I work on an app based on Angular 1.5
, angular-ui-router
and WebPack
for which I want to make unit tests on module declaration part, especially on state
configuration (I want to test source code of resolve
All others unit tests of my app are working fine but on this one it looks like my call $state.go
are never processed:
describe('Simple Module', () => {
beforeEach(angular.mock.module('ui.router', 'my-app'));
let $state;
let $location;
let $httpBackend;
beforeEach(inject((_$location_, _$state_, _$httpBackend_) => {
$state = _$state_;
$location = _$location_;
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
describe('app.onlineListing.error', () => {
it('go to state', () => {
const state = 'app.onlineListing.error';
// $state.current.name is empty ('') just like if $state.go was never called
// It's not better with $location.url and $httpBackend.flush
// ...
// I will spy on myService and expect that myService.getData has been called
// but currently state is not reach so resolve parts are never triggered...
Here is my app module:
export default angular.module('my-app', ['oc.lazyLoad', 'ui.router', mySimpleModule.name])
.config(($stateProvider, ...) => {
.state('app', {
abstract: true,
There is mySimpleModule declaration:
export default angular.module('my-simple-module', [
.config(($stateProvider) => {
.state('app.onlineListing', {
url: '/onlineListing',
abstract: true,
views: {
body: {
template: '<ui-view />'
.state('app.onlineListing.error', {
url: '/error',
template: require('./configurationError/configurationError.html'),
controller: 'onlineListingConfigurationErrorCtrl',
controllerAs: 'controller',
resolve: {
// @ngInject
modules: ($q, $ocLazyLoad) => {
return $q((resolve) => {
require(['./configurationError/configurationError.js'], (module) => {
resolve($ocLazyLoad.load({ name: module.default }));
fetchedData: (myService) => {
// Finally I want my test to check if getData is called
return myService.getData();
I also try this tutorial (which is exactly what I try to achieve) but it's not working better.
method. If you want I can provide you an example.