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Hibernate Exception Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

I want to execute an update query in my oracle database. But I'm getting the following error: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-...
neeraj's user avatar
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2 answers

Declare variables and use them in query oracle

I'm in the middle of data migration, converting Sybase query in oracle 11g I've stuck on this thing from past 2 days @Declare @myDate Datetime Select @myDate = workingDate from MyTable Then there are ...
Shelly's user avatar
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ORA-00904: "BOOKORDERS": invalid identifier in Hibernate

I have a problem about insert order information into the oracle database. When I call createOrder funtion in JUnit class, it throws an error as shown below. Hibernate: select ORDERS_SEQ.nextval from ...
Sercan Noyan Germiyanoğlu's user avatar
4 votes
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Oracle select sequence.nextval from dual sounds too slow

A while ago I had a database performance problem for inserting/updating several million records using jdbc. To increase performance I changed the code to use batch. Then I decided to monitor the code ...
faghani's user avatar
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open an invalidate DB connection

i have a java function that must be executed every day at midnight, it is like a database update. problem is i get an error Exception d'E/S: Connection reset by peer: socket write error; nested ...
DevTest28's user avatar
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JPA and 1000 ID use in Oracle IN Operator

I use NamedNativeQuery for delete rows, and it's somthing like this: DELETE from FAKTOR where ID IN ( select fa.ID from FAKTOR fa left join FAKTOR_REASON fars on fa.FARS_ID = fars....
GLinBoy's user avatar
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Error in generating Hibernate configuration with ColdFusion 11 / Oracle 12c

We've just moved to cf11 with oracle 12c. Some of our Hibernate ORM queries are failing. One of the errors is Permission denied "coldfusion.orm.hibernate....
GavinPen's user avatar
-2 votes
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Oracle exception

In my java application when I read a record from Oracle database I have this Exception : SQL Error: 17002, SQLState: 08006 Caused by: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: Errore di I/O: Checksum fail ...
Peppe Gallo's user avatar
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Update query using JPA Query Annotation to Oracle 11g Hangs

I am trying to update a simple row using Query Annotation with JPA to Oracle 11g This is my code: @Transactional() @Modifying @Query(value="UPDATE Irregularities SET IRREST_ID = 0 WHERE IRREGS_ID = ...
Sebastian Moreno E's user avatar
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ClassCastException When Casting NewProxyConnection To C3P0ProxyConnection

In our application, we have c3p0 pooled connections configured with hibernate. To call a stored procedure with an input of array type I have to get the underlying connection by removing all ...
G 1's user avatar
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Add Oracle leading hint to HQL query

i want to add Leading hint to my hql query but , this hints will be like this leading(a alias name), in hibernate i dont know what the alias will be in sql , how can i do this ? String hql="select ...
Mohammad Mirzaeyan's user avatar
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Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505

I am having a problem while configuring a hibernate application. Please could you help me with this. I searched a whole lot of forums but could not find the solution. I know this question has been ...
Manoj Majumdar's user avatar
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Caching properties using Hikaricp in Oracle

I need to know what are the connection caching properties, im using Oracle 11g Enterprise Edition and Express Edition, Hibernate and HikariCP. I put these properties in my hibernate.cfg but i get an ...
David Leonardo Crespín's user avatar
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Copy new records from one database to another

I have local and remote database. The local database is a replica of remote database. I have to insert new records from remote database into local database. There are 14 tables in remote database, so ...
user1598696's user avatar
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java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect does not support resultsets via stored procedures

how to solve the following error I am using JPA 2.1 widfly Application Server 8.0 and Oracle 11g bd java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect does not support ...
damian arenales's user avatar
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Oracle 11g What is recommended charset for international appliaction

What NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET and NLS_CHARACTERSET should I use? I use VARCHAR2 to store text. I want to support Chinese and other characters. Application will be writen in Java and Hibernate. Should I ...
Damian's user avatar
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ORA-12705 and ORA-00604 error in production

We have the following ORA error where it prints the error message in different language. This comes very rarely and we will have to restart our application servers. In my analysis I could figured out ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Hibernate @OneToOne References an Unknown Entity Error

I'm having a hard time finding the root cause of an error where my @OneToOne mapping isn't working and is returning a "references an unknown entity" exception. To start with I ensured that both ...
AHijaouy's user avatar
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Hibernate: SQLGrammarException: Could not execute JDBC batch update AND BatchUpdateException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

I follow this tutorial in But when I run file, it show the following log: Maven + Hibernate ...
Nguyen Van Khoi's user avatar
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Need to pull backward records while querying records between date range

Below is the sample table id date rating ----------------------- 1 15-11-2015 A 1 18-11-2015 A 1 05-12-2015 B 2 05-11-2015 A 2 21-11-2015 A 2 05-12-2015 A 3 ...
mani's user avatar
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How does Oracle 11g Interpreter a Subselect/Query generated by Hibernate and Process it?

I am using hibernate 4.2.18 and Oracle 11g I have the following query, those tables have indexes, including indexes in the join columns and also, index in the index_column: /*outer query generated ...
Filipe Miranda's user avatar
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Hibernate 4.2.21 GenerationType.SEQUENCE

I'm working with Hibernate 4.2.21 Final, to generate the ID I use : strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE @Id @SequenceGenerator(name = "ApplicationSequence", sequenceName = "application_seq", ...
reizintolo's user avatar
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French Characters getting converted into Special characters while saving in Database

Saving the text “février.xlsx” in DB is getting saved as “février.xlsx” when saved via J2EE application. DB Version : Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release NLS_CHARACTERSET - ...
explorer's user avatar
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Integrating oracle 11g with Grails and Hibernate

I have created a simple grails 3 application. I am trying to connect it to an Oracle database in the datasource configuration. When I run SELECT * FROM V$VERSION in sql developer, the following ...
angryip's user avatar
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Wrong results in query with ORDER BY and ROWNUM

I have a problem with a query generated by an ORM framework to limit and order the results in the Oracle Database 64bit Production. The generated select looks like this: SELECT * FROM ...
Willian's user avatar
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How do I optimize batch INSERTs for Oracle 11g and Hibernate?

I have an application that does quite a bit of batch inserts. I'd like to optimize the application to do these as fast as possible. I see several Hibernate Settings that I think have to do with batch ...
Adam's user avatar
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Inconsistent string length definition between Java String.substring() and Oracle 11g column VARCHAR2 size

I set up my database with a table like this: CREATE TABLE t_audit_log ( description VARCHAR2 (2500) ); In the Java app which uses it, I employ Hibernate to map a data class onto it and to make ...
Adam's user avatar
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using JPA how to set parameter in native query when I have PIVOT

q = createQuery( " select * from ( ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT dt.route_id , dt.amount , dc.card_type_id FROM DDRC_TRANS\n" + "dt , DDRC_CARD dc WHERE ( dt.card_id = AND dt....
grep's user avatar
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5 votes
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Change PrimaryKey type in model classes of Oracle db, generated with hibernate

I have a database on Oracle 11 XE and all my tables have primary keys that are NUMERIC(22,0). I have generated model classes with Hibernate tools in Eclipse. Unfortunately, all NUMERIC fields have ...
xenteros's user avatar
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Using existing Database Sequence and creating custom generator

I have created a sequence in my Database as follows: CREATE SEQUENCE "SCOTT"."ATA_SEQ_USERID" MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 9999999999999999999999999999 INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1000 CACHE 20 NOORDER ...
Abhineet Kumar's user avatar
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Oracle DUAL table returns "no rows selected"

I got this query: insert into biller_onboarding_tbl values(BILLER_ONBOARDING_ID_SEQ.NEXTVAL,'1','blah','j', '1','dsad','das','dasd','dsad','dasd','dasd','dsadsa') 1 rows inserted. select * from ...
Sagar Mali's user avatar
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ORA-01652 - Query doen't work with hibernate but it works fine in SQL client

I execute a SQL query with hibernate and the application give the error: ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment The TABLE SPACE has 4 GB. The strange thing is that the query from the application ...
TeTe's user avatar
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When will setFetchSize() and setMaxResults() actually filter the result set with Oracle 11g?

If I have a table called ACCOUNTS that has one million records and I issue the following Criteria query, when does the filtering of the number of records returned take place? I'm interested in whether ...
Brian English's user avatar
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java.sql.SQLException: Cannot perform fetch on a PLSQL statement: next

I am trying to execute stored procedure in oracle using hibernate.When I call procedure from hibernate the process get called but after that it showing me exception that ERROR: Cannot perform fetch ...
rachana's user avatar
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simple join syntax not properly working

I'd like to show the number of records in the history table grouped by name of service service(code,name) history(id, code,....) Please note that there is no relationship between the two table ...
Chouch's user avatar
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Operations on certain tables won't finish

We have a table TRANSMISSIONS(ID, NAME) which behaves funny in the following ways: The statement to add a foreign key in another table referencing TRANSMISSIONS.ID won't finish The statement to add a ...
Thomsonshow's user avatar
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Cannot create connection to Oracle 11g with Spring 4 and Hibernate 4

My application is using Spring 4, Hibernate 4, Java 1.7. This is a desktop application rather than a web application, so there is no server involved. I'm trying to create a connection to the ...
sfedak's user avatar
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Oracle ORA-00937: not a single-group group function in Subquery

I am working on Hibernate query. This query works fine with MySQL but fails in Oracle and postgreSQL. SELECT MIN(t.startTime) AS StartTime, MAX(t.endTime) AS EndTime, (SELECT SUM(t2.occurances) from ...
Sayan's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to set index name on primary key by using @Index JPA annotation?

My tools -> Java 8, JPA 2.1 and Hibernate 4. Im using just JPA2.1 annotations. The code in the dock -> @Entity @Table(indexes = { @Index(name = INDEX_PK, columnList = ID) }) public class Invoice { ...
ame-h's user avatar
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Hibernate 4.3.6 Configuration with Oracle 11g

I am trying to configure Hibernate 4.3.6 with Oracle 11g, but i am not able to configure...I am getting Null Pointer Exception while Creating the Session...i am putting all the configuration ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Oracle does not use function-based index for regex_replace with bind variables

I have a table in my Oracle 11g database with non formatted text in a column, which shall be displayed as it was entered. Anyway, a user shall be able to search for that text in any possible format (...
sorencito's user avatar
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ORA-00001: unique constraint: 1node vs 3node

We're using ORACLE, configured as 3 node RAC. In our application we have hibernate over UCP and OJDBC with compatible version to RAC. Hibernate use some sequence to get ID for any record ...
voncuver's user avatar
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getting Hibernate error when using DBMS_RANDOM.value

I would like to achieve same result as the below query using Hibernate SQL, i.e., I would like to get two random records from the table whose ID is not equal to 300. I am using Hibernate 4.1 and ...
user3386101's user avatar
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What’s wrong with my Hibernate configuration?

I´ve an application with Spring + JSF + PrimeFaces + Hibernate + MySQL, so I was told that I needed to migrate the database from MySQL to Oracle, and I did it. So when I was testing the app I found ...
linker85's user avatar
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SQLGrammarException with Hibernate and Oracle11g

Two problems - If I query an entity, I get... ERROR: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended Nov 11, 2013 8:47:36 PM org.hibernate.event.internal.DefaultLoadEventListener onLoad INFO: HHH000327: ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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i18n-friendly enum sorting in Oracle 11g

I have many (30+) Java enums which are mapped to integer ids in the database. I would like to be able to sort by these without modifying many queries, and be able to index on the sort order. Example -...
pepper's user avatar
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Named Parameter with AND/OR in CONTAINS query is not working

I am using Oracle Text for searching in my web application. I have configured Oracle Text by creating Data Store and Index. This is my query select * from PROFILE where CONTAINS(FIRST_NAME,:...
Lightning Boy's user avatar
3 votes
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Oracle 11g + Hibernate -> ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

There is an error in the log that says: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column no other useful info really. I tried to follow up on the code, google-d the problem and ...
Revolit's user avatar
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JPA Cast is not working in Oracle

I have a table person{id,personName,birthDate}. In the table I have to get all the person details by their birthDate with out comparing its time. I have the following query Query q = entitymanager....
MGPJ's user avatar
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Using the DISTINCT keyword causes this error: not a SELECTed expression

I have a query that looks something like this: SELECT DISTINCT share.rooms FROM Shares share left join share.rooms.buildingAdditions.buildings.buildingInfoses as bi ... //where clause omitted ORDER ...
Ken's user avatar
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