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If I forward declare a function template, may I put the definition after the calling site and not explicit instantiate it at all?

In a header file of a large project, I have to forward declare a function template before the calling site. The code boils down to this: //H1.h #pragma once template <typename> void f(); ...
zwhconst's user avatar
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Non type template parameter in msvc does not compile

I studied about non-type template parameter and came to know that they must be compile time constant. Then I created the below given program that compiles with gcc as well as clang but fails to ...
Vlad from Moscow's user avatar
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operator== compiles with msvc but not with gcc and clang

I am learning C++ using the books listed here. Now, to further check that I've understood the concepts I'm also writing simple sample programs. One such program that compiles with msvc but does not ...
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Function template argument deduction works in gcc but not in msvc and clang

I am learning C++ templates using the resource listed here. In particular, read about template argument deduction. Now, after reading, to further clear up my concept of the topic I tried the following ...
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MSVC not able to disambiguate between function templates when one of them contains a pack

Recently I reported a msvc bug involving a function parameter pack. Also as it turns out here that msvc is actually standard compliant there. Then when I modified the example to what is shown below I ...
user12002570's user avatar
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MSVC vs Clang/GCC bug during overload resolution of function templates one of which contains a parameter pack

I was using parameter pack when I noticed that one such case(shown below) compiles fine in gcc and clang but not in msvc: template<class T> void func(T a, T b= T{}) { } template<class T, ...
user12002570's user avatar
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3 answers

Are explicit template instantiation definition for a function template allowed in header files

I was reading about explicit template instantiation when i came across the following answer: Assuming by "explicit template instantiation" you mean something like template class Foo<...
user12002570's user avatar
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Moving the function templates definition to different translation unit resolves the ambiguity error

I was using function templates when I noticed that moving the definition of one of the function template to a different translation unit resolves the ambiguous error. Below are the two examples that ...
user12002570's user avatar
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GCC & Clang vs MSVC Bug while expanding template parameter pack in the same parameter clause for function templates

I came across the following statement in the standard: If a template-parameter is a type-parameter with an ellipsis prior to its optional identifier or is a parameter-declaration that declares a pack ...
user12002570's user avatar
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Does "used as non-type template parameter" make a function template implicitly instantiated?

I want to write a class template M that accepts incomplete type C as template parameter. But I also want C has some traits when it is eventually defined. Is this code guaranteed to compile if defined(...
zwhconst's user avatar
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C++ template function, counting all template class specializations exactly before its point of instantiation

Suppose, we have template <int> struct Node; It is required to get "reusable" compile-time function, which counts all Node specializations, defined exactly before every call of that ...
dns.ka's user avatar
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C++ constexpr function template compiles with non-literal and non-aggregate types. Is this a bug with gcc? [duplicate]

Consider the following code: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> struct NonAggregate { // Non-aggregate due to user defined constructor // It is also not constexpr explicit ...
silversteel's user avatar
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is it legal for an auto variable in a function to represent a different type in different invocations?

Consider the following function: using iteratorPair = std::pair<std::set<Record>::const_iterator, std::set<Record>::const_iterator>; using iteratorList = std::vector<iteratorPair&...
Nicolas Holthaus's user avatar
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How to understand the rules of partial ordering about T& and T const&

template <typename T> void show(T&); // #1 template <typename T> void show(T const&); // #2 int main() { int a = 0; show(a); // #1 to be called } I'm ...
xmh0511's user avatar
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How strictly function template explicit instantiation rules are defined?

Note: this question is about explicit instantiation, not explicit specialization. Please take a look at the following example: template <bool A, typename X> void f (X &x) {} // 1 template &...
Predelnik's user avatar
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Is deduction of multiple template arguments in an explicit specialization of a function template allowed?

The following quote from [temp.expl.spec.11]: A trailing template-argument can be left unspecified in the template-id naming an explicit function template specialization provided it can be deduced ...
Daniel Langr's user avatar
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template overloading results in linker error / strange behaviour

with the following minimal example i get a linker error on my local system in visual studio 15.8.7 (standard console app with standard settings (just removed precompiled headers)): "Error LNK1179 ...
phön's user avatar
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How does C++1z standard define the correct location of attributes in a template function declaration?

I noticed that the section 18.8/1 in C++11 and C++14 standards contained the following declaration in the <exception> header synopsis: [[noreturn]] template <class T> void ...
VZ.'s user avatar
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Inconsistency in function type decay between variadic/non-variadic templates?

Given a non-variadic function template: template<class T> void f(void(t)(T)); And some plain functions: void f1(int); void f2(char); This works: f(f1); The type of t becomes void (*)(int). ...
Jamboree's user avatar
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constexpr static template function: g++ error is a warning on clang

Consider the following snippet: #include <iostream> template <int I> constexpr int f() { return I * f<I-1>(); } template<> constexpr int f<0>() { return 1; } int main ...
fedino's user avatar
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15 votes
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Why default argument can't be added later in template functions?

C++ standard section says that For non-template functions, default arguments can be added in later declarations of a function in the same scope. [...] But my question is that why it isn'...
Destructor's user avatar
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Compilation issue with instantiating function template

Consider the following code: #include <iostream> struct S { void f(const char* s) { std::cout << s << '\n'; } }; template <typename... Args, void(S::*mem_fn)(Args...)&...
Lingxi's user avatar
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Perfect forwarder in Herb Sutter's C++Con 2014 talk

In Herb Sutter's talk at C++Con 2014, among other things he discusses passing by value, by reference, and so forth. One technique he presents in this albeit contrived example is: using namespace std; ...
user1997744's user avatar
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Specialization of template function after point of use will break the compilation

Consider next example : #include <iostream> template< int a > void foo(); int main(int argn, char* argv[]) { foo<1>(); } template<> void foo<1>() { std::cout&...
BЈовић's user avatar
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