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net.jodah.failsafe.SyncFailsafe replacement in 2.4.4

I'm trying to update net.jodah.failsafe from 1.0.4 to 2.4.4. I have code that uses SyncFailSafe and BiPredicate classes, which don't seem to be available anymore in 2.4.4. What would be the ...
Hani's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to have multiple Fallback policies using Failsafe library?

Using Failsafe library, I want to to be able to use multiple endpoints as backups whenever the primary endpoint fails. I tried the setup below, but it only executes the final fallback policy. I couldn'...
MJ Alvarez's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to use circuit breaker based on a method parameter?

I have a http client that connects to the same api endpoint on different servers. Which server it connects to, depends on business logic. Let's say the http client method is connect(url). How can I ...
Vincent Botteman's user avatar
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How to make the generic FailsafeExecutor reusable

I am using the FailSafe library to handle failures and retries. The current implementation creates the generic FailsafeExecutor on each run - var result = Failsafe.with(Collections.singletonList(...
RanAbitbul's user avatar
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Using custom Java annotation in pom.xml with failsave

I created a custom Java annotation @Tag("webservice") public @interface WebserviceTest { boolean executeAndIgnoreCondition() default false; } Furthermore I created Java test with this ...
FenFen's user avatar
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Writing Unit Test for Failsafe Retry and Timeout policy

Using Failsafe by jhalterman for the first time ( GIT, Website ) to add a simple asynchronous module to send sms. I am using only Retry and Timeout policy and implementation is working fine Failsafe....
Saurabh Sharma's user avatar
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Failsafe undesirably negating DataBufferException

I am currently creating a retry mechanism for performing requests using the failsafe-lib. The issue: the RetryPolicy that I defined includes several timeout-related exceptions, but when I use the ...
Dominique M's user avatar
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Failsafe: is it possible to execute Function<T, R> with it?

I'm working with net.jodah.failsafe framework. From what I found in tutorials, Failsafe can execute Runnable and Supplier. Is there any API to execute Function? I need it because method, that I want ...
Igor_M's user avatar
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Failsafe : Execute a void method and return result based on success/failure

I am using Failsafe framework (link) to execute a method. My use case is to execute a void method x number of times and return success or failure based on the execution result. Below is how my (pseudo)...
Darshan Mehta's user avatar
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Why CopyOnWriteArrayList needs copies for both write and read operations?

Coming from this article, it says: When we are using any of the modify methods – such as add() or remove() – the whole content of the CopyOnWriteArrayList is copied into the new internal copy. Due to ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Apache HttpClient : Retry with failsafe results in 400 (bad request)

I am using Apache HttpClient with Failsafe java library. Below is how the (pseudo) code looks like: RetryPolicy<CloseableHttpResponse> policy = new RetryPolicy<>() ....
Darshan Mehta's user avatar
2 votes
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java.util.ConcurrentModificationException while mutating an object

I am iterating over a List of CustomObject and while doing this iteration, I am mutating this object by adding a tag to tags list of this custom object. I am not adding or removing any CustomObject to ...
Mr Matrix's user avatar
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How does ConcurrentSkipListSet has Iterators that are weakly consistent? Understanding meaning of 'weakly consistent'

Fail-fast iterator iterates over collection. If collection gets modified while iterating, we get exception. Opposite applies for fail-safe, where iteration is happening on one collection, while write ...
Ana Maria's user avatar
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Jodah Failsafe Library Timeout is taking longer then expected

I have a situation in which I wanted to implement an API retry mechanism. Let say I have an API that calls third party API where normal response time comes under 2 seconds but sometimes we got an ...
Sudhanshu Gupta's user avatar
4 votes
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Why I'm not getting ConcurrentModificationException while removing element from ArrayList during iteration [duplicate]

I am using the following code to loop through an arraylist and then removing one element from the arraylist. Here i'm expecting ConcurrentModificationException. But didn't get that exception. ...
Naveen's user avatar
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mechanism of "run" method of failsafe

I am using Failsafe ( as my retry logic framework and want to know more of how "run" method of failsafe works. Suppose I have: void MyCurrentFunction(parameter)...
derek's user avatar
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Failsafe RetryPolicy - throw exception from supplyAsync

I'm implementing a retry policy. Basically what I want to do is retry a POST request on a separate thread. I'm using Failsafe ( Here is my code ...
imeshU's user avatar
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Failsafe with RetryPolicy and CircuitBreaker throws CircuitBreakerOpenException

I am trying to combine a retry policy with the CircuitBreaker pattern with Failsafe but I get a CircuitBreakerOpenException exception when an attempt is made with the circuit open and it is ...
oscar's user avatar
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How to write a unit test for a method that does a retry with back off? (Using FailSafe in Java)

This is the method that I would like to test: void someMethodThatRetries(){ Failsafe.with( retryPolicy ).get(() -> callServiceX()); } Retry policy looks like this : this.retryPolicy = new ...
Bhallaldev's user avatar
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Failsafe - do some action when retries exceeded and try one more time

I have a use case, where I need to call UPDATE/DELETE Rest endpoint, which might return exception about entity being locked for editing. I want to wait some time for entity being unlocked, otherwise ...
kqr's user avatar
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How to implement retry policies while sending data to another application?

I am working on my application which sends data to zeromq. Below is what my application does: I have a class SendToZeroMQ that send data to zeromq. Add same data to retryQueue in the same class so ...
john's user avatar
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