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How to Get IMEI or Serial Number for Android 10+ [duplicate]

As we need to fetch IMEI or Serial No for all Android specially of 10+ but same was restricted for google due to policy issue. As our application need IMEI number to share with operator to block ...
Himanshu Sharma's user avatar
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How can I write an Android App to get some sort of unique value?

I need to have some code in my android APP that gets some sort of unique value (a value that is unique to the handset). I'm using the Xamarin/C# environment with Visual Studio. I understand that not ...
Gary Krohmer's user avatar
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A Stable Unique Id for Xamarin Android

I am developing an android app by using xamarin forms (in the future, maybe a uwp app will be developed, not an ios App). I've tried some libraries such as
boss's user avatar
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How to get IMEI number programatically in swift iOS?

I am making an iOS enterprise app which need iPhone/iPad IMEI, serial number and UUID programatically in Swift but I am not getting any way to find it out. Apple doesn't allow us to get IMEI number ...
Viral Mithani's user avatar
-1 votes
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Get the IMEI and Serial Number of Connected [Android] Phone

i am developing a WinForm C# Application that needs to read the IMEI and Serial Number of a Connected [Android] Phone. is it possible to do this ? i found an existing application that Gets the IMEI ...
TheQuestioner's user avatar
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I need a way to retrieve and log the IMEI, Serial, ICCID, and MEID of an iPhone device connected via usb

As it says in the title I'm after a way to retrieve and log the IMEI, Serial, ICCID, and MEID of an iPhone device connected via usb. Ideally this method would work with multiple devices plugged in ...
user3466093's user avatar
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Android: can I read IMEI using ADB.EXE? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there an android shell or adb command that I could use to get a device's IMEI/MEID? I need to read the same value returned by TelephonyManager.getDevideId() from ADB....
Seraphim's's user avatar
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