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IOptions doesn't load settings from json

This is my appsettings.json file: { { "User": { "Name": "Marco", "Level": "developer", "Password": "54321" ...
Marco Manfrin's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to inject IOption<T> into class using IWebHost builder's AddHttpClient() without UseStartup()

I am trying inject my IOptions into a class that requires a HttpClient and IOptions. public class MyHttpService : IMyHttpService { private readonly HttpClient _httpClient; private readonly ...
Aditya Gupta's user avatar
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ValidateOnStart() and [Required] don't seem to work

I have an appsettings.json with the following contents: { "Settings": { "Greeting": "Hello World" } } that I associate with public sealed class ...
user23207089's user avatar
1 vote
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How to bind list of Enviroment Variables to Options in .NET

I have a list of environment variables located on kubernetes pod where my application is hosted, it`s have no sections, only list of variables that looks like this: KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS ...
Oleg Pro's user avatar
2 votes
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Get a collection of all IOptions objects with autofac

I'd like to be able to get a collection of all IOptions<T> registered in autofac so that I can save them to a custom JSON file. Something like: class OptionsManager(IEnumerable IOptions) I don'...
MaxMahem's user avatar
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MassTransit and IOptions injection of Consumer by binding

Is it possible to use the same consumer but distinguished by options? I tried in this way but the options are always the same for all consumers. I defined the options here services.Configure<...
Ozzy's user avatar
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How to register an instantiated object as IOptions in .NET Core

I have a consul server and I am using its key/value functionality to centralize my configuration. so, I have a key value like this: "appSetting": { "secret": "my-secret&...
Navid_pdp11's user avatar
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