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In C# HttpResponse, when does the response stream starts to be sent to the client?

I am using streams in my http response and was wondering when the stream starts to be sent to the client that sent the request. I thought it was sent when the response was returned but one of my ...
Sacha Bittner's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

Some questions about writing on ASP.NET response stream

I'm making tests with ASP.NET HttpHandler for download a file writting directly on the response stream, and I'm not pretty sure about the way I'm doing it. This is a example method, in the future the ...
vtortola's user avatar
  • 35.8k
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Reading from a HttpResponseStream fails

I'm running into an issue where reading from a HttpResponseStream fails because the StreamReader that I'm wrapping around in reads faster that the Response Stream gets the actual response. I'm ...
RobV's user avatar
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