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How to write unit test case of ag agrid cellRenderer with return value in angular

TS: columnDefs = [ { headerName: 'columnone', field: 'one', width: 120, sortable: true, cellRenderer: (data) => { return this.limitCommonUtil.numberFormatter(data?.data?.upperAmount); ...
Ashwini's user avatar
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How can I test that a function was called inside an if statement in jasmine-karma

I'm creating an Angular app and I'm learning unit test and I want to test certain method, but I can't manage to test that the function enters in the if statement. I don't know how to force it. Could ...
Julio Rodríguez's user avatar
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When to use createSpy, createSpyObject and spyOn?

I have learned recently that spyOn cannot be used with external dependencies and can only be used with System Under Test. But I have some questions regarding why it cant be used and I came up with ...
Linta Sheelkumar's user avatar
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How to pass a token for jasmine requests

I implemented my tests in an application without authentication, but when it was implemented my tests stopped working. I have an API to generate a token, how can I put this token in my services inside ...
Guilherme Prado's user avatar
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How can i test a function that return a promise or reject - Jasmine and Karma

I need to cover 100% of the tests of a function, it returns a return new Promise<boolean>((resolve, reject) this is the full function. saveData(): Promise < boolean > { return new ...
Guilherme Prado's user avatar
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How can i coverage a promise response with Jasmine and Karma

I have a function that returns and treats a promise, I need to cover the return that is inside then but I don't know how I can do this, I'm currently trying as follows: confirmRemoveUser(user: ...
Guilherme Prado's user avatar
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How to test whether an Angular mat-nav-list contains an element?

I'd like to check whether an Angular mat-nav-list contains an element. I'm able to select it with fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('.items')), but I'm not sure how to check whether it contains ...
saæ's user avatar
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Angular 6 and Karma/Jasmine issue - No Angular CLI

My app is currently on Angular 6.1.9, Karma 2.0.0 and Jasmine 2.4.1. After Angular 6 upgrade, npm test fails. Chrome browser opens to indicate that Karma is connected. But I see EXECUTED 0 OF 0 TEST ...
user3344978's user avatar
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how to test and resolve Controller data (.then function()) promise and get orginal Data in Jasmine2

I am testing a controller that uses a service that returns a promise. I need to resolve promise. I am using Jasmine 2. Here is Spec code beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $...
Ajay.k's user avatar
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Angular 5 / Jasmine 2 test setTimeout function only once

my problem is that i have this fonction : loopPingAPI() { this.pingAPI().then( success => { this.setConnected(true); this.stopPingAPI(); ...
Stefan MARTEL's user avatar
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Mock a provider class to return response and handle promise - Unit Testing with Jasmine and Karma with Ionic 3

Am a newbie in Unit Testing. I started to write Unit Testing for my Ionic 3 Application using Karma and Jasmine. I followed blogs to get the configurations set and successfully tested the ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Random number of jasmine tests fail when run together, but they pass individually?

I have around 450 assorted specs written in Jasmine (async & sync) in my codebase. Karma is the test runner which I use for running the tests on a headless chrome browser. Whenever I run the tests ...
ShellZero's user avatar
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Angular 6 - mock authState - valueChanges of undefined

I have a service with a property and a getter. The property is set in the service constructor like this: public readonly usersMetaData: Observable<User | null>; constructor(private afAuth: ...
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Angular 6 testing - Jasmine - mock chained promises

Ive got a method register() in my service which I want to test. My assert is that an another method from a injected service is called. Lets have a deeper look into my code: Service export class ...
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How to mock a nested method?

I'm learning more about Jasmine Unit Testing and I've ran into something that I can't figure out. I'm new to both JavaScript and Unit Testing. I've tried to look for examples about nested methods and ...
Dixon Ivey's user avatar
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Testing Lodash sortBy function argument using Jasmine

I have a controller in my project that goes like this: define(function (require) { 'use strict'; function AllOrgsController($rootScope, $uibModalInstance) { var vm = this; var clonedOrgs ...
DJ22T's user avatar
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Test plain javascript file returning different objects

Is it possible to test the code below with Jasmine testing tool or any other npm module like rewire or similar? const AuthValidatorDumb = require('./src/AuthValidatorDumb'); const AuthValidator = ...
ivanb's user avatar
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Unit Test are not failing

I am trying to write unit test cases, for web API call. Which shows success below : Success Unit Test (jsfiddle) getProduct("jsonp"," Error Unit Test (...
SmartestVEGA's user avatar
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Async Test in Jasmine 2.6

The syntax for async tests has changed since 2.x and the documentation is not clear. Can someone clarify how I execute some code, block for 3 seconds, and then run a test condition using the new ...
Robatron's user avatar
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What's the equivalent of jasmine.createSpy().and.callFake(fn) in sinonjs

I'm looking for the equivalent of jasmine.createSpy().and.callFake(fn) in sinonjs. For example: const mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('my spy') .and .callFake((options) => Object.assign({}, {name: 'foo'...
Ofir D's user avatar
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Jasmine 2.0 unit testing for angularjs factory

I am new to writing jasmine test cases for angularJS factory. I want to test the entire factory, but I'm unable to fetch getKeys. Here's my factory. My Factory is: 'use strict'; var a11yModule = ...
lucky's user avatar
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Call on $state.go not working in unit test

I work on an app based on Angular 1.5, angular-ui-router and WebPack for which I want to make unit tests on module declaration part, especially on state configuration (I want to test source code of ...
Gaëtan Maisse's user avatar
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How to write jasmine unit test case for chrome.identity.getAuthToken()?

chrome.identity.getAuthToken({interactive: true}, function (token :any) { var url = 'http://" //the code goes here }); I am not able to cover the code inside the getAuthToken function. I have ...
guppie's user avatar
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Runtime unit testing in JavaScript

I've been testing JavaScript code using unit testing frameworks like jasmine and Qunit. But all these testing framework works only at load time, but I want to initiate the test cases at run time, for ...
Bharath's user avatar
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A better way to handle async tests in jasmine 2

This is an example of three of my tests... describe('Enabled button (no disabled attribute)', function () { var el, clicked = false; beforeEach(function (done) { // Create the tag ...
Justin808's user avatar
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Jasmine Async Testing

I'm attempting to test a value that is set asynchronously using Jasmine 2's new done() callback. I've based my test after the example Jasmine gives in their documentation (
corbin's user avatar
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Unit testing promises in AngularJS with arguments

We're unit testing our services and facing issue spying on methods with arguments of dependent services. I am writing unit tests for ServiceA ServiceA.js angular.module("App").service("ServiceA", ...
svp's user avatar
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Jasmine unit test asynchronous controller method

I'm using Jasmine to unit test an Angular controller which has a method that runs asynchronously. I was able to successfully inject dependencies into the controller but I had to change up my approach ...
j_buckley's user avatar
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