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Log4j update from 2.23.1 to 2.24.0/1 -> logging gone

I have a big and old legacy project where we updated to log4j 2 very painfully and we use a lot of bridges. <!-- LOGGING --> <dependency> <...
Ande Hofer's user avatar
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Dynamically set DEBUG or INFO logging level per request based on request header in reactive Spring Boot with Log4j2

I'm working on a Reactive Spring Boot application that uses Log4j2 as the logging framework. By default, my application logs at the INFO level, and I set the logging level in the application.yml I ...
Rahul verma's user avatar
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Log didin't write into filename that specified in log4j2-spring.xml file

Spring boot version 3.3.3, in my linux system I will have two tomcat instance under /opt, one is called /opt/tomcat (which is the dev environment, specified in conf/ with spring....
Vincent Zheng's user avatar
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MDC not logged when using SLF4J and Log4J2

I'm trying to log MDC using a json formatter in a Wildfly application. I'm hoping to see all of the MDC keys and their values in each of the logs after setting the MDC values. I don't want to use ...
user1022022's user avatar
-1 votes
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Setting logger for com.mongodb.internal.diagnostics.logging.SLF4JLogger does not work

Running with Spring Boot, I get logs like this c.m.i.d.l.SLF4JLogger : Command "insert" started on database "test" using a connection with driver-generated ID 3 and server-...
NealeU's user avatar
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How to understand logging in our application

Our application uses, For normal logging (.log) : log4j2 supported by log4j-core.jar, log4j-api.jar, log4j2-extensions.jar For console logging (.out) : log4j (1.2) because we have jboss that uses ...
HeXMaN's user avatar
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Purpose of setting debug="false" in log4j at configuration level

What is the purpose of setting attributes at configuration level in log4j.xml? <log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="" debug="false" ...
Juicy Jay's user avatar
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Logs file getting created but logs are not getting written to it in springboot 3 war deployed on Tomcat 10.1.19

log4j2.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Configuration status="DEBUG"> <Properties> <Property name="LOG_PATTERN">...
nelDev's user avatar
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Setting root log level via command line for log4j2

We have a bit old J2EE application that use slf4j and log4j2 for logging. Dependencies looks like below. <dependency> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-api&...
Susitha Ravinda Senarath's user avatar
2 votes
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Maven/Java/Helidon MP: Log4j2.xml <JSONLayout> causing conflict with custom annotation processor

I have a multi module maven project. Module A has an annotation processor, and Module B has a dependency on module A in its pom.xml. Module B also has a src/main/resources/META-INF/services/javax....
swing1234's user avatar
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How can I log to a specific file path with log4j2 in a library?

I have a Java Library (SDK) that will be consumed as a JAR in other applications. I'm using log4j2 and SLF4J to log right now, but when my library is consumed by the other application (also using ...
Thomas Yamakaitis's user avatar
-1 votes
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Glassfish/Payara SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

These are the logging dependencies in my pom file: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</groupId> <artifactId>log4j-api</artifactId> <version>...
tushar's user avatar
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Log4j2 properties file JDBC appender - cast context variable to uuid

I have the following database table (PostgreSQL) create table audit_read ( level text, account_id uuid, message text ); I want to insert a database record when a logging event occurs. I ...
Tim's user avatar
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All Logs not getting printed in console or File

So I am using Log4j2 with SLF4j for Logging in Spring Boot application. I have console and File logging enabled. Only logs related to spring boot are getting printed on the file and console. None of ...
Anirudh Gambhir's user avatar
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slf4j and log4j2 json messages escaped

I'm using slf4j and log4j2 as the implementation. I wanted my messages (in JSON) to be logged as JSON and not escaped as Strings. Looking at the org.apache.logging.log4j.layout.template.json.resolver....
Jerome VDL's user avatar
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How to set log level to 'debug' when app is started in debug mode (IntelliJ)

When starting the app normally print only into the console. When starting the app in debug mode print and log.debug(...). Can I set the debug level without reading system ...
olimtrail's user avatar
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log4j2 getLogger takes 20+ seconds to return

Bit of a long shot but here goes: All this is running on an imx6 using kernel 5.10.63 and OpenJDK RTE 16.0.2+7. I'm running a basic test app written in Java using slf4j 2.0.9 and log4j2 2.21.1. ...
Tony Goacher's user avatar
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How to exclude unpacked dependencies from third-party jars?

I have a spring boot application MyApp. MyApp is having a dependency on a third-party library ThirdParty which is also a spring-boot application. This ThirdParty library is a fat jar where all the ...
CyberMafia's user avatar
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ERROR FOUND : No SLF4J providers were found. and Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation

My log file is not generated I am getting above error while start my spring boot application. please help me to resolve . <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId&...
karthikeyan S's user avatar
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How can we use log4j2 with JBOSS a long with its default logging instead of overwriting

<deployment> <exclude-subsystems> <subsystem name="logging" /> </exclude-subsystems> </deployment> instead of excluding its default logging we ...
sunil manzoor's user avatar
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Missing random Log4J2 entries in log file

I've noticed strange behavior in how Log4j logs messages and exceptions. SOme highlights of my application: SAP Hybris 6.0.0 (aka SAP Commerce), openJDK 8, Apache Tomcat, Log4j2 2.4.1 (slf4j as facade)...
jahra's user avatar
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Why can't SLF4J find any providers in my project?

I recently forked a GitHub project and have been trying to bring it up to date. One of my primary goals was to remove the old (vulnerable) Log4J v1.2 and replace it with Log4J 2.2. The original ...
James's user avatar
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approach to upgrade my log4j1.2.17 used inside springboot-starter-parent 1.5.6

Log4j1.2.17 included inside my code is not used directly, rather it is being called from another JAR file – log4j-over-slf4j1.7.25 and this Jar is being used from the spring-boot-starter-1.5.6....
Vishal Gandotra's user avatar
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Allure report not resolving the SLF4J2 placeholder values

We are facing an issue with the log printing format in the Allure report after migrating to SLF4J with Log4j2 implementation. I would appreciate any assistance or suggestions to resolve this problem. ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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Unable to silence mongoDB connection logs from log4j2 xml properties

I am trying to disable the mongodb connection logs on my application but not able to do it with the below configuration in log4j2.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> &...
Vishal Jain's user avatar
1 vote
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How to set Log Pattern in log4j2-spring.xml to log Class Method and Line

I am trying to set log pattern to print Class Method and line in log file. Below is my Configuration. Its working fine with Console but not working with Async <?xml version="1.0" encoding=...
Piyush Srivastava's user avatar
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SL4J with MDC/Thread context unable to read PID

I am trying to use this solution to fetch the process id and print it out in the log RuntimeMXBean rt = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); String pid = rt.getName(); ThreadContext.put("PID&...
asb's user avatar
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Using Slf4j with log4j2 not working, throwing ClassNotFoundException: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

This is a non-Spring app. It's a simple java app with a main. I'm using Lombok @Slf4j with a log4j2.xml config file. Gradle build file contains the following content: dependencies { ... ...
emiles's user avatar
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How can I use Log4j2 logging on BEAM workers?

I'm trying to use Log4j2 logging implementation together with Slf4j api in the BEAM pipeline. In maven it looks like this: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</...
Nikolay Bogdanov's user avatar
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Log4j does not log full stack trace?

I'm using SLF4j with Log4j2. The SLF4j version is 1.7.22 and the Log4j2 version is 2.8.2. When I log an exception with Log4j2 in a method, it only logs one line. I expected the log to show the full ...
Ziv's user avatar
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How to Dynamically log when iterating in a filepath and reading the contents of file How to create separate log file for each file?

I have Created a maven java project, if given a folderpath, the code will iterate over the folder and pick file one by one and read all the contents of file (file type supported-txt,pdf,word,excel,csv,...
Seriously's user avatar
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5 votes
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What is Spring Boot Starter Log4J2

Well, I think the title describes the question. I know that I should use spring-boot-starter-log4j2 if I wanted to use log4j2 as my logging framework in spring. But my question is, how does it ...
Mycotina's user avatar
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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory.<init>(org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jMarkerFactory)'

im currently on a apache flink job which provides log4j2 as default logging implementation at its runtime (see here). For flexibility SLF4J should be used. Running the whole job in flink logs properly,...
Peter C. Glade's user avatar
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log4j stops logging (some) log message

We are running a fairly typical but "legacy" webapp using log4j under slf4j and Spring 5.3.18. (I'll update with versions of log4j/slf4j) We use an external log4j config file specified on ...
kansasSamurai's user avatar
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slf4j marker when used with fluent apis is ignored by log4j2 configuration, but works fine with non-fluent apis

slf4j marker when used with LoggingEventBuilder apis (fluent) is ignored by log4j2 configuration, but when same marker is used with slf4j Logger non-fluent apis [e.g., trace(Marker marker, String msg)]...
Neel's user avatar
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Log4j common custom interface

I am using slf4j and log4j2 and i want to create a common interceptor. like below so in future if any log4j uprade came up, i would not have to change every class. Please review below code and let me ...
Parmar Kamlesh's user avatar
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Logging structured key-value pairs in springboot with slf4j over log4j2

I'm working on a Kotlin spring-boot project that is using slf4j over log4j2 and I would like to log in a key-value way in order to add filters based on the keys to the data analyzer (splunk) I'm using....
Mauricio Avendaño's user avatar
3 votes
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Log4J2 Pattern Layout not picking up Pattern

I have set up a service to use SLF4J and Log4j2 but I am unable to get the specified logs in the pattern layout specified. My dependencies are: log4j-slf4j-impl: 2.17.2 slf4j-api: 1.7.36 When I boot ...
Major Ben's user avatar
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SLF4J multiple bindings Spring boot with weblogic

I updated my spring boot application version to 5.3.24, and I excluded the logback from all dependencies, I checked it with dependency:tree [INFO] | +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter:...
user3654435's user avatar
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log4j2 - disable dependency service logs logged into my application.log

i have a log4j2 setup in my project <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Configuration status="ERROR"> <Properties> <Property name=&...
Jeya Kumar's user avatar
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Does Log4j2 and SLF4J MDC get along?

Using Finatra, I'm trying to activate traceID logging, but nothing ends up in Log4J2 output. Finatra supports SLF4J MDC. SLF4J MDC is supposed to support Log4J (2?). Log4J2 is supposed to support MDC ...
brisssou's user avatar
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"SLF4J: No SLF4J providers were found" after moving from JDK8 to JDK11

After moving from JDK8 to JDK11 I get "SLF4J: No SLF4J providers were found" and not logging. Using Maven and IntelliJ. Output: SLF4J: No SLF4J providers were found. SLF4J: Defaulting to no-...
user1857773's user avatar
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Helidon MP: How to send slf4j log messages to Kafka broker?

I am trying to send slf4j log messages in my Helidon MP application to a Kafka server that runs on port 9092. I have the following class as an example: import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; @Slf4j public ...
swing1234's user avatar
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Class Not Found Exception after slf4j-log4j12 version upgrade to 1.7.36

After upgrading slf4j-log4j12 version, we are seeing below errors. Please let us know if anyone has faced the similar issues after upgrade. Appreciate the help! Error: log4j:ERROR Could not ...
Ankush D's user avatar
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How to check my Junit test is picking the log4j2-test.xml config or not?

I have some unit test written in my project I wanted to change the logging behaviour for unit test so I created a log4j2-test.xml in src/test/resources but I am not able to see any change in my ...
codersaty's user avatar
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TRACE level messages not being logged. log4j How to enable trace logging level

I'm currently working on a maven application that uses slf4j/log4j and I want to be able to output all log levels including trace to the console. I've configured as follows: <?xml version="1.0&...
Kenneth Clarke's user avatar
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CustomOutInterceptor always get the instance of super class

To log SOAP request and response payloads, I've enabled the cxf logging and was using the default interceptors which works seamlessly. But client also wants to add Transaction-ID with in the ...
M A.'s user avatar
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Support on disabling debug and info logs of Springboot and hibernate when hosted on AWS Lambda

We have hosted a springboot application to AWS lambda. We are receiving huge logs which is not expected. We have tried the following ways to optimize our logs
Chandu's user avatar
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Error generating native image with Gluonfx for log4j and slf4j dependencies

I'm trying to build a native image of a JavaFX app with Gluonfx, Micronaut and Graalvm As logging framework I'm using log4j2 and log4j-slf4j-impl to route logs from slf4 to log4j. Every time I want to ...
Ikaro's user avatar
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