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Using gMSA account for SQL Server JDBC connection

Is it possible to use gMSA account for SQL Server JDBC connection in my own java application? If possible please anyone can help me though the steps? I am trying to start my java application on ...
Anna's user avatar
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How to Negotiate authentication with gMSA account in ASP.NET Core app running on Kestrel

I have an ASP.NET Core Web API that runs as a Windows service under gMSA (group Managed Service Account) in test on-prem AD environment using a Kestrel web server. App uses Negotiate authentication (...
ispa's user avatar
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Connect SQL Without Using NTLM

Trying to connect to SQL Server without using NTLM. The instance services are using a gMSA account. $instance = "SERVER.DOMAIN.LOCAL\INSTANCE" $database = "DATABASE" $...
Lord Helmet's user avatar
2 votes
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How to connect to LDAP using gMSA in C#

I want to bind to to a Directory Object on Active Directory using gMSA in a C# service. What I am aware (... and able to do ): If the C# service is running in the context of the gMSA, then following ...
theimpatientcoder's user avatar
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Can a group Managed Service Account be leveraged in a C# to make a call to an HTTP client?

We are trying to leverage a gMSA that's been setup on the two servers that talk to each other. One is the web server from which the request is made, wherein we outline the C# code below, and the ...
cyimxtck's user avatar
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Kerberos Keytab: Getting error while creating keytab for MSA on Active Directory

I am trying to create a keytab for MSA on active directory using the ktpass command on my AD Domain Controller. The command I am using is: ktpass /princ ldap/[email protected] /mapuser TEST\...
theimpatientcoder's user avatar
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How to set gMSA account in physical path credentials property for web application

I have web application running successfully in different environments. Currently I am using the same service account for both application pool and 'Physical Path Credentials' of the web application. ...
Vivek Arkalgud's user avatar
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How can i get a .NET 8 minimal API in a Windows container within Docker Desktop working with gMSA?

Our organization is new to the container game (I know, I know) and we are heavily invested in the Microsoft ecosystem. We use Active Directory and not Azure Active Directory. We are tasked with ...
deadheaddeveloper's user avatar
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Using multiple gMSA accounts for SQL Server authentication in .NET

I'm working on a project where I have a number of SQL Servers (think lab, acceptance, prod), and a number of databases running on each of them. My application will execute migrations on those ...
wheelbarrow's user avatar
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How do I access on-prem sql server from Azure Logic App (using on-prem data gateway) and a Gmsa?

I have an Azure "On-premise data gateway" setup and configured to log-on with a Gmsa. I have a Logic App setup with a SQL "get row" connector as follows: I want to get the SQL ...
Rod's user avatar
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How am I receiving "Test failed for managed service account..." when my current user is in PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword?

I have created a Group Managed Service Account in an AWS Managed Active Directory. I am currently logged in on an EC2 instance as a the Admin user. When I run Get-AdServiceAccount -Identity GMSA_NAME ...
JoffLobster's user avatar
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Can’t connect to SQL using kerberos cache

I have Debian instance with ODBC Driver 18, and I'm trying to connect to windows-based SQL instance. For this I get credential cache using credentials fetcher. klist shows that cache is present on my ...
Re1ter's user avatar
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How do I add a group Managed Service Account to a newly created domain, add to security group, and assign the account to that group of computers?

With a newly create domain, the SQL Servers require a group Managed Service Account (gMSA) to run their services. What are steps from assigning a Kerberos capability to the gMSA through creating the ...
Jamie's user avatar
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gMSA scheduled task cannot connect to S3 host

I've created a powershell script that collates specific files from all servers in a domain to a central management server, and then compresses and uploads to our cloud service providers S3 bucket (not ...
Ian's user avatar
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Getting CORS denied GMSA for MSSQL in appconfig.json of Angular + .Net project

We have hosted a few Angular and .Net Services. In the same server, we have MSSQl configured. When all the service's app pools in IIS, MSSQL Services etc were assigned to the my id, appication was ...
Haris's user avatar
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Use gMSA for Hashicorp Vault mssql credential rotation

I want to start using Vault to rotate credentials for mssql databases, and I need to be able to use a gMSA in my mssql connection string. My organization currently only uses Windows servers and will ...
Max B's user avatar
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AAD connect provisioning credentials

How can I find the credentials for this? Please see image below.
jasmer's user avatar
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Creating a service with a gMSA account using New-Service

Is it possible to use the New-Service command to create a service using a gMSA account? I tried creating the credentials with a blank password but it fails because ConvertTo-SecureString expects the ...
Max Young's user avatar
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How to debug a Visual Studio 2022 console application running as a service using a gMSA

I am building a .NET 6 application in C# using Visual Studio 2022. The application has a worker service that runs a console application. A Group Managed Service Account (gMSA) has been created for me ...
joeschwa's user avatar
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How to make Kubernetes container/pod running as GMSA account work with SQL Server FILESTREAM table

We have the following setup in our infrastructure: ASP.NET Core service running in a Windows container/pod running in Kubernetes on a domain-joined Windows host (we have tested with both nano and ...
Himanshu Swami's user avatar
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How to start process as gmsa account?

I collected bits and pieces of code about gMSA accout password. There are few articles mentioning how to get password but none of articles verifies fetched password. I created new GMSA account and ...
zdenko.s's user avatar
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Start Process within Windows Container as a domain user

I have a Windows 2019 container started with a valid CredentialSpec from a valid working gMSA account. It currently hosts a .NET 4.x application on IIS with Windows Authentication working just great. ...
Antebios's user avatar
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Trouble using gMSA on IIS pool identity

Done various searches and I believe I have everything right, but things still aren't working correctly. I've installed the gMSA and get a true when running Test-ADServiceAccount. I've added the ...
Dagnis's user avatar
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Execute commands using gMSA account

I need to fetch the VM details using gMSA account $Username = 'domain\gMSA-Auto$' Connect-VIServer -server -User $Username Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore -...
Empty Coder's user avatar
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Start PowerShell As A Group Managed Service Account

How do I start PowerShell with a gMSA account. I right click on the PowerShell icon, run as different user, then input domain\msa$ with no password. It errors out about credentials being incorrect. I'...
Crust3's user avatar
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Connecting to SQL Server with Integrated Security within Windows container

I am working on being able to connect services hosted within a Windows container to SQL Server using Integrated Security. As per the Microsoft documentation, I have created a grouped managed service ...
Prtpl's user avatar
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Classic ASP/MSSQL Authentication Issue using CredSpec

I'm currently trying to make some improvements to some old (and soon to be phased out) infrastructure in preperation for a move to .NET core. We have a small feedback form which writes into a SQL ...
jimbo8098's user avatar
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Deploy gMSA account as task scheduler user account

I am trying to create a task on windows 2016 server, and need to deploy gMSA account as the log on account and below is the script i am using, i need to ensure that the option- "Run whether user ...
Avinash Mvrick's user avatar
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PowerShell script using gMSA and Get-ADGroupMember

We have a PowerShell script that will enumerate the members of a specified AD group and then will create a text file with login ID and Name. The script will when create an email to Managers informing ...
Star Gryphon's user avatar
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Issue getting credential spec (gMSA) working in docker-compose

I have a gMSA credential spec working with docker run but not with docker-compose. Details for the compose file and the docker run command are below. I'm completely lost as to what I'm missing. I did ...
Daniel W's user avatar
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Create gMSA with managed AD on google cloud

For a POC for using AD on the google cloud with kuberenetes, I created a managed active directory, as is described in this link. To add a gMSA account for the AD, I looked at this documentation. It ...
john goodheart's user avatar
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Running aspnet core in docker with sql server integrate security

I'm working on getting an aspnet core app running in docker using gMSA. I've created a security group, created a gMSA, and created a credentials spec file using this article -
mccow002's user avatar
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Can we Impersonate gMSA account in Delphi?

I need to use gMSA account to connect SQL Server from my delphi application. So, can I use delphi's LogonUser() to get handle to impersonate this gMSA account? If yes, what password I need to supply ...
D. Venkata Naresh's user avatar
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Can gMSA be used between trusted domains?

Can gMSA accounts be used across two trusted domains? Say there is a DomainA which has gMSA account, and security group that is allowed to retrieve password for the gMSA account. And there is a server ...
Stanislaw Wozniak's user avatar
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Use gMSA account in TFS pipeline

Can we use gMSA account in TFS Release pipeline? I am trying to use gMSA account for 'Windows Machine File Copy' task but since I don't have the password for gMSA account, I specify an empty string. ...
kapd's user avatar
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Make a call with a gMSA account

My system administrator made a gMSA for me to use with my work with containers. I am able to do the simple things with it (like test that it is working correctly). But I cannot figure out how to ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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Robocopy, ScheduledTask and gMSA

Using a powershell script with robocopy launch by gMSA is not working ... I write a little script to copy 2 directories in powershell with robocopy and it works. I use it with the task sheduler, with ...
Yann F.'s user avatar
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How to create GMSA account via C#

I have tried to look for the c# code example to see how the AD service account is created but not much luck. Anyone can provide an example code for creating AD service account please? I have tried ...
Jawad's user avatar
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Access Azure Files with GMSA Account

I want to have Microsoft SQL Server Agent Jobs run under a GMSA account, but they need to have access to an Azure Files container in an Azure Storage account. Everything I've found so far points to ...
RWGodfrey's user avatar
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Check group membership of group managed service account (gMSA)?

I have an IIS application running a .Net app as a gMSA that needs to perform an action on a remote .Net Web API using Windows authentication. The gMSA is also a member of a special group that should ...
Gabe's user avatar
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Where is the MSA operational log?

I have created a gMSA like this: New-ADServiceAccount -name Cust00000 -DNSHostName -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "IIS_IUSRS" -ManagedPasswordIntervalInDays 60 And ...
sirdank's user avatar
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Run AspNet Core app in docker using GMSA

I'm trying to use GMSA for SQL connection from AspNet core application. All the prep steps are done, but it appears it does not work. I guess the reason is that the application is started with "dotnet....
Sunny Milenov's user avatar