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Is there another way to show Export buttons in Yajra Datatables using laravel 5.8?

I am using Yajra Datatables to query a list of users server side. I added all the dependencies but the buttons are not showing. The buttons are copy, PDF, CSV and even custom buttons are showing. What ...
codeninja's user avatar
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How to send multiple data into view with their required relationships

I am working on a Laravel 5.8 project which is an Online Store. and in this project, I wanted to add "Printing Order Factors" feature for Admins. So I have made a form like this: <form ...
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3 answers

Sort array from days Laravel 5.8

I want to sort an array according to the days name order. here is my array comes from query result. $data = DB::table('jobs') ->select('day', DB::raw('count(*) as count')...
Hashan's user avatar
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Creating default object from empty value in Laravel 5.8

Hi I try to figure out why I always get this error? I'm always get creating default object from empty value. I just want to make edit section to edit and update the user. But when I click Update ...
Harith Azfar's user avatar
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How to make a button that increment through options?

I am trying to make a button to scroll/increment through 4 options. Addition (+), Subtraction(-), Multiplication(*), and Divison(/). I have no idea how to start this. I am using this button with PHP ...
Nefelibata's user avatar
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Custom function in Select query Laravel

I a have Laravel DB query like this, $data = DB::table('jobs') ->select('id', 'customer_id', 'date','time') ->get(); I want to get the day of the date in the select ...
Hashan's user avatar
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delete after confirm alert message not working

when I want to delete a getsub the confirm not working in my view just work for parent ...what is the problem???? but the confirm alert do not working in first foreach that there is $getsub... I think ...
Elham Hosseini's user avatar
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installing a laravel package using composer without updating dependencies [duplicate]

I want to install zizaco/entrust package in laravel 5.8, in their github page it was said to include "zizaco/entrust": "5.2.x-dev" in composer.json file and run composer update ...
dev_hero's user avatar
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Cannot get Session message from Handler class laravel

What I try to do is to get a message in the session when redirecting back to the page from exception handler class, When I get 'PostTooLargeException' It should back to page with a message. If ...
SWAT 10101's user avatar
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Trusting users with route parameter and hidden input values

I'm creating a school management system software with laravel, this project happens to be my first big project, to be used commercially. And no one is supervising the work (so you see I really need ...
Chukwuebuka's user avatar
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Laravel5.8: Collapse is not working when I want to show the HTML code from the database

I want to show my HTML code from the database but when I decode it the Collapse is not working. if I don't decode the HTML it's works fine. Why it's happening? <!-- START TAB 1 --> ...
Kazi Rabbi Hassan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create 3 columns for cards using bootstrap row class

I'm trying to display the content (which are presented in cards) of my page in three different columns using bootstrap 4 row class. How do I go about it? I'm using Laravel 5.8 and bootstrap 4. Other ...
Chizo's user avatar
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how to use bootstrap in another file with framework laravel?

i have file bootstrap, sintaks bootstrap in file layout.backend. one from menu name is form sederhana. in form sederhana there is input makanan for insert new data. when i click input makanan, there ...
SisiliaPutri's user avatar
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how to change data with combobox in laravel?

I want to update the combobox, but when i run the program the error appears. the error said Undefined variable: jenis (View: D:\laravel\makanan\resources\views\edit_upload.blade.php) what is the ...
SisiliaPutri's user avatar
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how to update combobox in laravel?

I want to update the combobox, but when i run the program the error appears. the error said Undefined variable: jenis (View: D:\laravel\makanan\resources\views\edit_upload.blade.php) what is the ...
SisiliaPutri's user avatar
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how to update the image?

I want to edit the picture, but it doesn't work. What is the syntax for editing a picture? I tried the following in the controller: public function edit($id) { $makan = Gambar::find($...
SisiliaPutri's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

how to input checkbox to database

I have created a form with 3 checkboxes and when I check one checkbox it successfully puts it into a database. But when I checks more than one checkbox, just one data input makes it into the database, ...
SisiliaPutri's user avatar
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2 answers

How to select another one of radio button?

I made radio buttons and all radio buttons are selected, where I try my code. How to choose just one radio button in sintaks laravel? This is My View Page : <div class="form-...
SisiliaPutri's user avatar
3 votes
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Laravel: How To Print Ticket Using Laravel After Adding Data?

Good day pips. I am struggling on printing after I click create. the ui for creating and printing When I click the create button, it will add to the database and print a number or ticket. All I know ...
Boss Pogs's user avatar
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Jquery dynamically generate input only validate first in Laravel 5.8

I have to generate dynamic inputs using jquery and validate it by using jquery validation plugin. The problem is it is just validating only first input field. I have tried all the thing like changing ...
Owais Noor's user avatar
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I want to set the value of input datetype but it is not set

Undesirable output Desired display Cannot set DB value for type = "time" What is stored in the DB is 2:20 I want 2:20 on the edit screen But as the picture comes out on the screen How can I set ...
su3158's user avatar
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How to use 2 updates function in UserController in Laravel

I am trying to add user profile picture and also btc wallet to an input. If I add the wallet I can not add the profile img. I saw that both use the update function and so I am having conflict, if I ...
Atila Oliveira's user avatar
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I need to use variables from two controllers in one view

I need to use $post and $post1 in one view(show.blade.php), but when I connect $post variable on the page, the second one $post1 is undefined. ...
FakarelEu's user avatar
-1 votes
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DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document':

I am working on a project which I started building on bootstrap 4.3.1. I'm crazy about this one Javascript and html coding. <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ route('user.panel') }}"> User ...
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Laravel: How to insert data on click on href link using route and controller

After Click On "Yes I am Sure" button data not inserting into database Here Is my code Auth user block another user from viewing their profile. so, i am inserting data auth username and block user ...
Sagar Ambade's user avatar
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How to hide scrollbar in laravel 5.8?

I use Argon Laravel Frontend Preset. I like it but the scrollbar seems not match in the template itself. The Argon use default scrollbar I think and I didn't like it. I want it to be invisible. I don'...
Tuton Jason's user avatar