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External Linaro toolchain with Yocto Kirkstone

I have a working Yocto (Kirkstone) build that uses the default toolchain compiled as part of the build process on Ubuntu 22.04. Now, I need to use a precompiled external toolchain. Specifically, I ...
PhilBot's user avatar
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How do I specify compiler toolchain for specific modules in yocto

We have a huge project. The project is based out of GCC 6.4.0 There is a feasibility being conducted , if it can be upgraded to GNU v11.2 I need to check only if my module . How do I compile only my ...
Mark Watts's user avatar
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Linaro toolchain build for armv5 builds for Armv7

I'm trying to use the linaro toolchain on Windows to cross compile for an ArmV5 target. My command looks like this: arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc.exe test.c -march=armv5te -v -mtune=arm926ej-s With this,...
jay's user avatar
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arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++: No such file or directory

I am newbie to develope for Linux and recently stumbled upon this error arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++: No such file or directory. I tried to fix the error which came while I was following the code from ...
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problems with building the android kernel

I started building the android core (for nokia 6). Completed make PLE_defconfig(device code name), passed with one warning(arch/arm64/configs/PLE_defconfig:745:warning: symbol value 'm' invalid for ...
m1cro_cat's user avatar
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GCC support for cortex-a55

Can someone please let me know which version of GCC onwards has the support for cortex-a55 as the mtune/mcpu option? Below is the link mentioning the support has been added, however am unable to ...
user10367180's user avatar
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2 answers

Gstreamer1.0 missing element : v4l2h264enc in Qualcomm RB5

Before starting I am aware there are almost same questions with what I will ask, but since the question is almost board specific I will still ask. I have a Qualcomm RB5 Robotic Vision Kit which has ...
Lady Be Good's user avatar
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multiple definition of `std::__detail::__clp2(unsigned int)', gcc-linaro

I am using gcc-linaro-12.0.1-2022.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf arm toolchain. I could not figure out why I am getting multiple definition of standard __clp2 function. I have checked include guards in ...
selim's user avatar
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getting "error adding symbols: File format not recognized" error while cross compiling QT5 for raspberry pi

-lpthread -lm /home/sincap/raspi/qt-everywhere-src-5.12.12/qtbase/lib/libqtpcre2.a /home/sincap/raspi/qt-everywhere-src-5.12.12/qtbase/lib/libqtpcre2.a: error adding symbols: File format not ...
SYncap's user avatar
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Cross Compilation with gcc-linaro-4.9-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf on Host with LFS/ inodes in 64bit

Brief: We moved our cross compilation toolchain for an arm board from a 32 bit file system host to a 64 bit host whose file system has inodes > 2^32. Using gcc-linaro-4.9-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-...
MKuhne's user avatar
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How can i fix warning: stack protector not protecting local variables: variable length buffer with gcc-linaro-7.5.0-2019.12-x86_64_arm-eabi

compiler: test.c: struct Foo{ char a[32]; // 32 and above will ...
tteng little's user avatar
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Buildroot configure image with external linaro toolchian

I have problem with buildroot external toolchain; finally I have received the following error when I put the "make linux-menuconfig" command (I want to use this config menu for eth driver) ...
emras's user avatar
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GCC startup code _start does not end in main()

I could only find bits and pieces of information on the symbol _start, which is called from the target startup code in order to establish the C runtime environment. This would be necessary to ensure ...
Jonathon S.'s user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How do I fix a bitbake failed to fetch git error?

While bitbaking a Yocto rocko build I got this error: WARNING: go-systemd-4+gitb4a58d95188dd092ae20072bac14cece0e67c388-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL git://, ...
Quintin Kerns's user avatar
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Tinkerboard with RTC board does not update the system time

I'm working on a ASUS TinkerBoard, OS Linaro 9.5 - Kernel 4.4.132 I added a little RTC board based on DS3231 chip. The system creates the device /dev/rtc1 added to /dev/rtc0 and /dev/rtc (link to /dev/...
SteMMo's user avatar
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Linaro toolchain fails to create ARMv5 binary

I am trying to upgrade my compiler to support C++11, the kernel of my target machine is For this purpose I am attempting to use the prebuilt binaries at
Refugnic Eternium's user avatar
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Not able to Cross-compile and link source code using afl-clang-fast++

I am trying to fuzz a simple C++ code using afl plus plus clang compiler (llvm_mode). I'm able to fuzz the code and generate the ARM object file but it fails while linking. I guess i'm missing some ...
S P Tejas's user avatar
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Error in Cross-Compile TensorFlow 1.15 for ARM 32 using Bazel

I'm Trying to install TensorFlow on ARM Board (my platform is: ODROID XU4) By cross compiling using bazel and linaro compiler. I have done this steps: Download Linaro 4.9.4 for armeabihf Adding This ...
Yasin Kumar's user avatar
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Poky: Can't Build genericv8

I'm having a lot of trouble trying to build for aarch64 using the meta-linaro layer. I'm pretty new to openembedded and have been able to build qemu images by following the Yocto Quick Start Guide ...
bebopjelli's user avatar
4 votes
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API with std::pair<float, float> breaks when switching from C++14 to C++17 on ARM?

We have been struggling with this very weird issue when upgrading from C++14 to C++17 (Ubuntu 18.04, GCC 7.5.0). The toolchain is Linaro's on Jetson TX2 and is the default. Background: We have a C++ ...
juzzlin's user avatar
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Run valgrind on cross compiled executable

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 VM and trying to find a way to valgrind check an arm-Linux executable. I've tried compiling with local gcc but ran into some problems. The executable is created by Makefile ...
Anarchira's user avatar
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std::chrono behaves different in arm

So the following code I am using for a hacky production fix due to time constraints. Basically I have a static function that is called from many places, much more than intended and it is causing ...
JoeManiaci's user avatar
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u-boot cross compile on cygwin

I am trying to build u-boot for my arm target on cygwin. I took the latest u-boot (2019.10) I took the latest linaro gnu-eabi toolchain. The first thing I found - the makefile adds "-ansi" flag to ...
Ilya Krasavin's user avatar
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Jetson Nano And Yocto/poky Zeus

I'm attempting to use the newest Yocto release to build an image to my Jetson Nano. For this I need CUDA 10 which is part of the NVIDIA binaries needed for the Jetson Nano image build. CUDA 10 only ...
Varyag's user avatar
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GCC Linaro cross compile fails on linker step on a Windows host

I want to build an ARM application(just a simple main function) on Windows host using GCC Linaro toolchains version 7.4.1. Compilation is OK, my .o files are created but on linking step I get the ...
Yunus Yurtturk's user avatar
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ABI incompatibility of Rust executable with C++ dynamic library

I'm currently trying to link a Rust executable with a shared library written in C++ and C. The dynamic loading of the shared library works perfectly on amd64 architectures but I am running into ...
kodr's user avatar
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Issue with cross-compiling using CMake and the SYSROOT path

When using CMake for crosscompiling ARM executables and setting the CMAKE_SYSROOT variable in a toolchain file, the linker does not automatically find libraries which other libraries (which were ...
dwyer2bp's user avatar
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How to avoid multiple definitions? Linker ignored defined symbol with some exception

I am working on an embedded system which has its own library (e.g. libc_alt ) implementing some functions from standard libc (fopen, fclose, fread, fseek, ftell) but not all ( I need memset, memcpy, ...
Khoa Tran's user avatar
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Alsa Dmix wrong sample rate

I am trying to add a dix to my Alsa conf file, but when I playback using it the sample rate is wrong (it's too slow) I have the following: pcm.dmix0 { type dmix ipc_key 34521 slave { pcm "hw:0,0"...
geoffr98's user avatar
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Cross compile for specific CXXABI and GLIBCXX version

I wanna cross compile a software for an ARM target running on Linaro 14.04. When I cross compile from my Ubuntu 18.04 using arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++, and I try to run it on target, I obtain this error ...
Furlings's user avatar
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Linaro gcc fails on Windows

I'm trying to bringup gcc-linaro-7.3.1 on windows. I've downloaded gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-i686-mingw32_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar from Linaro site, extracted using tar on Cygwin, but when I try to run "...
Eyal Wurmbrand's user avatar
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How to install Linaro toolchain in windows?

I find Linaro toolchain in but the files (such as gcc-linaro-6.2.1-2016.11-i686-mingw32_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz ) format tar.xz contains symbolic links. How can ...
ransh's user avatar
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How to configure linaro-gcc

Now i'm using gcc-linaro-5.5.0-2017.10-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf and using eclipse to cross-compile. But when build, i get error like home/osboxes/artik5/opt/toolchains/gcc-linaro-5.5.0-2017.10-...
Trung Trinh's user avatar
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ARM GCC inline assembly error on %w operand

I have an ARMv8 inline assembly segment: /* get leading 0 of cache ways */ __asm__ __volatile__ ( "CLZ %w[shift], %w[maxWay] \n" : [shift] "=r" (uiShift) : [maxWay] "r" (uiMaxWay) ); When ...
Ray Xu's user avatar
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Failed to obtain external Linaro toolchain version error

I am trying to build rootfs with Yocto-Arago SDK and get Failed to obtain external Linaro toolchain version error. ERROR: Failed to obtain external Linaro toolchain version: Execution of '/opt/gcc-...
ephemerr's user avatar
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Eclipse Crti.o and Crt1.o cannot find

I build sample code with cross compile linaro. I have two situations Situation 1: I download gcc-linaro-5.5.0-2017.10-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf from linaro website and extract it to path /home/xxx/...
Trung Trinh's user avatar
2 votes
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Beagle bone cross compilation dynamic linking confusion

i'm not on here asking to solve a bug or problem , but just to get an understanding about something from those who have more experience. I bought a BeagleBone Black (Debian installed). I am cross ...
Engineer999's user avatar
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ACPI sleep state S3(suspend to ram) is supported on ARM64?

I am using ARMv8/ARM64 Architecture and booting Linaro v4.9 lsk . I want to use ACPI sleep state S3 like below: echo mem > /sys/power/state I got an error : Invalid argument The only strings ...
logic seeker's user avatar
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During remote debugging, gdbserver is unable to connect to gdb client when debug session is invoked for the second time

For debugging an application which is already running on remote target (architecture: arm-linux-gnueabihf), I am using gdb from Linaro toolchain: GNU gdb (Linaro_GDB-2017.05) and ...
coder12's user avatar
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c++ cross compiler for beaglebone black

I'm trying to compile a c++ program on windows 10 for beaglebone black by cross toolchain gcc-linaro-5.4.1-2017.05-i686-mingw32_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz and Eclipse for DS-5 CE v 5.27.0 IDE, ...
Mohy Fahim's user avatar
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Buildroot Config Option for Armv8 Architeture

I am new to Buildroot and working on using Buildroot to use Linaro as a kernel and build UEFI. For building UEFI it needs ACPI tools mainly iasl command.. But iasl command available as a part of ...
logic seeker's user avatar
3 votes
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Issue building Linaro GDB for aarch64 on x86_64 host

I downloaded the gdb sources from I want to build the gdb for aarch64. As mentioned in README file I set CC to the cross compiler that I have CC=aarch64-linux-...
MS.'s user avatar
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ARM toolchain looks in the wrong directory for libraries

For my project I need to compile Qt 5.9.1 for a generic ARM device. I've set up linaro's toolchain. But Qt configure halts at this: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ -mfloat-abi=hard --sysroot=/mnt/...
DarkMalex's user avatar
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Multiple Version of libstdc++ in Raspberry Pi 3

I am having a Raspberry Pi 3. I have installed its native tool-chain on my Raspberry Pi 3 : GCC 4.9.2 (Raspbian 4.9.2-10) and necessary run-time libraries. I have downloaed gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-...
Dark Sorrow's user avatar
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Google Assistant getting getting SSL ERROR

I am trying to use google-assistant SDK on IFC6410 linux platform. But i am getting SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED error in below command. google-oauthlib-tool --client-secrets /home/linaro/...
Bhagirathsinh Gohil's user avatar
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ARM Cortex-A9 - __libc_init_array with undefined instruction

I'm using Linaro GCC version 6.3.1 to compile my C++ program. When debugging instruction by instruction, in eclipse (Xilinx SDK 2017.1), I get an undefined instruction fault at the instruction ...
JonAlmos's user avatar
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what causes permission of auto-mount in linaro linux

Sdcard is mounted automatically as root permission. like this. /dev/mmcblk1p1 on /media/linaro/11bf7464-471c-42ca-bbc8-d229a43e8fe51 type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=ordered,uhelper=udisks2)...
Daniel Lee's user avatar
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CMake and prebuilt linaro toolchain: crti.o not found

I want to cross compile for the raspberrypi2 using cmake and the precompiled linaro toolchain which I downloaded from here: git clone When I try to do cmake on my ...
numberCruncher's user avatar
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Strange Linaro mips compiler assembly output

To create assembly code I'm calling the mipsel-openwrt-linux-uclibc-gcc compiler (Linaro GCC 4.8-2014.04 r49389) with flag -S. This produces assembly code looking like this: .section .mdebug....
OliverJL's user avatar
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Android kernel compile error gcc6 linaro 6

I'm trying to compile using Linaro 6 and I'm receiving this error which I believe have something do do with GCC 6? I'm very amateur with compiling kernels or coding for that matter, but I couldn't ...
Mike's user avatar
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