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How to check if graphql-dgs-spring-graphql version is compatible with spring-graphql version?

I'm having a problem when I run a gradle command for my git repo (./gradlew clean test)... I think my issue is due to a version mismatch between the graphql-dgs-spring-graphql and spring-graphql ...
Delilah's user avatar
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React Native CLI v0.72.5 - Execution failed for task ':app:mergeExtDexDebug'

All of a sudden, my React Native CLI app started throwing this error when building for Android: ERROR: /home/azeem-idrisi/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/46cd5fcfa0d4f80ceee4e56498bf55f5/transformed/...
Azeem Idrisi's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

react native 0.73.9 build fails with unresolved reference 'serviceOf' in @react-native/gradle-plugin/build.gradle.kts since upgrading to gradle 8.10

My colleague upgraded gradle 8.0 to 8.10 so that react-native 0.73.9 could work on Android, targetting API 34. It's working on his computer, but not on mine. I'm still having the same error, with ...
BOUTILLIER Achille's user avatar
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Could not resolve

I'm working with Flutter. When I run my app, everthing is ok, but for Firebase I nedd to add Certificate imprint. From myApp\android in a terminal I try ./gradlew.bat signingReport to get the imprint ...
King Kapeta's user avatar
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Clean gradle build to optimize performance

I want to optimize gradle build performance. But before I can do so, I have to know the old build times, so I can compare it to the new results. However, I have issues to run build without any caches. ...
Tom11's user avatar
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Could not install gradle into Android studio on Mac

I have lost 4 days.. I am using Mac Os Catalina. I have installed Android studio. But when i create a new project Build failing always. getting same error all the time.. Could not install Gradle ...
Rushikant Pawar's user avatar
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Error: While trying to resolve module `@react-navigation/stack` from file `C:\Users\moham\MobileApp\App.tsx`,

import React from 'react'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import Welcome from './src/welcome/...
Md Hasim's user avatar
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How do I relocate an existing jar file using gradle?

I'm working on a project that uses java, among other things, and bazel. I'm running into a mess of dependency conflicts and want to shade a jar. Bazel does not have a way to do this so I am using ...
gph's user avatar
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Gradle says JAVA_HOME is the wrong version of Java even though it is correct while Im generating sources

I was trying to make a mod using Fabric for Java Minecraft and when I used ./gradlew genSources to get access to the default code of Minecraft it said ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: ...
Hexfate's user avatar
4 votes
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Could not resolve all files for configuration ':connectivity_plus:androidJdkImage'

I am working on a Flutter project and recently upgraded my Android Studio, Java versions and also the gradle version in file to the latest In file: ...
Malwinder Singh's user avatar
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React Native expo-gl CMake tries to use arm64-v8 despite me being on x86_84

My React Native ExpoGL project is failing with the following error: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':expo-gl:configureCMakeDebug[arm64-v8a]'. &...
Eirik Hanasand's user avatar
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How fix gradlew not running?

I can't run ./graldew install in any of my projects. I tried creating new projects and upgrading gradle, but it didn't resolve my issue. my build.gradle.kts file: plugins { alias(libs.plugins....
Ari Ap's user avatar
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MarkLogic Gradle error as it is unable to download the MarkLogic gradle Jar on Unix server

While trying to initialize Gradle build on Unix server I am getting Gradle error as it is unable to download the MarkLogic gradle Jar on Unix server Error details Could not resolve all artifacts for ...
SPRADHAN's user avatar
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Explicit or Implicit dependency: detekt Gradle Plugin: MultiModule Project

I have implemented the detekt plugin on multi module kotlin project. It is working fine when I run through gradlew command ./gradlew detektTask because it run as independent task but when I am running ...
Muhammad Younas's user avatar
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Gradle Clean Stuck at 0% After Upgrading to Gradle 8.10 in React Native Project

i have updated API version to 35 and the gradlew version in my to: distributionUrl=https\:// now i am trying to clean ...
Haseeb Usman's user avatar
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Android GitLab CI. Reuse compiled files through stages

I am looking for a solution to optimize the pipeline execution by reusing compiled files from previous stages. Let's narrow it down to 2 stages: compile - test. compile will share its build folder for ...
Dannie's user avatar
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Git Hub - parallel-test execution junit

I am trying to configure a GitHub workflow to run the tests in parallel using the modified split-tests output. The gradle command what each parallel runner requires to execute looks like: ./gradlew ...
Vayas Zsolt Marton's user avatar
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Problem with build react native app, expo-modules-core:compileDebugKotlin'

I'm getting this error: Task :expo-modules-core:compileDebugKotlin FAILED e: file:///C:/Users/dell/Desktop/FDR/FR_APP/node_modules/expo-modules-core/android/src/main/java/expo/modules/kotlin/...
Johão Pedro's user avatar
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React Native Build Failed. Showing Gradlew Issue

pp:assembleDebug -x lint -x test --configure-on-demand --build-cache -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081 -PreactNativeArchitectures=x86_64,arm64-v8a exited with non-zero code: 1 I'm using React Native ...
shahriar-bhuiyan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Build failed exception while running flutter in MacOs

flutter run Launching lib/main.dart on V2060 in debug mode... FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugMainManifest'. Unable to make ...
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Getting react-native-i18n:compileDebugJavaWithJavac error

I am trying to upgrade Android sdk version for our React Native app. After updating bunch of dependencies to fix various errors along the way, now I have landed on this error, and I am kind of stuck. ...
Sefa's user avatar
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Realm / React Native problem after update

After upgrading packages and gradlew version 8.4.1 / Java 17 and after a 1000 issues and fixes I'm down to one problem: What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':realm:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'. ...
Pablo Durán's user avatar
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Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 busy and 3 stopped Daemons could not be reused, use --status for details also no apps connected

Gradle daemon error My app does not start and when I restart on metro it gives no apps connected also "Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 busy and 3 stopped Daemons could not be reused, use --status for ...
akarsh's user avatar
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My React Native app doesn't start anymore when I run: npm run android

my app was running perfectly before I tried to compile it for production by running npx expo run:android --variant release which returned with an error. Now, when I run npm run android I get this ...
drew's user avatar
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Gradle build generates different jar when run from pipeline vs local

I am using github workflow to generate my jar file for java/spring application and then build docker image from it. Problem is that when I run that image on local using docker it does NOT start grpc ...
Mateusz Kitlinski's user avatar
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Create Gradle wrapper without installing Gradle

I want to use Gradle, but I do not want to install it. It is possible to compile a project using its Gradle wrapper. If you already have a Gradle project, you can initialize a new project using the ...
18446744073709551615's user avatar
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Expo Upgrade to 50 Android Build Failure

I am in the process of upgrading my app from Expo 49 to 50 and have encountered an issue when creating builds. While the iOS builds are generated successfully, the Android build fails during the Run ...
Nemese Kalubi's user avatar
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Error with './gradlew assembleRelease': Failed to install Android SDK packages due to unaccepted licenses

Background: I'm encountering an issue while trying to build a release version of my Android application using './gradlew assembleRelease'. I've already accepted all Android SDK licenses using the ...
Freq's user avatar
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Switch repository based on environment

In my local development environment, I need to use my local repo. But when I build in cloud, I need to use remote repo. Can someone please help me to achieve this as I'm new to gradle? EDIT: This is ...
Kapila's user avatar
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Cannot get GradlePropertiesModel (V2) for project 'GradleProject{path=':app'}' (android studio bug)

Multiple build operations failed. Cannot get GradlePropertiesModel (V2) for project 'GradleProject{path=':app'}' i am facing this issue in Android Studio Koala | 2024.1. on invalidate/Restart it'...
Muzammil Hussain's user avatar
1 vote
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With Flutter, error while build the gradle SdkVersion

I'm making a flutter app for android I'm in the phase of deployment and as trying to resolve some problem I'm facing a lot of compatibility issues. Here is the hardest i need to build the gradle with ....
Syhtam's user avatar
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Error: Could not find or load main class org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain in React Native

I have a problem running a react native project, i'm using yarn but the error is also shown with npm: $ yarn android yarn run v1.22.22 $ react-native run-android info Running jetifier to migrate ...
Abdiel49's user avatar
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Native react pn android studio

I have been trying to launch my first react application, and I keep getting this error: error Failed to install the app. Command failed with exit code 1: gradlew.bat app:installDebug -...
Phemelo Moloi's user avatar
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react-native-reanimated: Failed to notify project evaluation listener

How do I resolve this error: Failed to notify project evaluation listener. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect Gradle Wrapper Properties: distributionBase=...
digiware's user avatar
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Cannot build Micronaut project using gradle

I cannot build my project in micronaut using gradle's command ./gradlew build because it failed with error. I added whole log on the end. I thought that error is because of following line [WARN] ...
Denis Stephanov's user avatar
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Header size different from dev to release with Expo React native android app

I'm building an android App using React native and Expo tools. I've set a custom header component using { header: (props) => <CustomHeader {...props} /> } In a tabScreen options and ...
Guian's user avatar
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Gradlew dart-defines stopped working after gradles build refresh

I am passing few arguments to gradlew build in flutter to run integration_tests in local machine. It had been working good till now: Firebase_set_base64=$(echo -n "set=firebase" | base64) ...
Vishnu's user avatar
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gradle error: A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'

am a react native developper and i recently started my journey to learn flutter and uppon running flutter run command am having this error FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * Where: Build file ...
Kias Mohamed Islam's user avatar
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Time out while .\gradlew clean React-native existing Project in New windows setup

I had an existing Project that was built on old system with react-native. Did new Setup for react-native in new System with same config JDK11, Android Studio and node@latest Cloned repo Tried ./...
Rishi Setpal 360's user avatar
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'eas build -p android' gives error AAPT: error: resource color/splashscreen_background (aka com.xxxxx.xxxxx:color/splashscreen_background) not found

I am using react native and try to create an apk file with "eas build -p android --profile preview --clear-cache" On I see the following gradle build error. `> Task :app:...
Erwin Nooteboom's user avatar
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Could not write cache value to 'C:\Users\office\.gradle\daemon\7.3.3\registry.bin'

when gradlew clean or assemble build then comes this issue successfully gradlew clean and create assemble Release build. FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. react native projects What went wrong:...
Muneeb Ur Rehman's user avatar
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ERROR gradlew failed when converting .py to .apk with buildozer

Greetings to the community. Please I am new to programming, I am running Arch Linux and this my first conversion of kivymd app to android. First my folder contained and MyApp.kv then i created ...
Pappy38's user avatar
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spring boot extension pack on vsc not charge the on on win10. how I do that?

I'm using windows 10 using spring tool suite on visual studio code and gradle for spring boot with java. When I run gradel build or gradelw build. It's construct well and charge the ...
Software Sprouting's user avatar
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Remove source jars from classpath in Java Gradle

Is there a way to remove all source jar files from classpath. I have a Java 13 gradle project, When I run application or unittests in IntelliJ classpath includes source jars for dependencies. This ...
Robert's user avatar
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Not able to run gradle multi-project

I am trying to build a basic multi-project with gradle as suggested at Structuring Projects with Gradle Project structure is as follows: in test subproject is as follows: package org....
Manish's user avatar
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Can't remove gradlew in react-native

I can't run my react-native project and this is the error I get. After searching, I decided to remove gradlew and I still have the same error. Thank you in advance for any assistance or help. I tried ...
mahdi delavar's user avatar
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Could not open cp_settings generic class cache for settings file

I Uninstalled Android Studio and then I ReInstalled And I am Trying To Generate SHA1 Key Using This Command In Terminal "./gradlew signingReport" but I am Facing an Exception of Build Failed ...
Ali Murtaza's user avatar
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118 views The pipe is being closed

I am getting this error while building gradlew with Android Studio. Could not write standard input to Gradle Test Executor 1. The pipe is being closed at java.base/
Guava's user avatar
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While upgrading jdk8 to jdk17 I am facing jacoco error

Updated my jdk from jdk8 to jdk17. Junits are failing with the below error - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not initialize plugin: interface org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker (alternate: null) at ...
Shivangi Tripathi's user avatar
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Difference between running Gradle wrapper test task with "test" task name specified and without it

I am running Gradle test task on specified list of modules two ways: running ./gradlew test :module1:test :module2:test :module3:test etc. running ./gradlew :module1:test :module2:test :module3:test ...
imegorov's user avatar

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