd_nr_gen's user avatar
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How do I pass a temporary object as a non-const reference into a member function?

We are creating a class designed to send information out from the current module (the specifics are not relevant to this question). An object of this type is created and populated with a portion of ...
rtillery's user avatar
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C2664 cannot convert to && value

The compiler wants my lvalue to be a rvalue reference and I dont see why. My questions are: Why is "dataLen" const, even though it was declared non const and the lambda is told to catch by ...
Natulux's user avatar
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Should I explicitly =delete non-const rvalue ref qualified function?

I have a class A that has a non-const member function foo that must not be called on temporaries, this is how it looks like: struct A { void foo() & {...} }; If foo were const I would ...
user7769147's user avatar
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Clang vs G++ lvalue to rvalue conversion

The question related to this one. By tracing slt_pair. h and move. h, it's seems that the difference between Clang and G++ is internally. I have tried to simulate the assignment of the object (pair....
4.Pi.n's user avatar
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Does lvalue-to-rvalue conversion ever happen to class types?

Practically every example of lvalue-to-rvalue conversion I've seen on the web relates to fundamental types like int etc. I couldn't find an example of l2r applicable to class types myself; in all the ...
ledonter's user avatar
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Using uninitialized variable without invoking undefined behavior

From (emphasis mine) If the lvalue designates an object of automatic storage duration that could have been declared with the register storage class (never had its address taken), and ...
izac89's user avatar
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Is `(i) = 1` illegal in standard C?

I'm writing a C compiler which follows this standard, and if I parse statements like this: int i; (i) = 1; my compiler will report an error which point out that (i) is a rvalue and should not be ...
user avatar
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C++ pass vector (lvalue to rvalue)

Lets say you have 2 vectors passed to a function as lvalue references. Later you realize, you can use recursion and pass slices of these vectors using their iterators. Would it be an appropriate ...
user2376997's user avatar
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Undefined behavior inside void expressions

Is a C implementation required to ignore undefined behaviors occurring during the evaluation of void expressions as if the evaluation itself never took place? Considering C11, §1: If an ...
anol's user avatar
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What are the rules about using an rvalue reference on the left side of an equals sign?

So I've been learning about rvalues and rvalue references and have run into some code while experimenting that I can't wrap my head around the errors of. int&& test1(int& t) { return ...
Isaac Morton's user avatar
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Safety of auto when std::move ing from a returned reference of a value

I need some reassurance about whenever, assigning or list initializing an auto typed named variable, with A a std::move()ed returned reference to a variable B a returned reference to a variable ...
Superlokkus's user avatar
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When a function takes an rvalue reference, what is the type of that variable within the function?

This is a question of terminology. If I have this: #include <vector> void g(std::vector<int>&& arg); void f0(std::vector<int>&& v) { static_assert(std::is_same&...
Ben's user avatar
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What is the difference in atomic_load() and assignment?

I am working on a project that deals with lots of atomic operations. Till now I didn’t knew about atomic_load() and was only relying on assignment operator to get value of an atomic type and I haven’t ...
Mihir Luthra's user avatar
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How to use forwarding to cast rvalue to lvalue reference?

I'm trying to use an overloaded function to hide passing an int reference to a utility function when I don't care for the returned int data. Why is it that I need to use T& instead of T as the ...
kaoao's user avatar
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why gcc 6.4.0 c++14 moves automatically lvalue to rvalue

I encountered a problem where gcc compiler moved local variable (not temporary) as rvalue argument to a function. I have a simple example: class A { public: A() {} A& operator=(const A&...
Sasha Itin's user avatar
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error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'std::function<void()>&' from an rvalue of type 'main()::<lambda()>'|

EDIT: Sorry, I asked this question without a thro understanding of references... I seem to be getting this error when I run this code... error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Why must a non-const reference be initialized with an lvalue?

Here is a snippet of code which causes a C2664 error: cannot convert argument 1 from 'std::unique_ptr<Component,std::default_delete<_Ty>>' to 'ComPtr &' So why must a non-const reference ...
Y.Lex's user avatar
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Lvalue to rvalue conversion not performed

The following function returns an rvalue: int foo() { int x = 42; return x; // x is converted to prvalue } Clang's AST also shows the conversion: `-FunctionDecl <line:1:1, line:5:1>...
wally's user avatar
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Is the right operand of an assignment always converted to an rvalue?

I would like a clarification about this particular case: class Test { Test& operator=(const Test& copy) { ... } Test() = default; } Test a; Test b; b = a; //Is "a" ...
yggdrasil's user avatar
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Lvalue to rvalue conversion with integer pointer

If I read implicit conversions correctly: Lvalue to rvalue conversion A glvalue of any non-function, non-array type T can be implicitly converted to a prvalue of the same type. [..] Unless ...
Dean's user avatar
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Lvalue-to-rvalue conversion for class types: is there copying involved?

(I asked this question before but didn't give a viable example so I deleted previous one. I hope on this one I got the example right.) Case: #include <iostream> struct S { S() = default; ...
ledonter's user avatar
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Does a Comparison Between an Lvalue and a Literal Invoke an Lvalue-to-Rvalue Conversion?

I asked this question: static_assert of const Variable And apparently it comes down to the question does a floating point lvalue get converted to an rvalue for the purposes of comparison? So in this ...
Jonathan Mee's user avatar
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What is the significance of special language in standard for lvalue-to-rvalue conversions for unsigned character types of indeterminate value

In the C++14 standard (n3797), the section on lvalue to rvalue conversions reads as follows (emphasis mine): 4.1 Lvalue-to-rvalue-conversion [conv.lval] A glvalue (3.10) of a non-function, ...
Chris Beck's user avatar
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Why doesn't C++ move construct rvalue references by default? [duplicate]

Say I have the following function void doWork(Widget && param) // param is an LVALUE of RRef type { Widget store = std::move(param); } Why do I need to cast param back to an rvalue ...
barney's user avatar
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Can an lvalue at end of scope be treated as an rvalue?

EDIT: Consider 2 following examples: std::string x; { std::string y = "extremely long text ..."; ... x = y; // *** (1) } do_something_with(x); struct Y { Y(); Y(const Y&); ...
Super-intelligent Shade's user avatar
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Lvalue-to-rvalue conversion in [expr.ref]/2

[expr.ref]/2: For the first option (dot) the first expression shall be a glvalue having complete class type. For the second option (arrow) the first expression shall be a prvalue having pointer ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Difference between std::forward implementation

Recently I've been trying to understand move semantics and came up with a question. The question has already been discussed here. I implemented the first variant and checked whether it returns l-...
fminkin's user avatar
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Why an Rvalue Reference is Turned into Lvalue Reference by a Universal Reference [duplicate]

I suppose when a universal reference parameter is matched with an rvalue reference argument, an rvalue reference argument is returned. However, my testing shows that the rvalue reference is turned ...
JavaMan's user avatar
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Is it an Rvalue or Lvalue After a Cast

The code here test for lvalue or rvalue after a type cast: #include <stdio.h> template <typename T> T const f1(T const &t) { printf("T const \n"); return t; } template <...
JavaMan's user avatar
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Assigning Rvalue returned from function to another Rvalue

class Test { public: int n1; }; Test func() { return Test(); } int main() { func() = Test(); } This doesn't make sense to me. How and why is this allowed? Is it undefined ...
Greg M's user avatar
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Why is it possible to assign to an rvalue of class type?

Why is this code compiling? I thought that rvalues returned by the constructor are not located in memory and therefore can't be used as lvalues. class Y { public : explicit Y(size_t num = 0) {} }; ...
John Difool's user avatar
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Delete a node from binary search tree in C

I am trying to delete a node from a binary search tree. But when I want to test the function, I'll get an error message in 'case 3: two children'. clist->name = temp->name; This line causes ...
stefOCDP's user avatar
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How std::move can work with copy-constructor that takes non-const reference? [duplicate]

I was reading about std::move. Based on quite few materials, I concluded that std::move is just a function that converts its argument type to the rvalue-reference. I also read that, rvalue-references ...
Validus Oculus's user avatar
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How does rvalue reference work here?

I am puzzled by the following code: #include <iostream> int main() { int x{}; int&& rvx = static_cast<int&&>(x); ++rvx; std::cout << x << std:...
vsoftco's user avatar
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Understanding the example on lvalue-to-rvalue conversion

I have a hard time understanding how this code (an example from the C++14 draft standard [conv.lval]) invokes undefined behavior for g(false). Why does constexpr make the program valid? Also, what ...
template boy's user avatar
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Invalid initialization of non-const reference of type

In the following code, I'm not able to pass a temporary object as argument to the printAge function: struct Person { int age; Person(int _age): age(_age) {} }; void printAge(Person &person) {...
jeffreyveon's user avatar
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