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Design timeout handling in Spring Integration & MQ

I am working on an application that is being restructured to be consistently async. It was, and still is, based on Spring Integrations. Being a payment gateway, I can refer to the ISO 20022 standard, ...
usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ's user avatar
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ActiveMQ subscribe every n messages from a topic?

Assume messages are published very frequently on some topic and cause extreme network load to subscribe to all of the messages. In reality, we may just want a sample of these, say one every 10 ...
rb612's user avatar
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Failed to remote connect via JMX to embedded ActiveMQ Artemis

I am using embedded ActiveMQ Artemis 2.38.0 for testing. I created embedded ActiveMQ Artemis as follows: Configuration mqConfig = new ConfigurationImpl(); server = new EmbeddedActiveMQ(); mqConfig....
user28089685's user avatar
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JBoss 7.4.12 JMS connectivity with Spring JMS 6.1.5

When I create a producer using Java Spring in my logs I am getting: Failed to Convert property value of type org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.client.ActiveMQJMSConnectionFactory to required type ...
Thiru ranjith's user avatar
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Getting SSLHandshakeException With Apache Nifi ConsumeJMS using JNDI Configurations

Hi We are configuring ConsumeJMS Processor using JNDI Controller service and ConsumeJMS Properties. as Shown here. and the controller service configurations are as follow. This works perfectly in ...
Akash Rai's user avatar
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Encountered wire format negotiation timeout: peer did not send his wire format

Getting following exception when running component test. Environment setup: JDK 17 jakarta.jms:jakarta.jms-api:3.1.0 OS: Windows WSL Docker: activemq:latest running on Rancher Desktop build.gradle ...
ERK's user avatar
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Handling client failover for independent servers without built-in `failover` protocol from ActiveMQ Classic

TL;DR: I'm migrating from ActiveMQ Classic to ActiveMQ Artemis and need to manually handle client failover between two independent servers. The failover: protocol from ActiveMQ Classic is not ...
LenC's user avatar
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2 answers

Consumer not able to consume messages from queue - ActiveMQ Artemis

I would like to consume messages using the JMS Listener, However the listener is not able to consume the messages. This is my configuration for Artemis embedded broker. @Component @EnableJms public ...
John kid's user avatar
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Is it possible to remove messages from an ActiveMQ Artemis queue that don't have an attribute?

I'd need to remove messages from a DLQ in ActiveMQ Artemis that don't have an attribute set. As I understand, the JMX operation removeMessages(string) supports a filter expression, but I'm not sure if ...
Carla's user avatar
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How do we integrate Nifi ConsumeJMS with ActiveMQ Artemis

I have been trying to make changes in existing NiFi code and include certificate and few details from local, which is working and we are able to connect to ActiveMQ Artemis 2.33.0. The issue is that ...
Akash Rai's user avatar
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How to make an ActiveMQ Artemis consumer terminal client stay active without counting messages?

I need an ActiveMQ Artemis consumer instance running on my terminal, but there's a counter of messages that closes the broker's connection when a certain amount of messages is reached, e.g.: Consumer ...
Paulo's user avatar
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Limit the number of active consumed messages [closed]

Our flow today is; multiple servers send messages to an ActiveMQ Queue and a MDB (consumer) with maxSession=100 polls this Queue. The MDB reads the message and delivers the message to other third ...
canEE's user avatar
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ActiveMQ Artemis wildcard security settings not behaving as expected

While trying to set up a nice and automatic way to configure ActiveMQ Artemis users I stumbled on the wildcard routing that can be used within the security-settings block. Leveraging this would make ...
VLEESDOEKJE's user avatar
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Testing with embedded ActiveMQ Server with Vertex Broker client

I am using ActiveMQ Artemis with Vertex Broker client. I want to test below code: public class ActiveMqMessageSender { private String queue = "myQueue"; public void sendMessage(String ...
Undertaker's user avatar
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Cannot send topic to ActiveMQ Artemis: Unable to validate user

I am trying to get ActiveMQ Artemis running locally on my machine. I have created a little program (that is started in a Spring Boot app) that creates a JMS ConnectionFactory to ActiveMQ Artemis, ...
Oliver Watkins's user avatar
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ActiveMQ Artemis connection timeout in Spring Boot

I have some troubles with sending message to ActiveMQ Artemis in Spring Boot: Uncategorized exception occurred during JMS processing; nested exception is ActiveMQConnectionTimedOutException[errorType=...
Korlivar's user avatar
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Spring Boot and multiple JMS producers

I'm new to Spring Boot and JMS. I'm trying to setup multiple different JMS producers to be connected to two different ActiveMQ Artemis servers, but as soon as I add the second configuration I obtain ...
user2880516's user avatar
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ActiveMQ Artemis - Get current redelivery count for scheduled messages

Using ActiveMQ Artemis 2.20 with these settings on queues: <redelivery-delay>600000</redelivery-delay> <max-delivery-attempts>9</max-delivery-attempts> I'm occasionally seeing ...
AdrianF's user avatar
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Valid value usage in JMeter's JMS Subscriber 'JMS Selector' property - in order to consume messages with a dynamically changing JMSCorrelationID

I have an Apache ActiveMQ Artemis server hosting some queues. With the help of JMeter JMS Publisher sampler I am publishing a set of messages with some specific property1 and valueX on a queue1 and an ...
JustNatural's user avatar
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ActiveMQ Artemis HA split-brain issue on OOME crash

We have an ActiveMQ Artemis 2.31.x HA configuration in a primary/backup setup. Things are working fine when you gracefully scale/stop the primary pod where the backup becomes active and primary ...
sg2000's user avatar
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JMeter JMS Publisher: Getting the JMSMessageId (generated at runtime) in the header and using it as the value of another JMS Property before publish

In JMeter, I have a JMS Publisher sampler configured to send a message to a remote queue. The message gets successfully published to the remote queue running on an ActiveMQ Artemis server and in the ...
JustNatural's user avatar
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ActiveMQ Artemis: Muticast address deliver messages inconsistently

We're using Artemis 2.19.0 and distributing XML messages.Recently, we found that some messages might get lost when sending them to a multicast address which has two durable multicast queues bound, ...
LiamFu's user avatar
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ActiveMQ Artemis Consumer Connection Distribution

This question is a bit of a follow on to something I previously asked. The setup is the same as outlined in that question, with a symmetric cluster of 4 stand-alone ActiveMQ Artemis (v2.20) nodes, ...
AdrianF's user avatar
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ActiveMQ Artemis server produces lots of AMQ224016 error in logs after migration to Jakarta API client

I encountered a problem using Artemis ActiveMQ server - AMQ224016 error. Starting with version 2.20.0, but then with upgrade to 2.32.0 along with clients (diferrent combinations, clients 2.20 or 2.32 ...
G4iner's user avatar
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How to create a JMS queue with topic in Docker Compose?

I’m working on containerising a Java Spring Boot application that consumes from a JMS queue. In order to run locally with Docker I’m trying to create a local instance of ActiveMQ from the Docker ...
en93's user avatar
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ActiveMQ Artemis consumers are sometimes not receiving messages

I'm facing a strange issue with ActiveMQ Artemis 2.32.0. I have 2 consumers which are running on two separate threads. The producer publishes a message to a JMS topic. Sometimes one of the two ...
Subhajit Roy's user avatar
3 votes
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ActiveMQ Artemis crash re-connect

My ActiveMQ Artemis 2.32.0 in K8s pod keeps crashing for some reason. After the crash and pod restart my existing clients get this exception: org.apache.qpid.jms.exceptions....
Frank's user avatar
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Dynamically select a destination queue for JMSProducer in Micronaut

I have a Java Micronaut app that connects to an ActiveMQ Artemis queue and sends some messages. The configuration is very basic and it lets Micronaut handle the actual logic: @JMSProducer(...
Nicolae Tuturuga's user avatar
2 votes
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ActiveMQ Artemis QueueBrowser always returns false for Enumeration.hasMoreElements()

I have a JMS client that finds the messages in a queue, and one that refuses. The one that refuses always returns false for enum.hasMoreElements(). I can only conclude that I'm making a mistake in ...
Mexicano_con_ingles's user avatar
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How to configure the WildFly messaging-activemq subsystem with JMS to work over https

I am running WildFly 26.1 and have added the messaging-activemq subsystem to it. I want to configure it so that I can attach a remote client over https transport an send JMS messages back and forth. ...
Colonel Dork's user avatar
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Using embedded ActiveMQ Artemis in Spring Boot 3 with OpenWire protocol

I am trying to use an embedded ActiveMQ Artemis broker in my Spring Boot 3 application and activate the OpenWire protocol. This should be possible with an acceptor like tcp://
thopaw's user avatar
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Spring Boot @JmsListener consuming messages without msg.acknowledge() even though Session is set to CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE

Spring Boot @JmsListener is consuming messages without msg.acknowledge() even though the Session is set to CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE. I have tried setting spring.jms.listener.acknowledge-mode=CLIENT in ...
Mowrya K B P's user avatar
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WildFly MDB continues to consume messages after graceful shutdown has initiated

When I gracefully shutdown WildFly my MDBs continue to consume messages from our ActiveMQ queue. Then the thread will die to an exception thrown by WildFly. Our current workaround solution is to ...
canEE's user avatar
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WildFly JMS topic consumer receives null value

I am using WildFly 19 and a JMS topic application. After running this program it returns a null value. try { final Properties env = new Properties(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, &...
Masum Mia's user avatar
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WildFly JMS error: does not have permission='CONSUME' for queue jms.queue.exampleQueue

I am using WildFly 19 and a JMS application. After running this program it gives bellow error: AMQ229213: User: murad does not have permission='CONSUME' for queue jms.queue.exampleQueue on address jms....
Gulam Samdani's user avatar
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JmsListener listen generic container object

I'm doing an event based system which consists of multiple services that communicate via kind of domain events. All services are on spring boot 3.1.3 and send messages via activemq artemis. I've got ...
mr.nothing's user avatar
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Update ActiveMQ Artemis client libraries in JBoss EAP 7.4

JMS servers: ActiveMQ Artemis cluster - version 2.28.0 JMS clients: Apache Camel routes embedded in JBoss EAP 7.4 application servers What is the recommended/appropriate way to update the ActiveMQ ...
Surjit Sen's user avatar
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Implementing simple transactions with Apache Camel and ActiveMQ Artemis

I am trying to implement a simple JMS Camel route that reads from a ActiveMQ Artemis queue. This route needs to be transacted to avoid message loss in case of application crashes or other unforeseen ...
worldbeater's user avatar
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Setup messaging subsystem using ActiveMQ in WildFly

I'm trying to enable ActiveMQ from WildFly 30 (I need MQTT support), but I'm having a problem even when trying to add a server: [standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=messaging-activemq/server=...
mr mcwolf's user avatar
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Cannot see Pub/Sub message on ActiveMQ Artemis console

I'm studying JMS using the book Spring Boot Messaging by Felipe Gutierrez (2017). It illustrates several patterns about message driven programming but, arriving at brokers, it explain Java / Spring ...
CoderJammer's user avatar
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Injected JMS ConnectionFactory is null in simple JMS example using ActiveMQ Artemis with OpenLiberty

I am trying to create a simple JMS example application using ActiveMQ Artemis but I am having issues with my Connection Factory that returns null. Below I am giving you my code, so far, as well as the ...
Alex_Pap's user avatar
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JMS message sent with JMSXGroupId to ActiveMQ Artemis queue on one server in a cluster does not get delivered to consumer connected to another server

A JMS message with JMSXGroupId sent to a dynamic queue on ActiveMQ Artemis server from Java code (JDK 11) does not get delivered to consumer connected to another server. Is this normal behavior? Is ...
Surjit Sen's user avatar
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How to get queue length in ActiveMQ Artemis?

I have a code where I get the queue length, but on the browse method. How can I get the queue length, but on consumer via JMS? If not via JMS, then maybe via some other class from another package? I'm ...
PingvinAnbu's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get message properties in ActiveMQ Artemis broker queue via JMS?

I have a code that gets the property name _AMQ_LARGE_SIZE, but I don't understand how I can get all the headers. ArrayList<Message> messages = new ArrayList<>(); Enumeration propertyNames =...
Limbarunda's user avatar
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How to adapt JMS code to ActiveMQ Artemis code?

I have code that simply reads a queue and receives JMS Message class objects. But this class does not have many getters, such as getPersistenSize and others. I found the answer to my question about ...
Vanish's user avatar
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How do I get LargeMessage in ActiveMQ Artemis queue via JMS?

I can't figure out how to get LargeMessage in an Artemis ActiveMQ queue using JMS. I didn't find any get method in the Message class. There are different methods for getting message ID, lifetime and ...
Vanish's user avatar
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How to get protocol in ActiveMQ Artemis via JMS?

I'm sending a message to an Artemis ActiveMQ queue, but I can't find a method to get the message protocol Code for receiving the body of the message, but in this class I did not find a method for ...
Vanish's user avatar
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How to get the body of a byte message in JMS ActiveMQ Artemis?

I have a code that gets a message from a JMS queue, but I don't understand how to get the body of the message if it is a byte and translate it into a String: connectQueueBrowser(); Enumeration<...
Vanish's user avatar
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How do I configure WildFly's messaging-activemq subsystem to create JMS connections using the server hostname rather than an IP address?

I have an application running on WildFly 26.1.3 that I've been securing to use only HTTPS. I've got almost everything sorted out, except for the JMS connections generated by the messaging-activemq ...
Psirax's user avatar
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How do I get persistentSize in ActiveMQ Artemis queue via JMS?

I can't figure out how to get persistentSize in an Artemis ActiveMQ queue using JMS. I didn't find any get method in the Message class. There are different methods for getting message ID, lifetime and ...
Vanish's user avatar
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