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How to set up NavHost for android UI testing?

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot navigate to NavDeepLinkRequest{ uri=android-app://androidx.navigation/movies/ }. Navigation graph has not been set for NavController androidx.navigation....
RocketMan's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to iterate over an element (node) list on Android Jetpack Compose UI Tests?

I'm implementing some instrumented tests using the Jetpack Compose testing library. I'm not too familiar with Kotlin / Android development yet, but I have years of experience with Selenium and other ...
luis's user avatar
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Composable does not remember input when changing configuration in test

I'm writing instrumented tests for a Jetpack Compose component. My composable uses rememberSaveable to remember between configuration changes (activity restarts): @Composable fun AddUserScreen() { ...
Mahozad's user avatar
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Which is a better way to access Context in instrumented unit tests?

Which of the following is more recommended to access Context in instrumented unit tests: using ApplicationProvider or InstrumentationRegistry? val context: Context = ApplicationProvider....
Tatsuya Fujisaki's user avatar