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Issue connecting to Cloud SQL via Google Cloud Run when running locally via Cloud Code

I am attempting to run a Cloud Run container locally in VSCode via Cloud Code, but the trying to build it fails every time due to the following errors: Waiting for deployments to stabilize... - ...: ...
David's user avatar
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Failed to deploy the app. Error: Violation in UpdateServiceRequest.service.template.containers[0].volume_mounts[0].mount_path: must be a valid path

I'm using Visual Studio Code with Google Cloud Code extension. When I try to use Deploy to Cloud Run with Cloud SQL connections field, I get this error: Failed to deploy the app. Error: Violation in ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Unable to connect to Cloud SQL (through Auth Proxy) from Cloud Run

I am trying to access my Cloud SQL database (PostgreSQL) through a Cloud Run application (Node.js) that I am developing locally (using Cloud Code as part of the VS Code extension). I am able to access ...
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