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How to send binary data containing 0x0D without triggering a carriage return using AT commands

I am using AT Commands to interface with a satellite modem. I need to send bytes of data through this serial connection. My problem is that the AT command is terminated when it finds a carriage return,...
kj49's user avatar
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calculate checksum python iridium

I keep getting the wrong checksum, unfortunately I don't know a way of finding out which checksum iridium has calculated for my message. I want to calculate the checksum of 123 (which I need in ...
Natascha Fritschle's user avatar
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Different behavior while sending AT commands from c# and Minicom

I'm trying to communicate with an Iridium Modem. One of the commands requires to be sent in two steps. See 5.170 on documentation As can be seen in the documentation, there's two way to write a ...
Raúl Lara Rico's user avatar
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How to recive data from a Flightcell DZMX via Iridium SBD

I have a Flightcell DZMX configured to send data to a ip and port via iridium SBD, where i have a server with a simple code running that recive any request and display on the screen: var net = ...
thiago kaique's user avatar
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Why doesn't my Iridium 9603 respond to simple AT commands?

I have an Iridium 9603 connected to an MCU which works with the Mbed operating system. It is connected through an RS-232 serial port. The code is the following. int main(){ UARTSerial ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Iridium 9603 does not send the location that I supply

I'm trying to send my location in Iridium 9603 AT+SBDIX command (different from satellite location which is not accurate), but the location sent is still the satellite one. Is there a limitation in ...
RanSh's user avatar
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2 byte checksum in python for iridium SBD

I need to calculate the least significant 2 bytes of the checksum of a message (in bytes) received from an Iridium module (Short Burst Data). The code I am using works in most cases but it doesn't ...
pycy's user avatar
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Send GET information with javascript

Hi i am trying to send GET information to a PHP site through JavaScript in an iRidium Mobile environment (not a web browser). I can't use JQuery due to the limitation of my development environment. ...
Erwin Maas's user avatar