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Starting a venv and dbus session in a Bash script [duplicate]

I'm trying make a bash wrapper for my python program, but I'm running into an issue because needs to run in my python venv as well as within a dbus session. I've made a bash wrapper for ...
Hundell's user avatar
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How do I read/store a password in a possibly locked gnome-keyring-manager from the shell without breaking existing gnome-keyring-manager clients?

I want to use secret-tool and gnome-keyring-daemon from a shell session, to store and retrieve passwords. The shell session might be gnome-terminal under the X console, or independently of whether or ...
Sam Liddicott's user avatar
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gnome-keyring and libsecret for Git credentials on a headless Ubuntu in a Docker container

TL;DR We are using the Git extension for JupyterLab. We want to use gnome-keyring to cache our GitHub credentials. Following the documentation (and this and this), we run apt update && apt ...
dwolfeu's user avatar
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Programatically fill in GTK popup using Expect, xdotool, or similar

Background: I use pass to manage my passwords, with the GPG key stored externally on a YubiKey smart card, and have a fair number of scripts which invoke pass to automate various tasks requiring ...
perfectlyodd's user avatar
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Why does gnome-keyring-daemon fail with "Operation not permitted" in a Dev Container?

I am trying to follow the Zowe CLI Configuring Secure Credential Store on headless Linux operating systems instructions, however when I run the following commands... export $(dbus-launch) gnome-...
James Taylor's user avatar
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DBus Secret Service prompting

Hi I'm attempting to utilize the Secret Service to access secrets in Gnome Keyring. Everything works ok if the collection I'm trying to access is already unlocked. The problem I'm running into is when ...
Jeremy Farmer's user avatar
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R on Linux ask for keyring password command line

When I execute code bellow from command line it ask me for keyring password. After inputing pasword it send email. email2 <- compose_email(body = md("Brawo")) email2 %>% smtp_send( ...
Jan Jankowski Janek's user avatar
5 votes
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How to unlock Gnome Keyring on Debian headless (WSL 2) and make it work in Python?

I have read the guindance that the keyring package has in its project for headless linux systems. So the main recommendation is to install the gnome-keyring package in order to work with the Secret ...
ChesuCR's user avatar
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How to git pull multiple repositories in parallel without getting multiple gnome-keyring unlock prompts?

I use the following alias in .zshrc on Arch Linux to git pull all repositories in a directory in parallel: alias multipull="find . -maxdepth 5 -name .git -type d | rev | cut -c 6- | rev | ...
Konrad Höffner's user avatar
4 votes
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gnome_keyring_unlock_sync equivalent in libsecret, to unlock a gnome keyring?

I was using gnome_keyring_unlock_sync to unlock a keyring. However, libgnome-keyring-dev is going outdated, and I would like to move to libsecret. GnomeKeyringResult gnome_keyring_unlock_sync (const ...
recolic's user avatar
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Using Secrets API with dbus-send

I'm trying to figure out how to get a password from the keyring using dbus-send, but I'm struggling to understand what the session parameter is. Here's where I've got to: #!/bin/bash # Find key path ...
Sam Bull's user avatar
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Securely storing refresh tokens, credentials in Linux

I am building a native app for linux and all the back-end code is based on C++, i am able to connect to the server and obtain tokens from electron and currently storing it in a txt file. What i need ...
santosh's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 Git starts its own ssh-agent instead of using the existing agent

I'm having an issue I don't fully understand with my new machine where the first time I run a git command after a restart, it starts its own ssh-agent instead of using the existing one that already ...
SamWill's user avatar
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Unlock gnome-keyring from a temp dbus session

I'm trying to write a python application that can unlock gnome-keyring from a text-only system (headless machine) and retrieve the credentials. I have the gnome-keyring package installed in this ...
SilleBille's user avatar
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How to check gnome keyrings state with c code or python?

Currently using the command line gkey-lock/gkey-unlock with the flowing code to lock and unlock gnome default keyring, How can we implement gnome_keyring_info_get_is_locked() from <gnome-keyring.h&...
intika's user avatar
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Secure Password Storage for R on (non-GUI) Linux Server

I'm working on a small team trying to put an R script onto an AWS EC2 instance that has RHEL7 installed. The problem is the library "keyring" which we use on our laptops doesn't work without a ...
Jon M's user avatar
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How can gnome-keyring be modified to require quality master passwords?

I am using CentOS 7. I have certain password quality requirements set up in pwquality.conf (related to the libpwquality package). In addition to these complexity constraints being applied to user ...
Tim S.'s user avatar
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SVN Gnome Keyring - RHEL 6 - Keyring takes any password

After following a various assortment of steps from different guides that I found - I think I have Subversion with Gnome Keyring set up. Part of the setup process was making a keyring for SVN, and ...
robromo's user avatar
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Error when using Git credential helper with gnome-keyring as Sudo

I was looking for a way to store credentials securely while connecting to our Git server which uses SSL. I came across this suggestion by @james-ward (only edit I made was I updated our "system" ...
Richard Oswald's user avatar
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gnome-keyring interfering with gcloud ssh & copy-files

---- this question has been cross-posted on ----!topic/google-cloud-sdk/voxZDVSD6Bg Greetings When I attempt to use "gcloud compute ssh" or "gcloud ...
Andrew Jewett's user avatar
12 votes
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How to unlock Gnome Keyring from Python running on a Cron Job?

I'm hooking a Python script up to run with cron (on Ubuntu 12.04), but authentication is not working. The cron script accesses a couple services, and has to provide credentials. Storing those ...
Gastove's user avatar
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Unable to create a GArray in Gjs

I try to create a GArray but I have always the same error : const GLib =; var garray = new GLib.Array(true, true, 1); // Unable to construct boxed type Array since it has no ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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gnome-keyring warning on print JAVA

I'm trying to print a barcode image, but when the program executes the .printDialog() I get the following warning on the console: WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-y4THJ1/...
Aitor Gonzalez's user avatar
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Vala alternatives to Gnome Keyring OAuth access token storage?

are there good OAuth access token/secret storage alternatives to Gnome Keyring for Vala? The Gnome Keyring bindings solution is extremely buggy as it yields far too many C-errors to make debugging ...
weberc2's user avatar
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Gnome Keyring: how to securely generate/store keyring password?

I'm making a vala application that stores user access credentials in a Gnome Keyring. If no keyring exists for the application, I'd like to create one; however, I would like to create a new keyring. ...
weberc2's user avatar
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How to Store OAuth Credentials With Gnome Keyring

I'm trying to build a simple Vala/Gtk Twitter app, and I've managed to send tweets; however, the user has to authenticate every time, which entails going to a URL, clicking to give my App permission ...
weberc2's user avatar
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Android - How do I attach the private key used by ant release for signing to GNOME Keyring?

Apparently, Java uses a different format for signing than gnome-keyring/GPG. Gnome Keyring uses PKCS #11, while Java uses PKCS #12. I don't like the idea of having .keystore files floating around, so ...
James Haigh's user avatar
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How to setenv based on sed results (for gnome-keyring-daemon)

My Problem My core issue is I need to start the gnome-keyring-daemon from c shell. In bash, it's quite easy: > export `gnome-keyring-daemon` which is the equivalent of: > export ...
Michael La Voie's user avatar