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Multi Processing vs Multi Threading and Hyper-Threading

What is the difference between thread and process? Threads can use multi core and process use multi core too. Threads shares same memory but process cant share. What if we use shared memory for multi-...
murathanklc's user avatar
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Local Memory vs Global Memory

Just for clarity. Does Local Memory refer to the memory allocated to a certain program? And does the Global memory refer the the Main memory? I am reading about Uniform Memory Access time and Non ...
Sibulele's user avatar
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Control threads inside oneAPI/MKL/BLAS/cblas_dgemm(and cblas_daxpy) for different multi-threaded schemes

I'm measuring the time-performance of multiple multi-threaded schemes nested with BLAS functions. More specifically, the following calls: cblas_dgemm(CblasColMajor, CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, phr, phr,...
Oliari's user avatar
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Is Simultaneous Multithreading (Hyperthreading) "true" multicore processing?

So what I am aware of is that Simultaneous Multithreading (Intel's Hyperthreading for example) enables a single CPU core to efficiently manage several threads at once. And most explainations I find is ...
Kaptain's user avatar
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How to optimize code for Simultaneous Multithreading?

Currently, I am learning parallel processing using CPU, which is a well-covered topic with plenty of tutorials and books. However, I could not find a single tutorial or resource that talks about ...
Duke Le's user avatar
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Can a hyper-threaded processor core execute two threads at the exact same time?

I'm having a hard time understanding hyper-threading. If the logical core doesn't actually exist, what's the point of using hyper-threading?. The wikipedia article states that: For each processor ...
Trey's user avatar
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Go counts virtual cores, not physical?

I have some Go code I am benchmarking on my Macbook (Intel Core i5 processor with two physical cores). Go's runtime.NumCPU() yields 4, because it counts "virtual cores" I don't know much about ...
domoarigato's user avatar
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Hyper-threading, Multi-threading, Multi-processing and Multi-tasking - Theory

I am confused on the different terms as to their actual differences. What are each of them and what do they actually mean? My IT teacher at school gives us one definition the one day, and another the ...
user3241507's user avatar
13 votes
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python how to find out whether hyperthreading is enabled

I have Intel i7-2600K quadcore, with hyperthreading enabled on Ubuntu 12.04. I know that I can find out how many cores I have in Python with import multiprocessing; multiprocessing.cpu_count(), but ...
Ray's user avatar
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Running simulation with hyperthreading doubles runtime

I use a simulation written in python/numpy/cython. Since i need to average over many simulation runs i use the multiprocessing module to run all the individual simulation runs in batches. At the ...
Mickey Diamant's user avatar