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How to understand logging in our application

Our application uses, For normal logging (.log) : log4j2 supported by log4j-core.jar, log4j-api.jar, log4j2-extensions.jar For console logging (.out) : log4j (1.2) because we have jboss that uses ...
HeXMaN's user avatar
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Purpose of setting debug="false" in log4j at configuration level

What is the purpose of setting attributes at configuration level in log4j.xml? <log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="" debug="false" ...
Juicy Jay's user avatar
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2 answers

slf4j and log4j2 json messages escaped

I'm using slf4j and log4j2 as the implementation. I wanted my messages (in JSON) to be logged as JSON and not escaped as Strings. Looking at the org.apache.logging.log4j.layout.template.json.resolver....
Jerome VDL's user avatar
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ERROR FOUND : No SLF4J providers were found. and Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation

My log file is not generated I am getting above error while start my spring boot application. please help me to resolve . <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId&...
karthikeyan S's user avatar
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Missing random Log4J2 entries in log file

I've noticed strange behavior in how Log4j logs messages and exceptions. SOme highlights of my application: SAP Hybris 6.0.0 (aka SAP Commerce), openJDK 8, Apache Tomcat, Log4j2 2.4.1 (slf4j as facade)...
jahra's user avatar
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Why can't SLF4J find any providers in my project?

I recently forked a GitHub project and have been trying to bring it up to date. One of my primary goals was to remove the old (vulnerable) Log4J v1.2 and replace it with Log4J 2.2. The original ...
James's user avatar
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approach to upgrade my log4j1.2.17 used inside springboot-starter-parent 1.5.6

Log4j1.2.17 included inside my code is not used directly, rather it is being called from another JAR file – log4j-over-slf4j1.7.25 and this Jar is being used from the spring-boot-starter-1.5.6....
Vishal Gandotra's user avatar
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How can I use Log4j2 logging on BEAM workers?

I'm trying to use Log4j2 logging implementation together with Slf4j api in the BEAM pipeline. In maven it looks like this: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.logging.log4j</...
Nikolay Bogdanov's user avatar
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How to Dynamically log when iterating in a filepath and reading the contents of file How to create separate log file for each file?

I have Created a maven java project, if given a folderpath, the code will iterate over the folder and pick file one by one and read all the contents of file (file type supported-txt,pdf,word,excel,csv,...
Seriously's user avatar
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What is Spring Boot Starter Log4J2

Well, I think the title describes the question. I know that I should use spring-boot-starter-log4j2 if I wanted to use log4j2 as my logging framework in spring. But my question is, how does it ...
Mycotina's user avatar
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log4j stops logging (some) log message

We are running a fairly typical but "legacy" webapp using log4j under slf4j and Spring 5.3.18. (I'll update with versions of log4j/slf4j) We use an external log4j config file specified on ...
kansasSamurai's user avatar
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Class Not Found Exception after slf4j-log4j12 version upgrade to 1.7.36

After upgrading slf4j-log4j12 version, we are seeing below errors. Please let us know if anyone has faced the similar issues after upgrade. Appreciate the help! Error: log4j:ERROR Could not ...
Ankush D's user avatar
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TRACE level messages not being logged. log4j How to enable trace logging level

I'm currently working on a maven application that uses slf4j/log4j and I want to be able to output all log levels including trace to the console. I've configured as follows: <?xml version="1.0&...
Kenneth Clarke's user avatar
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CustomOutInterceptor always get the instance of super class

To log SOAP request and response payloads, I've enabled the cxf logging and was using the default interceptors which works seamlessly. But client also wants to add Transaction-ID with in the ...
M A.'s user avatar
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logging multiple messages with log4j2 binded with slf4j

I would like to achieve something like Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyClassname.class);"message1", "message2"); The logs should look like message1 "...
Ayush Gupta's user avatar
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Log4j 2 SLF4J Binding but SLF4J traces lost

In a "classic" Java development, without maven, we use a third party library that uses SLF4J. In this way: (Model A) import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; ... private ...
JLLMNCHR's user avatar
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TRACE StatusLogger Log4jLoggerFactory.getContext() found anchor class

When I launch any of my application, i receive a lot of these lines at console and logs: TRACE StatusLogger Log4jLoggerFactory.getContext() found anchor class com.example.auth.api.SessionAgentImpl ...
anecahev's user avatar
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Log4j Latest version with slf4j-log4j12

Using slf4j-log4j12 version- 2.0.0-alpha5 dependency for logging which pulls Apache Log4j » 1.2.17. Need to upgrade the Log4j to latest which is log4j-core » 2.17.1 such that I don't have to make ...
Subodh Bisht's user avatar
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Spring boot parent log4j2 update - vulnerability fix

Trying to update log4j2 for legacy spring boot application (using Spring-boot-parent-1.5.6.RELEASE) - using multi module Tried all the ways spring suggested in recent docs but none of them worked. ...
nikhil sharma's user avatar
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Updating default log4j-over slfj 1.x from spring starter kit to log4j-slf4j-impl-2.0.jar

I have an application which uses Spring starter kit 1.4.0. We are using log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.25 JAR. We wanted to upgrade to log4j-slf4j-impl-2.0.jar. Can we do this upgrade with the spring version? ...
Aparna's user avatar
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log4j-to-slf4j does not implement org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager

In my project I use slf4j, The project includes one library that uses org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.14.0 Therefore, the library gets its logger via org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getLogger(...
David Hofmann's user avatar
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How to increase string length using Log4j2 JsonTemplate Layout

By referring (JsonTemplateLayout Log4j2) I am trying to increase the length of the message as I am getting ... in the logs. In the link, it's mentioned to use property maxStringLength. I have tried to ...
sub's user avatar
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Logging with optional parameters

I have method where I want to add specific logging: @Slf4j @Service public class SomethingService { public void doSomething(Something data, String comment, Integer limit) { Long id = ...
mkczyk's user avatar
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Spring Webflux with Log4j2

Quick question about the combination of Spring Webflux and Log4j2. For organizational reason, I must use Spring Webflux with log4j2. Our support team will even refuse to support the app if they cannot ...
PatPanda's user avatar
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How Can I Add Console Appender In Logger Object Using log4j-over-slf4j Dependency?

I can't be able to add console appender using logger.addAppender method with log4j-over-slf4j 1.7.x dependency. Moreover, I am unable to set target of that particular Console Appender(i.e., SYSTEM_OUT/...
Ritesh_RM's user avatar
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LogConfigurationException after migrating from log4j1.x to log4j2.x

I migrated log4j from 1.x to 2.x. After migration I am getting this error message: org.apache.commoms.logging.LogConfigurationException: User-specified log class org.apache.commons.logging.imple....
Gopi's user avatar
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Slf4J/Log4J: How to use a new output file for each logger where the file name is known during runtime?

I have the following scenario: I am converting a bunch of files and need to log each conversion. The output shall be stored alongside the converted and original file. My plan is to create/get a ...
akrinah's user avatar
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How many projects use Async Logger in log4j2?

Async loggers in log4j2 can improve the logging performance a lot, but are they robust enough? When programs are killed unexpectedly, will the logging messages before that time point be flushed into ...
jl0x61's user avatar
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Custom Level Logging in SLF4J

In my project logging is working perfectly fine. Using Slf4j for logging. Sample is as follows: import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; public class MyClass{ private static ...
Mark's user avatar
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Log4j2 programmatic message substitution (Replacement for PatternLayout from log4j)

We are migrating our logging away from log4j to log4j2. However I have issues with migrating a class that extends PatternLayout as that is now final. The old pattern layout code replaces all ...
michaelbahr's user avatar
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How can you include a marker in a log message with SLF4J with Log4j

I am using markers in SLF4J with Log4j in the following way final Marker marker = MarkerFactory.getMarker("boom");, "BLAH BLAH: {}", stuff); How can I include the marker in the ...
ilooner's user avatar
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How to retrieve the log content from Simplelogger SL4FJ

Is there a way to retrieve the contents of the logger when its been passed by reference from a called Class. I have a simple example program set-up as follows, Class public class Doubler { ...
robbie70's user avatar
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Log pattern provided in file is not being used

I am using slf4j logging library and have provide logging pattern in file under resources folder in my maven project but still the pattern I have provided does not take affect and is ...
letsStudyJava's user avatar
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upgrade log4j to log4j2 with slf4j in project which configured using property files

I am trying to upgrade "log4j" to "log4j2 with slf4j" in project. Log4j is configured using property files. My project is divided into multiple subproject. one subproject is consist of several ...
nitin's user avatar
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release lock on log file log4j after process is completed

I am using lsf4j on top of log4j to log events in my app. I have a custom file appender that is being used to log events to multipule log files, a main log file and log file for each process instance ...
DaveRad's user avatar
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Overwrite java.util.logging.Logger.isLoggable() used by third party library?

The application I'm working on provides logging based on the current user. To achieve this I use the log4j AbstractFilter which checks if there is a custom log level for the current user and returns ...
Jdv's user avatar
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Log4j with isErrorEnabled()

Getting this compilation Error for logger.isErrorEnabled(),logger.isWarnEnabled() with jar The method isErrorEnabled() is undefined for the type Logger The method isWarnEnabled() is undefined for the ...
Thiru's user avatar
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Log4j2 highlight pattern not working in text-editor?

I am using log4j2 for logging my application on Wildfly server (Jboss 8). I want a customized color coding for my logs which is working perfectly fine when I see logs on my console/terminal. ...
Siddharth Trikha's user avatar
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How to properly configure log4j2 programmatically?

I am trying to setup log4j2 to write logs using the RollingFileAppender. I want to configure the logging system programmatically instead of using XML files. Here is what I tried (mostly the same as ...
Rohan's user avatar
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log4j2 shuts down all appenders with slf4j

I could use some help with my log4j2 configuration. When I debug the logger, it looks like it shuts down all of the appenders, and then I never receive any application logs. Luckily I know that log4j ...
TheJeff's user avatar
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log4j2 causes error - "The method info(Message) is ambiguous for the type Logger"

Below mentioned method worked fine with SLF4J (org.slf4j.Logger). I replaced SLF4J with LOG4J2. import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; @Test public void ...
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UTF-8 is not working Even after charater set is configured in slf4j logback.xml

<appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> <target>System.out</target> <encoder> <charset>UTF-8</charset> <pattern&...
M. Akhil's user avatar
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where is logger.getAppender (migrating from log4j to slf4j+log4j)

Existing code is setting up logger programmatically. Thats how it does it public void init (String logFile, Logger logger){ Validate.isTrue(logger.getAppender(APPENDER_NAME) == null, "Logger has ...
Em Ae's user avatar
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Jersey compatibility with log4j2 - failing to start servlets

I'm having issues getting Jersey 1.19 to work with log4j2 on Tomcat7. My project's working assembly against log4j1 consists of the following: slf4j-api: 1.5.6 slf4j-log4j12: 1.5.6 log4j: 1.2.14 I ...
dajaffe's user avatar
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1k views cannot config slf4j loggers used by imported package

I have some issue creating a rootLogger inside file. As you can see from my file below, I have defined the rootLogger with level of info, and point it to the ...
fluency03's user avatar
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Can't Change Apache Jena Logging Level (using log4J2)

I have included the Apache Jena library to my Java project and I am using Apache Log4J2 as my logger. I have also included the log4j-1.2-api and log4j-slf4j-impl dependencies for mapping from Log4J v1....
Brandon Dudek's user avatar